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Milo Yiannoupoulis banned!

"Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns from Breitbart, Tells Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse"

at about 3mins claims important piece edited out re: the current age of consent being " probably about right" - haven't got much further than that, what with life being short / brutal etc

What is it with left-liberals giving crypto-fascists a free pass on a case-by-case basis? Do they think that the personal aplomb of a person excuses their politics? :confused:

Right wing tourism, exciting, 'edgy' political types without the obligation to actually do anything political. It's a narrative (journalistic and personal) in a bottle.
Is anyone advocating for his forgiveness?
Did you read the article?
Briefly, and obviously the way I understood it was he is saying that the shock of the abuse and the self blaming that victims often go thru had lead to Milo express his pain as anger directed at outwards - just a slight crack in the door re forgiveness
Did you read the article?
Briefly, and obviously the way I understood it was he is saying that the shock of the abuse and the self blaming that victims often go thru had lead to Milo express his pain as anger directed at outwards - just a slight crack in the door re forgiveness

I'm sorry I'm not going to buy the "Milo was damaged by the sexual abuse he received and therefore his actions are somewhat understandable", plenty of people have raped and abused and none of them set up campaigns of death threats and witchhunts at female games developers for fun and profit.
Did you read the article?
Briefly, and obviously the way I understood it was he is saying that the shock of the abuse and the self blaming that victims often go thru had lead to Milo express his pain as anger directed at outwards - just a slight crack in the door re forgiveness
I can't see the crack. I think he's right.
I'm sorry I'm not going to buy the "Milo was damaged by the sexual abuse he received and therefore his actions are somewhat understandable", plenty of people have raped and abused and none of them set up campaigns of death threats and witchhunts at female games developers for fun and profit.
I am NOT promoting that idea
I was merely paraphrasing the article as a question had been asked
So I am not asking you to accept or buy anything
I am NOT promoting that idea
I was merely paraphrasing the article as a question had been asked
So I am not asking you to accept or buy anything

I didn't mean to come off as angry at you. I think I can see how the trajectory of his redemptive arc is heading. And it enraging.
I can't see the crack. I think he's right.
"Milo's normalisation of exploitative encounters between old men and young boys is part of a long history of internalised victim blaming"
What I see in that tho, in the hands of a skilful manipulator, is the means by which a "rehabilitation" of Milo can occur
That's merely the cynical in me speaking but it would not surprise me
only utter dickheads could allow him to be rehabilitated. If they do, it won't be as a result of Luke Turner (and others) using the opportunity to discuss some pretty fucking real stuff.
Can't say I'm celebrating his 'downfall' but that's because I rather doubt that this is any way the end of his career of being a professional cunt. There is a certain pleasing irony that the man who wrote this

Here’s Why the Progressive Left Keeps Sticking Up for Pedophiles

Pedophilia itself is of course not confined to one side of the political spectrum. But defending it does seem to be. Pro-pedophile activism continues to surface on the Left in a way that it simply doesn’t on the Right.

should fall foul of his own bullshit. But any pleasure is rather tempered by the fact that the bigotry he successfully plays to clearly isn't diminished just because his career path has hit a temporary glitch.

And also, as discussed over the last couple of pages, by the some of the "noble cause" homophobia that has greeted this. It is interesting that it appears easier to see that at work in the case of this cunt than it does in some others. Take Cliff Richard. (please just take him...) Now I dislike the man intensely. In my more illiberal moments I think some of his music should be a criminal offence, and even if that wasn't the case I have not forgotten his involvement in the 'Festival of Light'. Very serious allegations have been made about him. Nonetheless its impossible to ignore the fact that a good deal of the 'Cliff's a paedo fnarr fnarr" whenever his name comes up is exactly the same kind of crap as when it used to be "Cliff's a bender fnarr fnarr".
Meanwhile, over on the Breitbart comments section.. Lot of voices there willing to forgive him and get their hero back now.
Loads of argument and confusion raging though. Usually the comments there are entirely unanimous in their views.
On reading that for some reason the claim that during their 'escape' the drive from Berkeley to Fresno took 45 minutes made me curious.

I checked and it is 180 miles, so they would have been going at 240 mph! "Seat-grabbing" indeed!


"Yiannopoulos’ tour manager, one of the few actual adults on the team along with the security guards, drives us at seat-grabbing speed through the California dark to Fresno. He asks me to treat anything I might hear in the car as off-record, given the mad scramble to evacuate, but he needn’t have bothered: Most of the 45-minute journey passes in horrified silence as everyone listens to Fox News or scans their phones for video feeds of masked protesters tearing up the building we just left. From time to time, somebody says a four-letter word."

Nice. Always interesting when someone feels the need to exaggerate the little details...

The only bit of that which I find shocking is that he was 13. To my mind that's very young, and his assertion that he was 'sexually mature' at that age looks like an attempt to deny / deflect that he was a victim of abuse.

The rest of it, including the idea that consent is more complex than the law - in that not every relationship where one person is below the age of consent is a non consensual relationship, even though legally it is - and that cross-generational relationships are not always to be condemned, I think the fuss being made is a bit absurd, isn't it?

He's a lying turd . In that interview he's saying it wasn't abuse, instead a healthy thing . When he comes under flak for it later he starts calling himself an abuse victim, playing a card and trying to hide behind it . It's noncery .
If I start fucking someone's 13 year old daughter ...or even grooming one..I deserve to be blinded , castrated and hung . Can't see why the violins start coming out when it's someone's son .it's child rape .
This isn't a hit from the left is it? It's a hit from the right, with a load of useful idiots pitching in from our side.

It's a hit on the right . The far right . So fuck him . there's no useful idiots involved here . People are just right to stick the boot in .
I don't see this type of sympathy ...all out violins ffs..for the numerous BNP and EDL arseholes that have been done for underage abuse .Something anti fascist websites are quite happy to publicise and rightly so. No angst, pleas for tolerance and nuance there . No calling people idiots for expressing their disgust . Absolutely no debate or argument defending those cunts . So why in this case ? Because he has a degree ? Because he's middle class and therefore more socially evolved and emotionally nuanced than the beer swilling yobs and oiks ? Or because he likes blokes, so it's ok for him but not some working class punter from Rochdale that likes young girls ?

He's a cunt and deserves all he gets over this .
Think Id better . Any more swooning over poor milo and these outrageous slings and arrows and you'll drop your fan and I'll have to catch you .

stockholm syndrome??

I mean it's very plausible to have that at the time of recording then have thought about the past etc and realised you were a victim

unless you think it doesnt exist of course...

imo he said a lot of things that someone would say if they were trying to normalise it for their own self
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stockholm syndrome??

I mean it's very plausible to have that at the time of recording then have thought about the past etc and realised you were a victim

unless you think it doesnt exist of course...

imo he said a lot of things that someone would say if they were trying to normalise it for their own self

He said precisely the things that someone who approved of noncing would say . And he's only backtracked on them AFTER his career took a nosedive . he had plenty of opportunity when this first came out a few years ago . Didn't bother . This reeks of opportunism and playing the sympathy card . Successfully . He knows exactly the buttons to push when winding lefties up, now he's pushing them again for sympathy .

If he genuinely regards this as abuse then let him name and shame the abusers he was boasting about going to abuse parties with . Report them to the cops . It's a paedophile network what he described . Organised rape .

Ernst Roehm will be getting a by ball at this rate ffs
I barely know who man is, I just know he's got sick jackets tbh

maybe he's not emotionally ready to name and shame?? who knows?? you cant expect anyone to deal with abuse the way you feel they ought to
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