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Northern Independence Party

Also needs a much better flag, surely a design competition would be the answer?
The "interim leader" of this is interviewed in the latest episode of the Hiraeth Welsh politics podcast, alongside someone from Meybyon Kernow. Available Here. I haven't had chance to listen yet, but it's usually an interesting podcast.
Interestingly enough that was how the SWP/IS described their vision of socialism ( in contrast to the USSR etc) when interviewed after the Lewisham / NF clash
I think it was Kropotkin (one of the classic anarchist beards) who also had good things to say about it (with provisos). Its the model id most like to see... Clearly achievable.
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I'm pretty sure I read on the website - before it got rewritten - that the NIP took the view that 'the north' should come down bad far as Dudley...
we've done this before but

Social geographer Danny Dorling did a very thorough study using a variety of sociocultural measures to decide where the line was
he concluded


by interesting coincidence this nearly matches the line where the glacier reached during the last ice age


This is what I've always dreamed of. I have a lot of love for inner London, but not the South of England in general. I don't feel English or British. I'm Northern. I want this so much.
Also needs a much better flag, surely a design competition would be the answer?
If they can raise enough funds, they could get a design agency in London or in Scotland to do it, so that it would be done properly and people would take them seriously. They'll won't though - inevitably they'll cut off their nose to spite their face.
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If they can raise enough funds, they could get a design agency in London or in Scotland to do it, so that it would be done properly and people would take them seriously. They'll won't though - inevitably they'll cut off their nose to spite their face.

Maybe we'd cut out some tumours like you at the same time though.
we've done this before but

Social geographer Danny Dorling did a very thorough study using a variety of sociocultural measures to decide where the line was
he concluded


by interesting coincidence this nearly matches the line where the glacier reached during the last ice age

Hold on, that's a snapshot of the Last Glaical maximum (Devensian) from about 28kya. You could just as easily selected the UK's actual glacial spatial maximum from earlier in the Pleistocene (Anglian) glaciation (478-424kya) when the ice front stretched from the the Isles of Scilly and the Western Approaches,across to South East England where it diverted the River Thames from its old course through the Vale of St Albans south to its present position.

So, I'm not quite sure this glacial determination has much credibility, tbh! ;)


Have you Northern types considered the Danelaw demarcation yet?

It's really dull and worthless even just as ribbing and sporting rivalry though. Lots of people take that stuff seriously and it's not always easy to tell how light-hearted they're being.

Last time I was home I went for a drink with my Grandad and his mates and one of them said - 'I'm friends with people from anywhere me, even Yorkshire'. It's embedded in Northern discourse. It's okay sometimes.
Last time I was home I went for a drink with my Grandad and his mates and one of them said - 'I'm friends with people from anywhere me, even Yorkshire'. It's embedded in Northern discourse. It's okay sometimes.
When I was in Manchester during a derby match day a couple of years ago, I saw a grown man screaming abuse at a teenaged girl because she was wearing a Manchester City shirt. 'Ribbing' and 'Sporting Rivalry' can get to fuck.
It's really dull and worthless even just as ribbing and sporting rivalry though. Lots of people take that stuff seriously and it's not always easy to tell how light-hearted they're being.
Reminds me of a holiday i had in Lancashire...we were staying just north of Lancaster, one junction further up the M6.
Decided to go into Lancaster for the evening, asked the woman behind the desk at the hotel if she could recommend anywhere to go/see/do in Lancaster.
Her answer "Lancaster? Why do you want to go there? Its shite!"
Never mind Yorkshire, two miles down the road was too foreign
Didn't the kingdom of Northumbria stretch from the Humber to the Forth? He'll have to fight Nicola Sturgeon for Edinburgh :D

I've always mentally drawn the north-south line from the wash to the wirral.

E2a: The Trent and Mersey canal is maybe a better dividing line.
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