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Murdoch Empire In Open Call For Fascism.

Pinochet was relativly restrained as muderous tryants go compared to argentina,indonesia or guatemala he was practicly a pacifist only 3000 dead in 17 years and 30000 tortured :(

Not getting the death toll into 5 or 6 figures bit of a slacker really :(
You make him sound quite delightful, the sort of chap you would be glad to see marry your daughter. There is also the small matter of his ascent to power - not exactly one person one vote and nothing to do with American interference - oh no.
Pinochet was a murderous thug who let his secret police loose on dissidents not sure the finer points of his politcal viewpoint matter really.
Once raping people with dogs seems like a good idea you've earned your place in the shit cunt hall of fame.

Due to the global madness of the cold war he was seen as a "good guy" by the US.:(
His help in the falklands war cemented his relantionship with the UK. helped chile and ururguay as the argentine junta was planning a "greater argentina" after taking the falklands.
You make him sound quite delightful, the sort of chap you would be glad to see marry your daughter. There is also the small matter of his ascent to power - not exactly one person one vote and nothing to do with American interference - oh no.

He was postivly delightful compared with some of the others in south america :(
Up to 200,000 people died or went missing during the war, including 40,000 to 50,000 people who were "disappeared". In 2009 Guatemalan courts sentenced Felipe Cusanero as the first person convicted of the crime of ordering forced disappearances. In 2013 the former dictator Rios Montt was found guilty of genocide for the killing of more than 1,700 indigenous Ixil Mayans during his 1982-83 rule. He was the first former head of state to be tried for genocide by his country's judicial system.[15]

Pinochets horrific crimes look like high sprits compared with that:(
In pinochets case having a 1st world power get into a scrap with your batshit neighbour who s trying to start a fight with you was win win.
He had a major threat neutralised and got mucho credit with maggie.
I know a fair few Chileans who escaped Pinochet to live in the UK who would disagree.

And they would be wrong. This doesn't mean it was necessarily any better than fascism but that term has a very specific meaning and conflating bureaucratic authoritarian dictatorships like Pinochet's with a very specific form of authoritarian populism like fascism isn't really helpful. His was a murderous and barbaric regime but not all murderous and barbaric regimes are the same.
What's ludicrous? The claim that Murdoch papers spied on a child murdered by a paedophile?

That Pinochet had opponents raped with dogs?

those are the only things I really drew upon in the OP.

Otherwise your comments don't really make sense and it would appear that yet again people who don't share your views on the media brainwashing stupid proles are in some way establishment stooges or something.

I don't believe that of people who don't agree with me, not by any stretch. There's a range of credible opinions beyond mine, perhaps yours are among them. But there is enough evidence that people do go along with dubious MSM narratives (support for austerity measures shown in polls for example).

Unlike you of course, who challenges the establishment by endorsing bonkers conspiracy theories, promoting right wing bigots like Max Keiser and campaigning for the Green Party (lol).

I promote Max Keiser because he knows and projects a great deal detail about finance fraud than anyone else I am aware of. I'm not sure if his frequent praise for UK Uncut, Sea Shepherd and Mark McGowan are part of his alleged "right wing bigotry" or not.
I'm aware he's not an orthodox leftist, not least because he doesn't endlessly indulge in slagging off leftists about angels dancing on the head of a pin.

However, if you have any quality content of your own on economics I'd be delighted to promote it. don't hold back.

Most people don't care either way, won't be in the least moved when you tell them, and are probably right to take this position

Ok, now you've declared there's no problem in a major press baron's empire calling for totalitarian death squads regimes, we know where are.

This isn't new at all

Go and ask 100 people if they were aware that Murdoch papers back that kind of regime. How many do you think will say yes?

Ask them if it bothers them, and bothers them if they didn't know.

I have a strong feeling that plenty don't know and would be bothered both by the facts and that they didn't know.

But you say it's nothing new, so lets not follow it up.

Not unusually for this parish, in dissing others for aloofness you come across as very aloof yourself. Could you outline some of your magic secrets of campaigning and some of the fruits?

When I look at the broad left in this country (including where I am at) I see very little place for people slagging off other people's methods. beyond local pockets we all seem to be failing quite miserably. But never mind, we can slag each other off - that's the main thing.

Pinochet's regime wasn't fascist either.
could you expand on that please?
Sorted your fucking quotes out so the above is now at least readable. :mad:

Open quote = '['quote']'*
Close quote = '['/quote']'*

(*used quotation marks to disable formatting)

Hardly fucking rocket science, is it?
Not sure once youve seized power and started murdering/sending to the camps your political opponents your political views count for much.
theres states where their is rule of law and leaders go when voted out the "free world"

then theres unfree countrys

theres a border area jebs florida Northern ireland in the 60s Russia etc etc
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