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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes

That was politics from the heart not the head, just passion rather than intellect. And good for him, we could do with a bit more of it and sort out the details later.

Self serving bullshit artist. :D
Not a very good one for someone who gets jobs in Hollywood and US networks. Far better for a self serving opportunist in that position to keep thier mouth shut
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That was politics from the heart not the head, just passion rather than intellect. And good for him, we could do with a bit more of it and sort out the details later.
I think he could easily have talked about 'the working class', anarchism, capitalism etc if he wanted to but deliberately uses everyday language that won't alienate an average member of the public or fall back into over-used cliches. In this sense I think he is an excellent communicator very aware of how things will sound to a audience - the 'intellect' part is there if you read between the lines.
I think he could easily have talked about 'the working class', anarchism, capitalism etc if he wanted to but deliberately uses everyday language that won't alienate an average member of the public or fall back into over-used cliches. In this sense I think he is an excellent communicator very aware of how things will sound to a audience - the 'intellect' part is there if you read between the lines.

The word 'paradigm's every day language? I enjoyed the interview but he uses as much jargon as the next politico on the Urban 75 boards.
That was politics from the heart not the head, just passion rather than intellect. And good for him, we could do with a bit more of it and sort out the details later.

Not a very good one for someone who gets jobs in Hollywood and US networks. Far better for a self serving opportunist in that position to keep thier mouth shut
Aye, most people in his position are saying fuck all about fuck all, he's out there stirring shit up
and i applaud him for it. He may be a prat but he in an endearing prat and the more i see of
him the more i am warming to him.
really incredible sharp and speedy thinking - he's a got a manic brain, and its great he's putting it to good use. it was a barnstormer of a performance. and it came across as truly earnest.

The conspiracy-theory thing is there a bit under the surface though - although 'paradigm' is as valid word it is one conspiracy people use a lot. i wonder how much interaction he has with lefty types? I doubt he's got a very fixed idea about how to go about creating social change, and is happy to defer to others on that. I guess just playing with mainstream media is his skill and thats probably good enough for him.
a gay friend of mine approvingly posted this last week - looks like he's got his own talk show out in the states
interviewing "fag hating" westboro baptists

He's quite good when there are no women in the room for him to be creepy about
In this he still managed to hit on the New Statesman editor from a distance. I wonder what the intersectionists make of it!
Have I seen a different clip to everyone else? People are talking as if some great new political thought outclassed Paxman. All I saw was a millionaire actor spouting some wishy washy new age bollocks with a large smattering of terms straight from Icke. Paxman just looked and sounded bemused.

"Things are shit and need to change". Well, yeah, thanks for that Russell. Now what?
Have I seen a different clip to everyone else? People are talking as if some great new political thought outclassed Paxman. All I saw was a millionaire actor spouting some wishy washy new age bollocks with a large smattering of terms straight from Icke. Paxman just looked and sounded bemused.

"Things are shit and need to change". Well, yeah, thanks for that Russell. Now what?
:D I want someone to post a good Tankie-style takedown of brand's snivelling pseudo-revolutionary reformism (more taxation!) here as I'm not clever enough but could look that way c&p-ing it on other forums this is getting talked about.
Anyone managed to buy a printed copy of Brand's NS yet? Went down to Smiths earlier and they weren't in yet :confused:
"irritating posh cunt"

Furthermore the story about Brand refusing to work with the actress until she showed him her tits was pure fabrication - Billy Connolly was one of the players who was quoted as being disgusted, came out and said nothing happened at all.

After visiting the slums of Kibera, where a city built from mud and run on fear festers on the suburbs of Nairobi, I was sufficiently schooled by Live Aid and Michael Buerk to maintain an emotional distance. It was only when our crew visited a nearby rubbish dump that the comforting buoyancy of visual clichés rinsed away by the deluge of a previously inconceivable reality

A few weeks later I was in Paris at a Givenchy fashion show where the most exquisite garments cantered by on underfed, well-bred clothes horses. The spectacle was immaculate, smoke-filled bubbles burst on to the runway. To be here in this gleaming sophistication was heaven. Here starvation is a tool to achieve the perfect perpendicular pelvis.

The model of pre-Christian man has fulfilled its simian objectives. We have survived, we have created agriculture and cities. Now this version of man must be sacrificed that we can evolve beyond the reaches of the ape. These stories contain great clues to our survival when we release ourselves from literalism and superstition. What are ideologies other than a guide for life? Throughout paganism one finds stories that integrate our species with our environment to the benefit of both.

and so on and so forth
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