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Meat eaters are destroying the planet, warns WWF report

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Things that should have the fuck cooked out of them: beans, bacon, jacket spuds, roasties, parsnips, carrots (although am quite partial to raw grated carrot)
Things that should have the fuck cooked out of them: beans, bacon, jacket spuds, roasties, parsnips, carrots (although am quite partial to raw grated carrot)
Nothing should have the fuck cooked out of it. Everything should be cooked to perfection. Crispy bacon is overcooked. I realise you like it that way but you're wrong.
On the subject of steak, I have stopped going rare as default though after a chef mate telling me that people who think all steak should be bloody (me from age 13 - 32) were almost as bad as people who like them cremated. Basically he said if at a restaurant you should have it how it comes and if it's at home you should google it. I haven't had a steak out for ages but on the rare (!) occasion I have a bit of rump at home I've started going more medium than the blood puddle I used to go for and tbf it is nicer.

The argies cook the fuck out of their steak which surprised me when I went to a proper argentinean place in spain. It was nice though.
I prefer mine closer to rare than to well done, but have never been one to kick a fuss if my steak comes out in a slightly different shade in the middle (I know people who will, though), and furthermore I’m perfectly happy to defer to the waiter or chef’s advice.
I think perhaps the thread has been hijacked :eek: should this not go on a "Meat eaters are destroying the thread" thread?

Someone did say somewhere that these threads always seem to get hijacked :hmm:
Disgusting, unforgivable cruelty.
At least two million animals have already reportedly been culled on farm, and that number is expected to rise. Approved methods for slaughtering poultry include slow suffocation by covering them with foam, or by shutting off the ventilation into the barns.

Foaming means covering hens with a layer of foam that blocks their airways, gradually suffocating them over several minutes. Ventilation shutdown, meanwhile, although described by the AVMA as “not preferred”, is one of the cruellest, but cheapest options, said Garcés. “Shutting down broiler chicken house ventilation systems means animals die of organ failure due to overheating, as temperatures quickly rise.”
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