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NHS Covid 19 App

I just checked the school specific guidance and there's a lttle more detail within that around screens, in particular -

It is possible to pause the contact tracing function (‘trace’) in the app. If paused, the phone and Bluetooth remain on but the phone does not record contacts. Pausing contact tracing is only recommended in 3 situations:

  • when an individual is not able to have their phone with them, for example because it is stored in a locker or communal area – this is to avoid the app picking up contacts when the individual is not with their phone
  • when an individual is working behind a perspex (or equivalent) screen, fully protected from other colleagues and members of the public, as the individual is considered to be adequately protected from contracting coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • in a health or care setting where staff are wearing medical grade PPE (for example, a surgical mask) as these individuals are also considered to be adequately protected

I've just downloaded it and have emailed my business manager to ask whether the no phones rule will be reviewed - saying that I think it should be actively encouraged for anyone who is comfortable using it (afaik, we are the only group of staff in the whole school who have that rule anyway - we're worse than the kids, apparently :rolleyes: ).

We all requested permanent screens the day we went back for the canteen. We were told they were holding off from doing that, just to see if the new layout worked - and last week the school had apparently started making the screens (although no further word on that this week) but even so, they won't be able to screen us completely (from either the kids, or each other) so I can't see how the 'screen' exemption would apply even if/when they finally get around to installing them.

I'm assuming Orang Utan that you also have to move around the library, even if there any permanent, enclosed screening up?
Are you employed by the council?
If so - and you have no union representation (!) - I'd go directly to them. It's appalling, what you're being told - that you can't have it, in case it works, effectively! Wtf?!
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We've been advised (healthcare) that it should be turned off at work as we're wearing PPE, so don't need notifications. Heard from GP friend that's wjhat they've been officially advised the same too. Does make sense, stops people self-isolating when it's not needed, even if been in contact with positive case as PPE used. Is that the same with you Orang Utan ?
if it is, they haven’t explained it yet.
They’ve got stricter actually - no longer advising us to wear visors, instead to wear masks at all times, even when behind Perspex screens.
We make all our customers scan QR codes for test and trace, so why are we bothering with that if they think everyone’s safe
Masks, even medical grade, worn without a FIT test, are ignored as far as 'close contacts' of a covid positive case goes.
And the app will only ping after close contact with a positive case, huh? Tt's not going to have you all off SI without good reason (if it works etc :D )!
Have you contacted your union rep/local branch directly?
Masks, even medical grade, worn without a FIT test, are ignored as far as 'close contacts' of a covid positive case goes.
And the app will only ping after close contact with a positive case, huh? Tt's not going to have you all off SI without good reason (if it works etc :D )!
Have you contacted your union rep/local branch directly?
Nope, will do on Monday, but they have so far been shit at responding to enquiries
Aha. I need to turn it off when I'm swimming then, in case someone sits next to it coughing while I'm pottering up and down the slow lane.
So this must be why they have the locker clause - not because the bosses don't want you to have access to your phones when you're at work
GMB and Unison reps

Move up to the local branch heads, seriously.
I've had much better/faster/more detailed responses from them than my poor overworked rep at work.
I really don't see how your management can get away with that, as any sort of sensible reasoning (and, in case you weren't being sarcastic :hmm: the locker rule is literally in place because it IS a rule in many, many workplaces - although it's useful to have the how/why they should be turned off in lockers, in case you ARE actually swimming, when you obvs CAN'T have your phone on you!).
Yeah I’d take a risk if it were just me but I’ve got 2 school age children and don’t want them being at home unnecessarily for two weeks.

Looked at this and I was wrong about the rules. Even if I am told to self-isolate by app then they do not have to (unless I have symptoms). Have therefore downloaded it.
Phones to old for it to work.

Fuck it not like I’m going many places for 2 years.
The Android phone I most often carry, not only has too old a version of Android, but to use the app store, I have to uninstall everything else to leave room ...
We're being asked to install it on our work phones... if I wasn't leaving in a week or two, I might use it as leverage to get my Windows phone replaced ...
I just uninstalled it off my Motorola because the novelty has worn off already.

If it could run on a PC, I might stick a BlueTooth dongle on the end of a USB extension cable and put it in the front garden to ensnare passers-by ...
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Have downloaded it as well. The best use for myself for it will be on public transport, I think. That's really the only place where I might come into prolonged proximity with strangers in the foreseeable future.

It certainly is being heavily advertised online, popping up in my browser and other in-app ads all over the shop. Whether it is being advertised as much to everybody or just me via algorithm because I have expressed an interest in the topic through my browsing history, I don't know?
It certainly is being heavily advertised online, popping up in my browser and other in-app ads all over the shop. Whether it is being advertised as much to everybody or just me via algorithm because I have expressed an interest in the topic through my browsing history, I don't know?
I haven't seen anything official about it, but the sites I visit are generally low on ads.
Have downloaded it as well. The best use for myself for it will be on public transport, I think. That's really the only place where I might come into prolonged proximity with strangers in the foreseeable future.

It certainly is being heavily advertised online, popping up in my browser and other in-app ads all over the shop. Whether it is being advertised as much to everybody or just me via algorithm because I have expressed an interest in the topic through my browsing history, I don't know?
I get almost no ads ever due to all the blockers, and I've seen a few for this app on various types of social media, so yeah they are promoting it quite heavily I think.
I'm finding it fairly easy to use now even on my shit phone. Used it to check in somewhere today and, even though my phone couldn't read the QR code for the menu in the cafe, the app read it easily and had me checked in within about five seconds. It does drain the battery a fair bit though, so I switched it off on the way home because I kept away from people and was wearing a mask.

No it doesn’t, asked upthread platinumsage posted a link iirc. You’ll also see in the guidance it needs to be deactivated by turning off tracking in the app, or turning off the phone.

You do need Bluetooth turned on. It also asked me to switch on location, but I'm not sure if that's as essential as bluetooth.

So this must be why they have the locker clause - not because the bosses don't want you to have access to your phones when you're at work

Yeah, it says that in the guidance - you'd get inaccurate alerts. Makes sense.
I'm finding it fairly easy to use now even on my shit phone. Used it to check in somewhere today and, even though my phone couldn't read the QR code for the menu in the cafe, the app read it easily and had me checked in within about five seconds. It does drain the battery a fair bit though, so I switched it off on the way home because I kept away from people and was wearing a mask.

Yeah QR codes usually work within apps, rather than relying on the phone having something to do it... They're pretty clever really. To go off on a tangent, China has used QR codes extensively for years now... Via WeChat (or AliPay) you can scan a QR code at a random market stall, restaurant, shop etc and pay. They're also used for ordering food etc... And a multitude of other things. It's very effective, even the smallest street food vendors will use it. It's a little strange to see people getting to grips with them here, makes me wistful. Fucking weird situation to feel wistful in, but there you go.
It didn't ask me for a phone number just the first part of my postcode? (Which it then said was a high risk area :eek: )

My main concern is battery life. I doubt the cia/mi5/illumanati will find my movements very interesting. Will uninstall if it turns out to be a battery hog though.
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