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Overnight Oats

Do you insist on referring to all foods and meals as [other food/meal with at least one shared ingredient] or just those that you've decided you don't personally like or see the point of?
Dunno what you mean - just moaning about food fads as usual!
I usually do soya yoghurt, hazelnuts, walnuts, blueberries and physalis. Might start adding chia or flaxseeds as they're supposed superfoods.
I cheat and just chuck a bit of boiling water on the oats before adding yoghurt, saves having to soak them overnight.
I do this too. And you can add frozen berries. If you shove a plate on the top before you go for a shower, by the time you’re out, it’s all good :thumbs:

ETA flaxseeds and/or cacao nibs are a good topping.
Right. I always fancy different food in different seasons. I did ask for favourite recipes in the OP though, so unless you've got any, you could perhaps stop spaffing negativity all over the thread?
I’m just chatting and sharing my experiences like everyone else is :confused:
I wasn't a fan until I started adding whey protein. They just didn't keep me full, but think they are great as can make 3 days at once.

Currently oats, whey almond milk, chia seeds, flaxseed, frozen fruit and a drop of almond or vanilla essence.
I wasn't a fan until I started adding whey protein. They just didn't keep me full, but think they are great as can make 3 days at once.

Currently oats, whey almond milk, chia seeds, flaxseed, frozen fruit and a drop of almond or vanilla essence.
Yeh, I put Skyr in this first one for extra protein, but only a small amount. Will add more, and less milk, next time. Was very full after it, but hungry sooner than I thought I'd be.
You've dismissed them as a concept/food on several levels, when all I asked for was recipes.
sorry if it seems dismissive or negative. Just chatting in the only way I know how to.
All threads include this sort of thing, don’t they? I always expect mine to include more than just what is asked in the OP. It would be very boring if people just listed things instead of conversing
sorry if it seems dismissive or negative. Just chatting in the only way I know how to.
All threads include this sort of thing, don’t they? I always expect mine to include more than just what is asked in the OP. It would be very boring if people just listed things instead of conversing
It wouldn't be boring to me, it would be useful, and I wouldn't have to wade through, say, moany negative posts to find the info I actually really want.
I used to think I was weird for doing this but one day I found out it was completely normal.. Anyway half a banana chopped small, 4 or 5 brazil nuts chopped/sliced small, sultanas 1 handful, all into a bowl. Then add about twice as much (by volume not weight, sorry I do it by eye) on top of this, of oats. Enough milk to cover it all (cow is fine but coconut or almond are great/maybe better). Cover and leave, mix and enjoy. Your mouth will love you for the rest of your life. Maple syrup if you like it sweet.
With yogurt I like half an apple chopped small, 4 or 5 whole walnuts chopped, handful of sultanas (or raisins, same with the banana one there^ but sultanas are better), teaspoon of honey, about the same quantity as all that together, of oats (again by volume, sorry) then lots, several decent spoonfuls at least, of yogurt with as much fat as your health will allow. Mix, leave. Nice.
Leaving aside the lack of need to soak oats overnight, whether consuming them raw or spoilt cooked, I wonder at all the people who know the night before what they fancy eating the next day. I've never been good at planning my appetite, though I appreciate more ordered and successful people have mastered the art.
Leaving aside the lack of need to soak oats overnight, whether consuming them raw or spoilt cooked, I wonder at all the people who know the night before what they fancy eating the next day. I've never been good at planning my appetite, though I appreciate more ordered and successful people have mastered the art.
I have the same breakfast every day. Variation comes in for lunch and dinner, but first thing I just want the ease of having pretty much the same thing every day without having to think about it.

And I legitimately love oats, so it's not a difficult thing to do.
Leaving aside the lack of need to soak oats overnight, whether consuming them raw or spoilt cooked, I wonder at all the people who know the night before what they fancy eating the next day. I've never been good at planning my appetite, though I appreciate more ordered and successful people have mastered the art.
I have oats every morning, either porridge or OO if I'm not at home for breakfast.
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