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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes

more 'free your mind and your ass will follow'.
I wish: this is pure smuggling in of Ickean tropes:

We now must live in reality, inner and outer. Consciousness itself must change. My optimism comes entirely from the knowledge that this total social shift is actually the shared responsibility of six billion individuals who ultimately have the same interests. Self-preservation and the survival of the planet. This is a better idea than the sustenance of an elite. The Indian teacher Yogananda said: “It doesn’t matter if a cave has been in darkness for 10,000 years or half an hour, once you light a match it is illuminated.” Like a tanker way off course due to an imperceptible navigational error at the offset we need only alter our inner longitude.
There is no in-between. All are either saints or demons, all their works either gospel or blasphemy.

is there any need for this type of shit? sorry if i've got the wrong end of the stick but this sudden rise of conspiraloon bollocks cloaking itself in a revolutionary garb is something that i find deeply worrying, especially since the people who are promoting it have so much fucking money and will never have to be put in a position where they will have to deal with the results of it. and he's just been given a job in the news statesman - there are pages and page of threads on this site devoted to discussing how the likes of new statesman columnists and the social milieu they are from who use this as a platform to promote themselves and their careers end up fucking up everything and makeing themselves/the causes they're supposedly espousing look like clowns
Everyone else is shit and can't judge things apart from in black and white terms -where as you, like the leninist party see all. This was what you were suggesting - for a second time - yes corax?
in the mean time its fucking news night and the new statesman, does anyone actually watch or read that shit? apart from trots and poeople off here nobody on my facebook is mentioning it?
Everyone else is shit and can't judge things apart from in black and white terms -where as you, like the leninist party see all. This was what you were suggesting - for a second time - yes corax?
Bleedin nora - No. :facepalm:
is there any need for this type of shit? sorry if i've got the wrong end of the stick but this sudden rise of conspiraloon bollocks cloaking itself in a revolutionary garb is something that i find deeply worrying, especially since the people who are promoting it have so much fucking money and will never have to be put in a position where they will have to deal with the results of it. and he's just been given a job in the news statesman - there are pages and page of threads on this site devoted to discussing how the likes of new statesman columnists and the social milieu they are from who use this as a platform to promote themselves and their careers end up fucking up everything and makeing themselves/the causes they're supposedly espousing look like clowns
It was parody.

I clearly should have been less subtle.
We now must live in reality, inner and outer. Consciousness itself must change. My optimism comes entirely from the knowledge that this total social shift is actually the shared responsibility of six billion individuals who ultimately have the same interests. Self-preservation and the survival of the planet. This is a better idea than the sustenance of an elite. The Indian teacher Yogananda said: “It doesn’t matter if a cave has been in darkness for 10,000 years or half an hour, once you light a match it is illuminated.” Like a tanker way off course due to an imperceptible navigational error at the offset we need only alter our inner longitude.

Fuckin' nora. That's made me feel even more ill than I already am.
Fuckin' nora. That's made me feel even more ill than I already am.

this thread is like when someone posts some bollocks about "like this page and facebook will donate $1 to breast cancer sufferers" and you say no they wont and they have a go at you and say they were trying to raise awareness
this thread is like when someone posts some bollocks about "like this page and facebook will donate $1 to breast cancer sufferers" and you say no they wont and they have a go at you and say they were trying to raise awareness
It's got the same emotional blackmail as in that motorboating for cancer thread.
It wasn't Brand.

You really are a dishonest and unpleasant individual.
It was people who criticise brand. The same as your yesterday traitor endorsement. That everyone else is a thicko who can only see heroes and villains. Whereas you, you can see distances.
Try again.

Yes. I'm special. That's what I've said isn't it?

The irony of that, coming from you, is utterly staggering.
You've endorsed the idea that the left only want traitors whilst calling people traitors, then you later post a quote after criticism of Brand that mocks people who only see saints or sinners. Seems pretty clear.
Ok I'm opening myself to abuse saying this but ..., ( I don't believe anything really but like interesting shit)

The media said that 2012 was the end of the world according to the Mayans

I always thought it was the end of a certain kind of way of thinking , hopefully a shift in humanities future , although it's all bollox it's weird how things are changing
i'm gonna need this spelling out. i honestly can't see a lot wrong with that quote. i certainly don't see the spectre of icke in it.
The ickean prime motive is the idea of the shifting of consciousness, the coming out of the cave - but not through political struggle but through agreeing with what Icke says. Brand is a long time sympathiser and promoter of icke - the whole piece is drenched in this notion of coming to the light, coming out of the cave.
You've endorsed the idea that the left only want traitors whilst calling people traitors, then you later post a quote after criticism of Brand that suggests you think mock people who only see saints or sinners. Seems pretty clear.
That's neither what Brand's said, nor what I've 'endorsed', nor what I've said. And part of your post doesn't even make a blind bit of sense so I've no clue what it means. Other than that you're spot on.
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