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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Who TF is 'Corbin' anyway?? ;) :D

Getting back to the correctly reviled, widely hated and uttterly disgraced Johnson :mad: :mad:, naming him 'Boris' :rolleyes: should be permanently banned !!!! :thumbsdown: :facepalm:
Maybe we could have an exemption if its used as an acronym, since I'm sure many appropriate words start with initials featured in BORIS. Risible, incompetent, scum are just a few of the available choices.
Didn’t the cunt rejoin / join the army for a few months in WW1 in some pointless grace and favour role to show how dedicated he was ?
I read an account of that when it seemed that he was thoroughly enjoying being in a trench under fire as it was so exciting.

Churchill paid people a basic piece rate to write articles for him that he then sold on to the press at a huge profit.

Insider dealing was rife amongst the people with access to that kind of thing, churchill no exception.

Churchill prided himself in never paying a bill on time, his tailors, cobblers and domestic suppliers all had to suck this up.
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Johnson was seen on the News yesterday in front of an Artists easel with a paint brush. Even by his low standards this is another blatant publicity shot. Its worse than when he put an England football top on over the top of his suit. He now portrays ( pun intended ) himself an Artist. He needs to start by cutting both his ears off like the Dutch painter, to symbolise his listening qualities.
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