thats a big leap in steps1-7
Let me just advance a few serious (seriously) points here, then I'll leave you to mourn in peace.
1. Expressing grief over the death of a celebrity unknown to you is insincere.
2. Feeling grief over the death of a celebrity unknown to you is crazy.
3. Those who claim to feel, or who actually feel, grief over the death of a celebrity unknown to them are frequently the most lacking in affect towards the flesh-and-blood human beings they actually do know.
4. The emotions some people now experience, or claim to experience, or believe that they experience, with regard to celebrities is somehow crowding out, distorting and even destroying the emotions they feel about real-life people.
5. This all started with the death of Diana, when for weeks it was practically illegal to express anything othr than profound grief and sorrow.
6. I call this "emotional totalitarianism."
7. Emotional totalitarianism bespeaks the death of the human soul.
The true tragedy of this is that under the policy for drug users in the sixties she would have had a diamorphine script and may well have raised her children and gone on to live to a ripe old age whilst still using.But oh no they stopped it and made people go to that black-market resulting in deaths and misery all around.
More so if someone off urban got sent down for it!
Bunned to death?to be fair, you'd get away with it because there are literally thousands of us and we've all got a motive.
to be fair, you'd get away with it because there are literally thousands of us and we've all got a motive.
If you find yourself becoming emtionally involved with the celebrities you see in the media, you are in serious trouble. You are being exploited by enormous, powerful and intelligent forces that will quite happily suck all of your genuine, personal emotion away, returning it to you in a dehumanized, commodified form that will render you incapable of forming any emotional attachment to a real human being.
(Although I dont' entirely disagree with your points I quoted... Actually just the Dianna one really.)
If we'd had internet back then like we do now, they'd have started within minutes.i remember the sick jokes doing the rounds at least a week after the event
Younger readers may find this hard to believe, but for months after the crash it was impossible to express anything other than grief--indifference would literally have been fighting talk.
If we'd had internet back then like we do now, they'd have started within minutes.
Whilst I share some of Phil's analysis of sleb commodification, you make a very good point. If Phil were genuinely immune to the "powerful and intelligent forces" of sleb media, why would he start a thread on Peaches' supposed drug habit by articulating fear for her well-being. Appears to be some contradiction in his position.
What if the emotional is sexual? Like when i look at Kelly Brook. Can i be human then?
The mainstream media acted as if the whole country were in mourning. Very different. Same thing happened with the Queen Mother, and no doubt will happen with the Queen.
Rubbish.And your disjunction between the media and the public is exactly my point--the media told people how to feel (ordered them really), and even those who did not feel that way were compelled to pretend that they did, or at least to keep quiet..
Nobody was compelled to keep quiet. Souljacker wasn't. I wasn't. We did not have access to the media, which studiously ignored such sentiments, that's all.
btw, I don't think your use of Northwest vernacular is strictly accurate.
I never claimed to be immune. How could anyone be immune? But at least I can perceive the situation for what it is.
This is the situation: unimaginably powerful forces are trying to eliminate authentic subjectivity and replaced it by a reified parody of the human self. They foster our obssession with celebrity in furtherance of this end.
As I say, no-one can avoid this process entirely. But the possibility of resistance can only spring from knowledge of what is happening--knowledge that most people are evidently far from possessing.
"But then again is the hypocritical pretence of personal sympathy for the tribulations of celebrities really all that better..."
Nobody was compelled to keep quiet. Souljacker wasn't. I wasn't. We did not have access to the media, which studiously ignored such sentiments, that's all.
btw, I don't think your use of Northwest vernacular is strictly accurate.
you do leave yourself open to accusations of trolling.
Mithering?<snip>But I haven't used any Northwest vernacular. Northwest where?
phildwyer said:That's Welsh that is. Lots of supposedly English words have Welsh origins, such as coom and penguin.
moedrodd is the welsh version.