No, I'm not clever enough.
I'll hazzard a guess, mind. Some posters who lack imagination and may well be as dim as I am have suggested over the years that because I don't parrot the confrontation stance, because I don't do violence, or wave flags, or do nationalism that I might be a tory.
I am not, nor ever have been a tory. I do not vote for them and I cannot think of a single decent tory politician, off the top of my head.
That said; stupid as I am; I like to get on with people and I take them as I find them. If they are tory; so be it. Of course one or two people I know vote tory. You're allowed do that kind of thing in a democracy, unpleasant electoral choice as it might be.
I also have mates who vote Sinn Fein - I wouldn't vote for that party, either.