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Northern Independence Party

we've done this before but

Social geographer Danny Dorling did a very thorough study using a variety of sociocultural measures to decide where the line was
he concluded


by interesting coincidence this nearly matches the line where the glacier reached during the last ice age

another map with that north south roughly wash to the humber dividing line, based on geology
im not actually sure what it denotes - that purple line is "Late Triassic - Wikipedia" but that doesnt mean much to me

Look at the lyrics man. Jesus christ. Tedious doggrel. Like some shit poem some cunt might send to their local paper.

Friendship, humour, pies and cakes. Rugby League, mountains, lakes.
Beatles, Brontës, dry stone wall. Back-to-back and Union Hall.
Guts, pride, pluck, spine. Bus-stop queue and picket line.
Brendan Foster, Maxine Peake. The jokes we tell, the way we speak.
Mersey, Humber, Tyne and Tees. Whitby Harbour, Irish Sea.
Kinder Scout, Lister Mill, Skipton Castle, Pendle Hill.
Blackpool Tower, Pennine Way, Sca Fell Pike, Whitley Bay.
Albert Dock, Ilkley Moor, Malham Cove, Wigan Pier.

We journeyed from the Rocket to the Bluebird
Right around the earth
A compass for a heart
The needle points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
History’s needle points to north
That middle bit's alright.

Mersey, Humber, Tyne and Tees. Whitby Harbour, Irish Sea.
Kinder Scout, Lister Mill, Skipton Castle, Pendle Hill.
Blackpool Tower, Pennine Way, Sca Fell Pike, Whitley Bay.
Albert Dock, Ilkley Moor, Malham Cove, Wigan Pier...
Are all in the north.
Look at the lyrics man. Jesus christ. Tedious doggrel. Like some shit poem some cunt might send to their local paper.

Friendship, humour, pies and cakes. Rugby League, mountains, lakes.
Beatles, Brontës, dry stone wall. Back-to-back and Union Hall.
Guts, pride, pluck, spine. Bus-stop queue and picket line.
Brendan Foster, Maxine Peake. The jokes we tell, the way we speak.
Mersey, Humber, Tyne and Tees. Whitby Harbour, Irish Sea.
Kinder Scout, Lister Mill, Skipton Castle, Pendle Hill.
Blackpool Tower, Pennine Way, Sca Fell Pike, Whitley Bay.
Albert Dock, Ilkley Moor, Malham Cove, Wigan Pier.

We journeyed from the Rocket to the Bluebird
Right around the earth
A compass for a heart
The needle points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
History’s needle points to north
Look at the lyrics man. Jesus christ. Tedious doggrel. Like some shit poem some cunt might send to their local paper.

Friendship, humour, pies and cakes. Rugby League, mountains, lakes.
Beatles, Brontës, dry stone wall. Back-to-back and Union Hall.
Guts, pride, pluck, spine. Bus-stop queue and picket line.
Brendan Foster, Maxine Peake. The jokes we tell, the way we speak.
Mersey, Humber, Tyne and Tees. Whitby Harbour, Irish Sea.
Kinder Scout, Lister Mill, Skipton Castle, Pendle Hill.
Blackpool Tower, Pennine Way, Sca Fell Pike, Whitley Bay.
Albert Dock, Ilkley Moor, Malham Cove, Wigan Pier.

We journeyed from the Rocket to the Bluebird
Right around the earth
A compass for a heart
The needle points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
Points to north (True north)
History’s needle points to north

Some lyrics might need some tweaking but I think it does capture a lot of northern identity. I and the handful of people I sent it to (all Geordies) enjoyed it and I'm sure others will too.
Sure shit like this is popular, that's why awful poems about how life was better before smartphones and casual sex get shared hundreds of thousands of times on facebook. It's terrible art though, really bad. Embarassing.
Sure shit like this is popular, that's why awful poems about how life was better before smartphones and casual sex get shared hundreds of thousands of times on facebook. It's terrible art though, really bad. Embarassing.

Fair enough.

You are right, but I generally hold national anthems to a lower standard than other art forms.

I generally have a soft spot for Northern kitsch due to being away for most of my 20s.
Ah - it make me pretty cross, because it always seems to boil down to the same really small number of hackneyed cliches - the industrial revolution and The Hacienda for the most part. So dull. Talk about something else ffs.
Whether they stand a candidate depends on whether their registration as a political party goes through in time. If it does they will, and I personally think they'll do well but are unlikely to win.
The industrial revolution stuff still feels relevant to me, because deprived areas in the North generally suffered from deindustrialisation. Going round somewhere like Sunderland, which is really grim these days but was formerly a boom town when my grandparents were my age, it is hard not to feel a sense of loss over the ship building industry. And I've always found it sad to learn that so much technology of world historical importance was from up here but then the communities who built it have in many cases been thrown on the scrapheap once they outlived their usefulness.

I was born after the miner's strike but I always heard stories about it, and it is something emotive to me. It isn't just the historical story which is emotive to me, but it still feels like an aspect of my living struggles as the high unemployment rate at home necessitated me moving away to find work, and getting caught in exploitative rent arrangements as a result. So I often feel angry about having to move away for work, and this ties into a general anger about the injustice of deindustrialisation and how the miners were treated etc.

That's why the stuff about the industrial revolution feels powerful and relevant to me, and I don't find it be a hackneyed cliche at all. That's probably why I enjoyed it more than you, the industrial heritage stuff really works on me.
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Their proposed anthem has me sold.

Certainly beats God Save the fucking Queen.

That's Boff from Chumbawamba waving his hands at the front. The choir do a bit around Leeds. 8 mins though, bloody hell, they do go on about how good it is up here those northerners.
Some lyrics might need some tweaking but I think it does capture a lot of northern identity. I and the handful of people I sent it to (all Geordies) enjoyed it and I'm sure others will too.
yeah buts isnt that a very essentialist view of northern identity? what if you're northern and that isn't you.
This is the problem with regional identity politics - it carves in stone tropes about a region...a couple more steps down the line and its verging on blood and soil territory.
dont know, im alergic to this kind of thing, maybe because im a rootless cosmopolitan. Of course there's room for local pride and history, but once its inscribed in the national anthem I think that's a step too far.

Pies are good, pies are good, he's eberpiesare goode

*im not that against it tbh, im just making a point really
yeah buts isnt that a very essentialist view of northern identity? what if you're northern and that isn't you.
This is the problem with regional identity politics - it carves in stone tropes about a region...a couple more steps down the line and its verging on blood and soil territory.
dont know, im alergic to this kind of thing, maybe because im a rootless cosmopolitan. Of course there's room for local pride and history, but once its inscribed in the national anthem I think that's a step too far.

Pies are good, pies are good, he's eberpiesare goode

*im not that against it tbh, im just making a point really
With 35% of constituencies in the North being Tory held, there must be many Northerners who find it problematic to buy into an identity cast in labour solidarity.
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