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NHS Covid 19 App

That is rude if nothing else. I'd go above the rep and report that to the head office of whatever union it is.

Yep even if you're the kind of person who has to pick your battles this is one you pick. It's one of those loose ends you get tempted to leave because it seems so petty exhausting and difficult to articulate what the issue even is but often becomes important later down the line

The ICO are very helpful and you can email them to ask them for advice if you're thinking about the data protection angle Orang Utan . They're surprisingly detailed and specific to what you ask ime
Not a full refusenik yet, I'm still open to it and willing to co-operate (and totally accept the logic that the more people use it, the likelier control of the epidemic might be, and it's not much to ask of us all, etc etc - I'm a conscientious mask-wearer, hand-washer, distance-respecter and borderline self-isolator anyway.) But I have major concerns...

1/ If it really doesn't take NHS-administered test results then I won't be able to report my own status anyway, and the picture it will build up of the epidemic as is, as a whole, will be completely inaccurate too - so surely it's pointless?

2/ Much much more serious: the Bluetooth aspect. Not paranoid about Big Government having my data (closing my eyes and singing 'la la la' is helpful with this) but I honestly thought we were all strongly advised AGAINST having Bluetooth on all the time, because of it leaving your phone open to hacking by data sharks who'd use social / app data like your passwords, logins, card details etc. I thought this was basic security - you only turn on Bluetooth to exchange specific info/files with other specific users? If the app genuine has to have Bluetooth on all the time (as the NHS advice seems to insist?) I could cope with the odd random rude pic or spam message, and I'm not worried about battery life - but I rely heavily on things like paypal / eBay / other stuff which can cost money on my phone and don't want that information vulnerable in any way, especially if we're heading into lockdown again. Sorry if this worry has already been asked and answered but can anyone tell me why this isn't a concern?

1) It does take NHS test results. That was fixed.

2) I have no idea, but plenty of people have Bluetooth on the whole time, surely we'd know if it was such a problem? Have you looked at the FAQ on the NHS app website? It does cover this stuff.
I agree that it's not the right way to behave, but I'd consider talking to the union rep first and explaining why it's wrong (not that they should really need that, tbh) and only escalating if they are unresponsive.
i did reply immediately and was then asked to suggest a better way to deal with it myself, or take it up with the H&S department myself.
2/ Much much more serious: the Bluetooth aspect. Not paranoid about Big Government having my data (closing my eyes and singing 'la la la' is helpful with this) but I honestly thought we were all strongly advised AGAINST having Bluetooth on all the time, because of it leaving your phone open to hacking by data sharks who'd use social / app data like your passwords, logins, card details etc. I thought this was basic security - you only turn on Bluetooth to exchange specific info/files with other specific users? If the app genuine has to have Bluetooth on all the time (as the NHS advice seems to insist?) I could cope with the odd random rude pic or spam message, and I'm not worried about battery life - but I rely heavily on things like paypal / eBay / other stuff which can cost money on my phone and don't want that information vulnerable in any way, especially if we're heading into lockdown again. Sorry if this worry has already been asked and answered but can anyone tell me why this isn't a concern?
No. Bluetooth is just a wireless communication medium - having your phone let people drop things on you without filters via Bluetooth is entirely different. Literally no danger of this whatsoever from simply having Bluetooth turned on (whether you have the app or not). It also doesn't make much difference to the battery on modern phones, particularly in this sort of context which isn't transmitting much data at all.
I've installed it. Keeping it off while home alone, but will put it on when son comes round. Will try to encourage him to install it too.

Tbh I'm intrigued to what might happen when I go back to work (in a hospital) on Monday.

What happened with work out of interest? I imagine one wards it would be difficult.
What happened with work out of interest? I imagine one wards it would be difficult.

I work in healthcare and you're suposed to have it off at work due to wearing PPE near patients so risk is different. Any exposure will be dealt with in a different way.
My boss has had a over a dozen alerts from the app over the past few days. Someone in their proximity has tested positive. They think it’s a neighbour whose living room is next to theirs.
They should be isolating then.

Just because they "think" it's a glitch, doesn't protect you and all your colleagues from potential infection.

And if they've been telling everyone at work about it you should seriously consider reporting them.
They should be isolating then.

Just because they "think" it's a glitch, doesn't protect you and all your colleagues from potential infection.

And if they've been telling everyone at work about it you should seriously consider reporting them.
They’ve not been advised to isolate. You get further alerts if you are considered to have been in close contact for long enough
They’ve not been advised to isolate. You get further alerts if you are considered to have been in close contact for long enough
So this App sends "alerts" which don't actually mean anything?

Does anyone know if this is legit because it sounds dodgy to me.

From what you've previously posted about your place of work, I wouldn't take anything your boss says at face value.
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They’ve not been advised to isolate. You get further alerts if you are considered to have been in close contact for long enough
I'm not sure that's correct if I'm reading the FAQs for the App correctly
If you've got an alert telling you that you've spent time near someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, then you will have to stay at home for 14 days. It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear. People in your household will not need to isolate unless you develop symptoms.

It doesn't mention any other types of alert that I can see.

Just using my iPhone and a notification came up saying something about covid and possible contact with someone. Unfortunately I swiped the screen before reading it properly and it has gone.

The covid app has no message. There is no way to recover the notification it seems!
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Just using my iPhone and a notification came up saying something about covid and possible contact with someone. Unfortunately I swiped the screen before reading it proudly and it has gone.

The covid app has no message. There is no way to recover the notification it seems!
Swipe down from the top to see Notification Centre?
I have an hour long weekly meeting with my boss, I am usually about 3m away, it's probably the only time I am near someone else for greater than 15 minutes. Other times like shopping I doubt I am more than 5 minutes at the checkout.

Based on that I will probably install the app and switch it off when I am at home to reduce the battery load.
Just using my iPhone and a notification came up saying something about covid and possible contact with someone. Unfortunately I swiped the screen before reading it properly and it has gone.

The covid app has no message. There is no way to recover the notification it seems!

Are you sure it was actually an exposure notification? Mine does flash up a little icon in the top left of my screen on occasion which just seems to be the app reminding me it's there (and probably trying to nudge me to turn Bluetooth on, which I don't bother with at home, although tomorrow when I'm in the office it'll sure as hell be on all day!). It's never bleeped or sent me an actual notification.
I have an hour long weekly meeting with my boss, I am usually about 3m away, it's probably the only time I am near someone else for greater than 15 minutes. Other times like shopping I doubt I am more than 5 minutes at the checkout.

Based on that I will probably install the app and switch it off when I am at home to reduce the battery load.
I have an hour long weekly meeting with my boss, I am usually about 3m away, it's probably the only time I am near someone else for greater than 15 minutes. Other times like shopping I doubt I am more than 5 minutes at the checkout.

Based on that I will probably install the app and switch it off when I am at home to reduce the battery load.

I think the battery load is overstated at least with most batteries these days. I keep mine on only because I will forget othetwise.
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