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Overnight Oats

Leaving aside the lack of need to soak oats overnight, whether consuming them raw or spoilt cooked, I wonder at all the people who know the night before what they fancy eating the next day. I've never been good at planning my appetite, though I appreciate more ordered and successful people have mastered the art.

It's just routine, I cannot be fucked messing around in morning so porridge set up ready for morning. Simple, cheap good to go.

Commute days I struggle cos I don't like eating at work and I know I'll be hungry by time I arrive anyway so it's usually a meal deal before I get to office. If they don't have my usual I struggle and panic
It's just routine, I cannot be fucked messing around in morning so porridge set up ready for morning. Simple, cheap good to go.

Commute days I struggle cos I don't like eating at work and I know I'll be hungry by time I arrive anyway so it's usually a meal deal before I get to office. If they don't have my usual I struggle and panic
I find it easier to just not have it, unless it’s the weekend. And then I usually forget anyway. :oops:
Went through a phase of these a few years ago but it only really works for me at the height of summer. On a typical damp drizzly Pennine morning I want something hot and savoury, not cold and congealed. Though I am remembering that I did have a really lush dried mango and coconut variation.
So what are overnight oats exactly? Is it just oats in water left in the fridge overnight? How much water?
So what are overnight oats exactly? Is it just oats in water left in the fridge overnight? How much water?
You can use water, but most people do it with milk (or non dairy substitute) and/or yoghurt. Proportions of each vary depending on what consistency you like.

Apart from that, yep, just mixed and left overnight, maybe with some mixed fruit, seeds, honey depending on what you fancy.
I am so going to try this - this thread has convinced me after meaning to try it for ages.

I almost always have granola for breakfast but I'm not convinced that ready-made granola is the healthiest of breakfasts if you eat it every day.

I always wake up starving and have to eat NOW. Occasionally I will make what I call freakporridge which is porridge with extra milk, yogurt, honey, raisins, chia seeds and sometimes banana on top. Overnight oats, especially with all the trimmings, sound like a good substitute.

I was going to go downstairs and do it right away then remembered we don't have any oats :facepalm:
Yeh I like to keep it very simple of a morning. Usually porridge or homemade granola, very occasionally toast. OO are a summer porridge now, in my mind, but without the 3 mins in the microwave.
So my verdict on the initial recipe on the thread is less than totally positive. The chia seeds, cacao powder and chock chips kinda ruin it for me, too bitty and too much sugary shit. Also being in the fridge overnight, whilst it does streamline breakfast, is a bit unnecessary if your yoggie and milk are cold already, and the oats arnt dreadful pony food.

Im sticking with my formula with spoonful of muesli and small amount of honey all self assembled and guzzled down in seconds
So my verdict on the initial recipe on the thread is less than totally positive. The chia seeds, cacao powder and chock chips kinda ruin it for me, too bitty and too much sugary shit. Also being in the fridge overnight, whilst it does streamline breakfast, is a bit unnecessary if your yoggie and milk are cold already, and the oats arnt dreadful pony food.

Im sticking with my formula with spoonful of muesli and small amount of honey all self assembled and guzzled down in seconds
Ah,I used golden linseeds not chia and cocoa powder not cacao. Well, leaving them overnight changes the consistency considerably.

You eat how you prefer 👍
My standard version is a couple of tabsps of frozen raspberries or cherries at the bottom of a plastic pot, about an inch of my home made muesli, couple of tabsps of Greek yoghurt, then quite a lot of oat milk. I usually add a drizzle of maple syrup but really you don't need it as the dried fruit in the muesli sweetens it overnight.

I wasn't convinced about the theory until I once put some leftover muesli in the fridge and tried it later and found it was delicious. baldrick is correct that soaking oats overnight is better for you.

The carrot cake one looks good, will have to try that. sojourner mixed spice is just the standard stuff sold as mixed spice for making cakes.
Hm, not convinced by the carrot cake recipe. The proportions seem all wrong. It makes enough for two, is very liquidy and not very sweet or flavourful. The theory is good though.
Anyone made savoury porridge? supposed to be nutritious and easy to make, Ive read about it but never seen it. Made with fish too...
Right, had my very first overnight oats this morning, very nice indeed! Summer porridge :cool:

I made this one (with Skyr and oat milk) and topped it with blueberries:

and whilst I wouldn't normally eat choccy for brekky, this was absolutely fucking gorgeous, so, overnight oats devotees, give me your fave recipes here (WITH PROPORTION/MEASUREMENTS), so I can start making more.
Just made this for tomorrow. Even before going in the fridge it was delicious 😋
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