You have to be optimistic and take the view that youre on the right side, and good will ultimately triumph over evil in the end . Helps sometimes if you're a catholic...blind faith can sustain people
What that march did show was that a lot of people actually cared, that human nature isn't all that bad. And that's a basis for optimism . If there's a will there can well be a way . It's finding that way which is the bugger .
Personally I don't think it will be found in the usual left miasma , or even the labour party . Both have passed their sell by date I reckon . Other avenues need exploring . There needs to be day to day fights and small day to day victories, within communities , both urban and rural . Bus services, youth clubs, crèches...all that stuff . Go to people you've never gone to before, get out of the bubble .
Make the fight a cultural thing . The SNP won by taking the position they were fighting for Scotland's soul...that neo liberalism was a form of savagery the Scottish people found culturally anathema . They didn't need to go far left .
In England there's a patriotic notion concerning the " English sense of fair play" . What's happening s deeply unfair , and that can be spun as unpatriotic as well as morally wrong . That it's alien to what England traditionally stands for ...even if thats a load of bollocks its still worth using . It needs to be made a morally repugnant position within communities . Who also need to be empowered to fight it . To be given confidence, which breeds more confidence .
Hope leads to faith and with faith you can move mountains .