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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

Have I got this arse about face, or does this seem to be rather of lot of drugs to get off with a caution; addiction issues or not..?

According to court documents, Mr Rausing was charged with possessing 0.2oz (5.63g) of crack cocaine, 0.1oz (2.9g) of heroin and almost 1.8oz (52g) of cocaine.


I guess having an old man who owns TetraPak (check your fridge and cupboards) helps...
I know someone who got off with 300 pills and a good few grams of coke - well he got a two year suspended sentence.
Odd one for sure.

I guess normally people with about 2oz of coke would be considered in possession with ‘intent to supply’, whereas with the pot of gold they sit on the ‘intent to supply’ side of things would be harder to imply/prove. :hmm:
Well a first offence by the sounds of it, probably knew not to say that it was to be shared. Feasible as a months supply I'd have guessed and likely no scales, baggies or other dealing paraphernalia around, so a caution sounds reasonable enough.
It's all relative.

With that amount of money at your disposal you're not going to buy 10 quid deals. He wasn't buying to supply, or sell either.

In terms of the less well off it's sort of equivalent to getting caught with a single gramme for personal use.

The environmental context is all relative also.

Good judgment IMO.
Of course there's one rule for the rich and another for the poor. What would be the point of being rich if you got treated the same as the lazy scum.
Of course there's one rule for the rich and another for the poor. What would be the point of being rich if you got treated the same as the lazy scum.

So, what do this couple actually do then? Workwise.

being a billionaire he could probably argue it was all for personal use though.


Possesion and dealing are different offences/jail terms aren't they???

So, if he proves it's personal (why couldn't he??!!) he gets a possesion offence.

Oh well...
A guy I'm working with has just has his family's emigration dreams smashed because his stepson accepted a caution a couple of years back for possession of one pill, and the Canadian authorities have said either leave him in the UK or don't bother with the application. I wonder if these two will have similar trouble moving around the world freely.
To be fair they are philanthropists who spend their time donating massive amounts of money to charitable causes...

I know, so does Bill Gates (for example) but he made his own money to give away in the first place. He's also pledged his $58 billion fortune to charity, rather than to his kids to go shoving up their noses.
I know, so does Bill Gates (for example) but he made his own money to give away in the first place. He's also pledged his $58 billion fortune to charity, rather than to his kids to go shoving up their noses.

It seems to me that plenty of people here put ridiculous amounts of money up their noses and would fiercely defend their right to do so.

Will Self does drugs on a plane or wherever and people generally think it's a laugh. If Will Self had tried to take drugs into the US embassy I imagine that some people here would have thought it hilarious.

So these people have a drugs problem? So what? Rich people, poor people and people in between get drugs problems, it's something that happens.

Personally I couldn't care less what drugs people do or don't take, it's how they live their lives that matters IMO.

These people obviously lead a very privileged life and do not have to commit serious crimes to fund their habit. They do not have to give millions away every year to charity but they do, so I respect them for that and I hope they can sort out their addiction problems.
Who cares....doubt he was going to deal, doubt he mugged some old lady (or ten) for his gear....think him and his missus are mad as march hares anyway...I love eccentric idiots like this:)
Odd one for sure.

I guess normally people with about 2oz of coke would be considered in possession with ‘intent to supply’, whereas with the pot of gold they sit on the ‘intent to supply’ side of things would be harder to imply/prove. :hmm:

Though with a harsh / letter-of-the-law police interview, offering any to friends on the free would be intent to supply n all...
So, what do this couple actually do then? Workwise.


Well, he looks like he'd happily work in a slaughterhouse (probably while wearing women's underwear), and she looks like she's a walking billboard for the problems brought on by ingesting too much tartrazine.
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