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Northern Independence Party

I vaguely know a couple of people who have gone in with the breakthrough party. not sure there's much substance to it, and some of their stuff seems to be about blaming everybody over 30-ish for the current state of everything...
Well I'm 41 and blame everybody older than me for the state of the world so I can see where they're coming from ;)
There could be more successful smaller parties if they agree to fractionally share an MP. Someone could make an app to show people when the MP is acting for their niche party.
Nice lot , well intentioned but no real focus on local community activity within working class communities. Might be harsh but it’s like build the correct manifesto and they will come . Wish them well anyway.
I feel like they became a twitter-thing-of-the-month a bit too quickly, then crashed and burned after Hartlepool but I still think that an actively campaigning left wing northern voice has to be a good thing, especially if they can crack some inclusion as talking heads in the media. Think you are being a bit harsh - a few months old, and they felt the need to establish what they were about first of all, in the middle of a by-election - not really surprised thinking about the manifesto became an obsession above other things. Dunno if their moment has passed now though.
(Philip Proudfoot is (was?) the leader of the Northern Independence Party. The mustard and ketchup squares are the party colours)
Looks like the NIP is spending the election handing out recommendations rather than putting their money where their mouth is and fielding any candidates.

I'm afraid the North of England is going to remain ruled by London, with this kind of attitude.

Looks like the NIP is spending the election handing out recommendations rather than putting their money where their mouth is and fielding any candidates.

I'm afraid the North of England is going to remain ruled by London, with this kind of attitude.

I'm really not sure what happened with the NIP. It all went quiet for a while and and then I noticed that founder / leader / libel winner Phillip Proudfoot had left and joined the Green Party.
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