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Nanothermite and the World Trade Center

When ignited in a DSC device the chips exhibit large but narrow exotherms occurring at approximately 430 °C,
ok. so this is the bit that's bothering them?

Their elemental analysis shows that the chips contain zinc, presumably because they're actually the pulverised remnants of the galvanised steel framework for the partition walls and ceiling hangers etc.

as I said above, Zinc dust has an auto ignition temperature of 460 deg C, though this ignition temperature is dependent upon the particle size, so smaller particles would ignite at lower temperatures.. so I would strongly suspect that it's the zinc that is igniting at the lower temperatures, then raising the temperature sufficiently for the iron to burn. Plus there's a fair amount of carbon in there as well, and magnesium.
FFS to demolish a building with explosive even super nano explosives you would have to plant them all over the place thats how Demoltion works.
Plus you have to tamp them or the blast takes the easist route out.
A big enough bomb gets over that problem with brute force but isnt as precise.

Thermite isn't necessarily explosive, tbf.
"when you have eliminated the impossible, what remains must be the truth, however improbable" Sherlock Holmes

the nanothermite shouldn't be there and confirms those who already knew that controlled demolition had occurred. If it took hundreds of tons of explosive (conventional + thermitic) to blow up the WTC, then that's what it took.

There was no nanothermite found, what was found was "thermitic residue". Fine particulate matter of the same constitution as thermites have.

Something you'd find in the debris of any large building destroyed by impact and fire that the same material components as the WTC.
unreacted thermite material is rust and aluminum, both of which would have been present in pulverised form in the dust in significant quantities just from the buildings fabric.

yep, and as I said on t'other jazzz thread, many of the metals and oxides used as adjuvants to thermite (to accelerate and retard the speed of reaction, for example) are also likely to have been present, as they're also common constituents in various processes of high-rise construction.
Good. Now please run off and leave the thread to people that actually have the balls for proper discussion.

Not this again! Jazz - have you nothing better to do with your life?

Why would anyone go to the trouble of loading the Twin Towers with explosives when flying fully-laden planes into the buildings would cause literally incalculable damage?

What would be the point?
Why would anyone go to the trouble of loading the Twin Towers with explosives when flying fully-laden planes into the buildings would cause literally incalculable damage?

What would be the point?

That's the problem - incalculable damage. The Illuminati couldn't be certain that the remote-controlled planes would bring the towers down, so they rigged them with explosives to ensure that a spectacular collapse would happen when the world was watching, making Americans angry enough to support the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't actually believe that shit, but I think most of us have been through these threads enough times to make Jazzz's posts for him. :D
That's the problem - incalculable damage. The Illuminati couldn't be certain that the planes would bring the towers down, so they rigged them with explosives to ensure that a spectacular collapse would happen when the world was watching, making Americans angry enough to support the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't actually believe that shit, but I think most of us have been through these threads enough times to make Jazzz's posts for him. :D

ballocks it was the jews...

they all left the tower early that day


*shakes fist at sky*
Are there any good theories around how 'they' smuggled in hundreds of tonnes of explosives into one of the busiest office blocks in the world (that had previously been subject to a terrorist attack)?

I need cheering up.
Are there any good theories around how 'they' smuggled in hundreds of tonnes of explosives into one of the busiest office blocks in the world (that had previously been subject to a terrorist attack)?

I need cheering up.
Already explained. They used invisible explosives, invisibly installed by invisible operatives.

And they also threw in some missile-firing missiles disguised as holographic planes, just to be on the safe side.

That's the problem - incalculable damage. The Illuminati couldn't be certain that the remote-controlled planes would bring the towers down, so they rigged them with explosives to ensure that a spectacular collapse would happen when the world was watching, making Americans angry enough to support the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

I don't actually believe that shit, but I think most of us have been through these threads enough times to make Jazzz's posts for him. :D

But the “shocking” bit was the use of hijacked, fully laden, civilian aircraft to bring down buildings in a terrorist attack – as far as I know the first time this had ever happened. Not the fact that the towers collapsed some time afterwards.

The use of planes in this way to mount an attack, and the resulting loss of life, would surely have been enough to “justify” the invasion of Afghanistan, irrespective of the fate of the buildings in the days that followed.
Could you please explain your point in detail IN YOUR OWN WORDS instead of hiding behind snide remarks, facepalms, one-liners, and links to huge articles?


Could you please either:

i) Respond to the last 20 threads where you vanished once your arse was handed to you on a plate?
ii) Just fuck off.
Already explained. They used invisible explosives, invisibly installed by invisible operatives.

And they also threw in some missile-firing missiles disguised as holographic planes, just to be on the safe side.


Must be a logistical nightmare manufacturing and shipping invisible explosives. If you ordered 3 tonnes, and they only gave you 2, how the hell would you know?!

Also a fairly big risk that someone would walk into them post-installation. "I just banged my face on an invisible wall of explosives". Health and safety nightmare.
But the “shocking” bit was the use of hijacked, fully laden, civilian aircraft to bring down buildings in a terrorist attack – as far as I know the first time this had ever happened. Not the fact that the towers collapsed some time afterwards.

The use of planes in this way to mount an attack, and the resulting loss of life, would surely have been enough to “justify” the invasion of Afghanistan, irrespective of the fate of the buildings in the days that followed.

I'm not going to Jazzz my way through the whole debate or we'd be here for 200 pages and I would lose my mind.
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