Tandoori: "Rachamim aid he is proud to be a 'facist'.": I suppose you happoened to miss the very recent thread (in honesty perhaps 3 months ago) in this very forum where I made the same exact statement and like you, was given an earful by others. I then challenged them to offer an actual definition of the ideology at its core essence and when some posters obliged all the voices shut up, QUICKLY. I invite you as well to actually research fascism to see what it is before running your mouth, or finger as the case maybe.
It has NOTHING to do with racism or prejudice of any kind, AT ALL. Stripped of the perversions offered by old Adolf (sic) it simply means "extreme patriotism." Most happen to find THAT to be an admirable attribute, not soemthing to denigrate and belittle.
Do your integrity a favour and look into the actual matter and then, while you are at it, please practice separating personalities from issues. Even if you find my views to be the most reprehensible on the planet I am at least as deserving of civility as any other poster. IF you are unable to act adult like, do the entire forum a favour and simply ignore me .
I do not understand at all your point to Canuck about "Were Nazis to practice policies undertaken by Israel, Kristallnacht would not have taken place." I do not see that you make a shred of sense with it.
More Irony courtesy of Tandoori: "The greatest danger to Jews today is Israel and its actions which seem to be fuled by the Jewish Lobby in the US.": Your phrasing is curiously similar to that employed by Neo-Nazis and stock racists. Is that your angle Tandoori? "Jewish Lobby?" There is a "PRO-ISRAEL LOBBY" in the US but Jewish and Israeli are not synonymous, save in the eys of racists. Case in point is AIPAC, the most often examined pro-Israeli Lobby organisation in the US.
As I often discuss in ME Forum, the pro-Israel Lobby and Israel have, often, diametrically opposed viewpoints. These organisations wish to steer Israeli policy in the direction they hope for, not the one intended by Israel. Simply review former PM Sharon's last State Visit to the US when he publicly lambasted AIPAC for tis selfish posturing which was harming Israeli objectives in a huge way.
As for Israel being a danger to Jews, that is the epitome of ignorance. Only Israel works to save Jews wherever and whenever they are in danger. The US? UK? Both sha% on Jews through and through all through their national histories. As for WWII when one or both of those nations could have singlehandedly avoided most Jewish casualties emanating from the Holocaust, they both chose to sit on their hands. Botaloads of Jews trying to land in the US, turned away and left to languish without supplies, at sea, and then finally to turn around and return to Europe where almost all died. The UK blockading the British Mandate? Sending ships back also? OR sometimes letting the passengers rot in concentration camps on Cyprus and elsewhere?
Israel alone is the guarantee of a hoe for the Jewish People. Its policies? Simply by existing it is in violation of the Qu'ran and Shari'a. Islamic theology holds that any centimeter of land EVER ruled by a Muslim must everafter be Islamic Land (they are not the fitst demographic to hold this attitude, Rome was famous for that arrogance). Ergo, Israel is not allowed to exist and should be destroyed at any cost.
People like you offer wholesale criticism and blanket indictments, consigning an entire nation to the shi#house because you do not bother to try and understand what is taking place. Tell us Tandoori, ever bother to read the HAMAS Charter? Do you know what the word "exterminate" means?
Tell us Tandoori, are you familiar with what a 120 mm shell can do? We had an elderly woman almost die this morning from peace loving Gazans launching one (well they have launched 160 shells over the last 7 days, but who is counting?).
Israeli policies? You do not know the first thing about Israel or its dangers and yet you feel knowledgeable enough to erase an entire nation. Bravo.