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Nicola Sturgeon's time is up

Beyond the who-leaked-what-to-whom-and-why questions, we're about to really find out if the "independence movement is much more than the SNP" line has any substance.

Unfortunately I fear it may degenerate into a squabbling archipelago of rocky micro-groupings in the next few years once the SNP's collapse has worked through.
Well that might be a blessing in disguise for them then.....If Brexit is anything to go by, as it stands, with SNP in the position they are in terms of Holyrood seats, it would only be them that got a look in terms of shaping any negation. HMG could I suppose, delegate their side of things to the Cavavan Club
Well that might be a blessing in disguise for them then.....If Brexit is anything to go by, as it stands, with SNP in the position they are in terms of Holyrood seats, it would only be them that got a look in terms of shaping any negation. HMG could I suppose, delegate their side of things to the Cavavan Club

I've just checked with my brother, they wouldn't want to get involved.
Hamsa said "I’ll consider that. I have to speak to Colin Beattie. My understanding is he is still in the police station being questioned. When he’s off that, I need to have a word with Colin, not about the live police investigation, we can’t speak about the detail of that, but clearly there are pertinent issues around his role on the public audit committee and his role, of course, as the national treasurer"

Or to paraphrase ' milk, two sugars'
Do I think the NEC filmer shouldn’t have leaked the film? Well, that’s slightly different. Why were they filming? What did they think the leaking of it at this point would achieve? Sure, the press ran it. I don’t have a problem with that. But what did they (presumably an NEC member at the time) have in mind?
It's yet more self interested greed. They presumably got paid by the tabloid who ran the story (Sunday mail i believe).
you have to wonder if certain tin-foilers attached to the Alba Party or Wings think it is in their interests, or even just as retribution for Salmond’s reputation.
Well who's going to benefit from a new pan-movement independence convention? Also maybe some of them are only "tin foilers" because they never got the gold/silver/support. Eg, commonweal etc, whatever petty politics and personal grudges there may be, made good contributions and could have thrived given backing from Murrel.
I fear it may degenerate into a squabbling archipelago of rocky micro-groupings in the next few years once the SNP's collapse has worked through.
Sure, that's how the SNP originated after WW1. We're past the point of no return now, given the lebel of public support.
One of my brothers is an SNP member. He’s very unhappy and sitting on his resignation for now, but I think it - and a lot of others - won’t be long in coming.
Sure, but a big shake up could also bring many newbies in.
Sure, that's how the SNP originated after WW1. We're past the point of no return now, given the lebel of public support.

Not really sure what this above attempt at Imagist poetry means- if you're suggesting that the desire for independence will outlive a collapsing SNP that seems a tad complacent, charitably.

I'm well aware of the origins and history of the SNP.
Um, I might be missing something essential but I am honestly baffled by this. I mean, £600,000 is not negligible but compared to Mone and Barrowman, the millions squandered during the pandemic, just about anything the foul Johnson had a hand in, Jenrick, Shapps (well, any of them), Robbing the donation funds and buying a swanky RV is dodge as fuck but the Tory scum have had their noses in the trough since forever...and seemingly consequence free.
Um, I might be missing something essential but I am honestly baffled by this. I mean, £600,000 is not negligible but compared to Mone and Barrowman, the millions squandered during the pandemic, just about anything the foul Johnson had a hand in, Jenrick, Shapps (well, any of them), Robbing the donation funds and buying a swanky RV is dodge as fuck but the Tory scum have had their noses in the trough since forever...and seemingly consequence free.
Nah, I'd grant them a swanky RV as a credible mobile covid compliant office way ahead of any of the pub landlord's covid mask supplies let alone the BILLIONS spaffed away on test and trace.
Um, I might be missing something essential but I am honestly baffled by this. I mean, £600,000 is not negligible but compared to Mone and Barrowman, the millions squandered during the pandemic, just about anything the foul Johnson had a hand in, Jenrick, Shapps (well, any of them), Robbing the donation funds and buying a swanky RV is dodge as fuck but the Tory scum have had their noses in the trough since forever...and seemingly consequence free.

It's classic whataboutery though...yes there is massive guilt / corruption there, but that in itself does not mean whatever has happened in this SNP case should not be fully and transparently investigated.
Nah, I'd grant them a swanky RV as a credible mobile covid compliant office way ahead of any of the pub landlord's covid mask supplies let alone the BILLIONS spaffed away on test and trace.
O yeah. I have no clue whatsoever regarding the probity of the main SNP players here. I am just astonished at the whole spectacle (and despairing at the blatant entitlement and corruption in Westminster).
Um, I might be missing something essential but I am honestly baffled by this. I mean, £600,000 is not negligible but compared to Mone and Barrowman, the millions squandered during the pandemic, just about anything the foul Johnson had a hand in, Jenrick, Shapps (well, any of them), Robbing the donation funds and buying a swanky RV is dodge as fuck but the Tory scum have had their noses in the trough since forever...and seemingly consequence free.
Possibly clutching a straws here.

But the fact all this possible SNP corruption is actually being investigated and scrutinised by the police, unlike the more severe cases down south, could actually be taken as a case for Scottish independence.

Sure its inconvenient that the ones being investigated are the ones who want independence. But basically the Scottish Tories or anyone else, would not get away with their BS in an independent Scotland.

This is not to sing the praises of the police, but I'm sure the perspective can be understood.
So that's all right then.

I never said it was all right. Investigations are ongoing so the polis obviously suspect that there's been something fiscally dubious going on at the very least.

And yes, 12 hours in a police station will not have been fun but I am not losing sleep over that.
I never said it was all right. Investigations are ongoing so the polis obviously suspect that there's been something fiscally dubious going on at the very least.

And yes, 12 hours in a police station will not have been fun but I am not losing sleep over that.
Eh of course it's not all right. Sorry my sarcasm didn't come over.
God knows what's going on there. ::eek:
Eh of course it's not all right. Sorry my sarcasm didn't come over.
God knows what's going on there. ::eek:
It's just batshit really. Is it incompetence? Criminal? People who got complacent being the ruling party for so long? All of the above I think.

I'd love to see the actual finance records - I bet there's things that may not be 100% in line with international accounting standards there, possibly with a lack of proper financial oversight thrown in to the mix.

Chances are people have been raising issues for years and have left when any alleged issues were minimised or ignored. And it's all come to a head and exploded now.
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