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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

Already explained. They used invisible explosives, invisibly installed by invisible operatives.

And they also threw in some missile-firing missiles disguised as holographic planes, just to be on the safe side.

And invisable det cord you'd still be tripping over the stuff once helped prepped a bridge for demolition rather than a a few blobs of plastic and a timer with a cool countdown.
It takes days of humping stuff about
Well no, that's not the case, Harrit found unreacted thermitic material (I think you address other points):


The puzzlement is over a bit of cross-thread direction brought about by the sneering of existentialist, who posited that Harrit's science was not proper science, because one should not look for evidence to back up a hypothesis, but evidence to disprove it. So (having been quite unimpressed with his contributions to discussion)
Something that strikes me as interesting, Jazzz, is the use you make of some rather clunky one-upmanship tactics, and in particular the elegant way in which you combine condescension towards your interlocutors with paranoid victim posturing.

I am confused: I am not sure whether I am the sneering persecutor of Jazzz, the Knight of Truth And Justice™, or the gormless fool who can't make any kind of meaningful contribution to any discussion - because this isn't the first time you've gone for this interestingly combinatorial response to my interventions.

Don't feel the need to explain - I just wanted to express my confusion at what seemed like a particularly uncharacteristic outbreak of inconsistency on your part *coughs up own diaphragm*
Not this again! Jazz - have you nothing better to do with your life?

Why would anyone go to the trouble of loading the Twin Towers with explosives when flying fully-laden planes into the buildings would cause literally incalculable damage?

What would be the point?
1) Not incalculable damage. A few hundred dead, maybe. The towers - potent symbols - remain standing
2) The world doesn't watch it happen live. This was the major psychological impact of 9/11. We watched it happen.
1) Not incalculable damage. A few hundred dead, maybe. The towers - potent symbols - remain standing
2) The world doesn't watch it happen live. This was the major psychological impact of 9/11. We watched it happen.

No you didn't. You probably saw it on the news later in the day.
I've never really understood why 9/11 troofers and conspiranuts seem to find it far easier to believe in the plausibility that the US government used a combination of ideologically fanatical agents kamikazeing two civilian airliners into the wtc along with some cunningly placed high explosives/thermite just to 'make sure the job got done' (or it was all holograms and high explosives) than it is to believe that some ideologically fanatical hijackers kamikazied two 180-tonne airliners each loaded with tens of thousands of gallons of highly combustible aviation fuel into 1&2 WTC at sub-mach speeds. Why is this? Sure the US and UK governments were all but called* on their bogus intel that led to the Iraq invasion later on but why believe that an elaborate plot and conspiracy would get the job done more efficiently than just flying two massive kinetic/thermal/explosive bombs in to the buildings and letting physics, chemistry and gravity do the work. It's mental. :confused:

E2A: Or is it due to the arrogance of troofers (who mostly seem to hail from the US, Canada and the UK) that they assume that groups like Al-Qaida do not have the brains to work out how to best fly a 180 tonne airliner into a major structure in such a way as to guarantee it's collapse?

(*by the rest of the international community and not just the people protesting against the blatant move to war)
why believe that an elaborate plot and conspiracy would get the job done more efficiently than just flying two massive kinetic/thermal/explosive bombs in to the buildings and letting physics, chemistry and gravity do the work. It's mental. :confused:

"...little likelihood of a collapse no matter how the building was attacked"

"The building structure would still be there."

"I designed it for a 707 to smash into it"

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners"

What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11

"Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however severe, has ever caused a steel-framed high-rise building to collapse"

So exactly why are all these tens of thousands of qualified demolition experts across the world keeping quiet?

.... cos they'll get killed if they speak out .... like that bloke who died of natural causes .... 10 years after "speaking out".
They're not


not forgetting Danny Jowenko of course, the top European demolition expert. RIP Danny
I can't be arsed to go through that unverified list of supposed architects (or check what relevant qualifications they have, if any), but you seem to be contradicting yourself when you keep bringing up Danny Jowenko.

Have you any proof whatsoever that he was bumped off? A simple yes or no, will suffice here.
I can't be arsed to go through that unverified list of supposed architects (or check what relevant qualifications they have, if any)
Well I suggest then you don't go around making claims about 'tens of thousands' of civil engineers whose opinions really you know little about.

, but you seem to be contradicting yourself when you keep bringing up Danny Jowenko.

Have you any proof whatsoever that he was bumped off? A simple yes or no, will suffice here.
No, I was contradicting you - one counterexample is all that is necessary to disprove a hypothesis.
Well then don't go around making claims about 'tens of thousands' of civil engineers who really you know nothing about.
So why do you think there's not been a peep from the international community of suitably qualified demolition professionals?

Now back to Danny Jowenko. You've clearly suggested that he was bumped off. So have you any actual proof or not?
"...little likelihood of a collapse no matter how the building was attacked"

"The building structure would still be there."

"I designed it for a 707 to smash into it"

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners"

Looks like either the architect and SE's fucked it up then, or the construction firms didn't follow the spec exactly enough, or fire precautions built into the original spec had been buggered by several decades of sparks, plumbers, air con engineers etc working in the service voids.

TBH given the lack of ability to understand about the potential for the various metals to burn in a cascade of rising temperatures from the SE's and architects in that gaggle, I'm really not surprised at all that it collapsed despite allegedly being designed to withstand a jet plane hitting it.

I suspect they didn't run this one properly by a fire / explosion / combustion engineer armed with a detailed breakdown of the materials being used in the building, and were mainly concerned with the direct impact, and the direct effect of the burning jet fuel on the strength of the main steels, rather than looking at what else it might set light to that might then burn at a much higher temperature.

I'm not at all surprised though that the architect might show up looking for alternative explanations other than him fucking up his calcs, particularly if he's build others since using the same building methods and calcs.

What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11
"Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however severe, has ever caused a steel-framed high-rise building to collapse"
Has any other such building had either a large passenger jet full of fuel fly into it at full speed, or 2 other massive burning skyscrapers fall on top of them from a great height?
So why do you think there's not been a peep from the international community of suitably qualified demolition professionals?

Now back to Danny Jowenko. You've clearly suggested that he was bumped off. So have you any actual proof or not?
given the amount of themite that was apparently used in there, I'd have to conclude that they must all have been in on it.;)
The AE911Truth Petition:​


Please Take Notice That:
On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.
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So why do you think there's not been a peep from the international community of suitably qualified demolition professionals?

Now back to Danny Jowenko.
I love it when someone contradicts themselves in the same post :D
The design of the WTC towers made them uniquely susceptible to collapse due to a combination of impact and fire damage.

The USA can go to war whenever it feels like it. It doesn't need to murder 3000 of its own citizens to make an excuse.
"...little likelihood of a collapse no matter how the building was attacked"

"The building structure would still be there."

"I designed it for a 707 to smash into it"

"The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners"

What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11

"Excepting the three 9-11 collapses, no fire, however severe, has ever caused a steel-framed high-rise building to collapse"

Difference between a Boeing 707 & a Boeing 767:
B-707 | B-767
145ft | 159ft (Length)
12ft | 16ft (Fuselage Width)
14ft | 18ft (Fuselage Height)
131ft | 156ft (Wingspan)
42ft | 52ft (Tail Height)
116.5t| 179t (Max takeoff weight)
65.5KL| 90KL (Fuel Capacity (KiloLiters))
540Kn | 493Kn (Cruising Speed (Knots))

Boeing 767 is:
14ft Longer
4ft wider/taller on fuselage
25ft wider on wingspan
10ft higher on Tail height
62.5t heavier at takeoff
carrying 24,500 more litres of fuel
47kn slower at cruising speed.

so... from the stats provided you can 'do the math' (as your fellow 911 troofer buddies are prone to saying) and work out just how much more force a 767 can bring to bear on a steel and concrete structure than a 707 can. Bearing in mind very tall structures like WTC 1&2 are built for both lightness and strength and are not 1000ft tall fortresses...
Honestly, why the hell do you all bother. No matter what science/cites/evidence/logic/authority you bring to this discussion, Jazzz is not going to consider any of it. He skim reads your rebuttals just enough so he can google up some fuckawful loonsite that he can claim answers it, but that's all. He has absolutely no intention, ever, of being swayed on this. He's a true believer with unswerving faith. His personal religion is that the lizard jew illuminati staged it all to transform the jolly jape of crashing a couple of titchy tiny planes into various buildings into a terrible disaster. There's nothing mere reason can do to persuade this level of fanatic that he's wrong.
Honestly, why the hell do you all bother. No matter what science/cites/evidence/logic/authority you bring to this discussion, Jazzz is not going to consider any of it. He skim reads your rebuttals just enough so he can google up some fuckawful loonsite that he can claim answers it, but that's all. He has absolutely no intention, ever, of being swayed on this. He's a true believer with unswerving faith. His personal religion is that the lizard jew illuminati staged it all to transform the jolly jape of crashing a couple of titchy tiny planes into various buildings into a terrible disaster. There's nothing mere reason can do to persuade this level of fanatic that he's wrong.
You're absolutely right! :)

But then does there have to be a purpose? I read these threads for a couple of reasons, one of which is, I must admit, entertainment - it can be very funny reading some of the humour that gets deployed in the thick of the debate.

I'm also interested in psychology and cognitive process, and I find it very interesting to observe the way that a True Believer in something so evidently unbelievable operates in the way he squares his beliefs against reality in the face of a kind of relentless tsunami of rebuttal. Yes, there's plenty of cut and paste nonsense from prisonplanet, etc., but in between that there are the little digs, the way in which he refuses to engage - yet often can't quite let go enough to actually disengage - and the way that the disengagement process operates when it does happen.

He probably provides enough material for a research project, all by himself :)

And I know that some of that might sound a little cruel, and maybe unethical, but I take the view that Jazzz (in this particular example) is very much a willing participant, who is always free to drop out of these debates and/or not start any more, but seems happy to continue. I've asked myself whether he's perhaps delusional to the point that he doesn't really know what he's doing, but the amount of dissembling and clearly quite deliberate misdirecting he goes in for suggests to me that he has the cognitive capacity to understand what he is doing, and the process he is involved in, so I don't feel that this is a case of a vulnerable individual being picked on unreasonably.

And yes, sometimes, I stoop beneath myself and like to get a little dig in of my own. I won't say I'm proud of that, but I don't think I feel particularly ashamed, either.
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