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Patrick Mercer to resign. By-Election incoming.


Hey, Dean Yager!

Although the Conservatives have a majority of 16,000 in the Nottinghamshire constituency, the seat would be a prime target for UKIP at a time when it is soaring in the polls, he added.

The UKIP leader Nigel Farage has told the BBC he would "seriously" consider standing as the party's candidate if there were to be a by-election after the date of the European Parliament elections on 22 May.

However, he said he would not stand if a by-election was held on the same day as the European elections.

Tory hold, reduced majority?
Excellent news - a well timed by-election given the state of UKIP in the polls. Should be entertaining to see how it pans out, and how nasty it will get given its just a year until the GE. :cool:
By-elections at the arse end of a parliament are always good fun. I look forward to some interesting negative campaigning. :)
This is how much he hates Cameron.

Is Mercer on the right wing of the party thus the hatred of Cameron? But I agree - he at least deserves the credit for resigning. Compare and contrast with Maria Miller's grudging non-apology after toughing it out for as long as she could.
It's out east, quite rural, not far from the UKIP heartlands of Lincolnshire. I think they could get momentum and bring in a a lot of canvassers. Media will play along with the circus for entertainment value.

I presume Farage is also defending his Euro seat. Could he justify two salaries?
Is Mercer on the right wing of the party thus the hatred of Cameron? But I agree - he at least deserves the credit for resigning. Compare and contrast with Maria Miller's grudging non-apology after toughing it out for as long as she could.

I'm thinking that what he deserves is at some remove from credit.
It's out east, quite rural, not far from the UKIP heartlands of Lincolnshire. I think they could get momentum and bring in a a lot of canvassers. Media will play along with the circus for entertainment value.

They've done quite well in that neck of the woods locally:-

All that Boris bollux....Staines has pointed out that here's the young fella who'll be playing the Maria (weeping) Hutchings role for the scum...


"Robert believes politicians can contribute most if they have experience of the world beyond politics. He’s had a successful career in business, latterly as International Managing Director of the global art business, Christie’s."

Useful experience, he'll easily understand the rest of us with that kind of experience at the coal face of the international global art business.
Re Robert Jenrick -- Christies eh? Notorious hotbed of ultra-posh boys/girls ..... in my (non political ;) ) experience ...
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