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Pics from your State Sanctioned Exercise.

How far are ye officially allowed to travel for walks and exercise?
We can now travel up to 5km from home for exercise. Further travel distance is allowed for shopping but thats based on rural distances to local town, not someone in Brixton deciding to shop in Watford or Brighton.
I'm not sure. I think we were originally allowed to drive to undertake our daily exercise so long as the exercise took up more time than the drive. Now, I think it's supposedly unlimited so long as we don't drive into Wales (or possibly Scotland?) I'm unlikely to drive that far, being in the south east of England, so I hadn't really taken notice of the full rules.
I'm also finding it hard to stay motivated, even if I know that getting out into the fresh air will make me feel better. As someone who has pretensions at being a street photographer and who has been hanging round this area for years before lockdown, I just don't see anything worth looking at any more - it just all blurs into an overfamiliar whole.

I've been trying to take something from Daido Moriyama's "stray dog photography" philosophy, just randomly wandering and randomly taking pictures (which is why I set my app to random). Except that I suspect this was a philosophy he simply invented to describe him wandering round Tokyo for decades and taking pictures of absolute bullshit, when journalists asked him about it.
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'Interesting' fact, I went to the demolition of the 3 Council blocks that used to stand there, so did Top Gear , who placed a Toyota Pick up Truck on the top of one of the blocks, it survived the demolition and the engine still started.
Me too! I lived on Downs Park road at the time.
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