Ted Striker
Foot's on the other hand
He wanted brexit
This, I think that's fairly unambiguous., I'd even be generous and say it was for less mendacious means than most of the Ress Moggs that want to tear up standards/rules/rights for commercial opportunities.
I read him as slightly - if honestly - psychopathic in being bold around "fuck the means, I've got an end to get to". But was telling when called out on the pretence of associating honesty to the (albeit damaging) rationality, when put on the spot about Turkeys EU progress. I think that busted his flush, and any attempts to be seen as some sort of 'sage of our times', will realistically be associated with that of a liar (and quite facepalmy, a liar in denial), just like there rest of 'em.
I generally think he's nailed the zeitgeist of a hyper-shifted news cycle speed (so nothing matters/sticks), along with assured confident delivery - I don't think he's quite as smart as he thinks he is, and frankly any event that knocks him down a peg or two, is good in my eyes. And you can tell when he's rattled, which is always refreshing to see