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4 minute warning?

I'll probably turn if off in my phone settings before the test then turn it back on afterwards - due to ASD I find loud sudden noises distressing, even down to stuff like my door buzzer.
I'm OK with having my phone make loud siren noises if there is something actually going on that I need to be warned about, but having it happen for a test will be upsetting and not strictly necessary, if I can opt out just for the test and turn it back on afterwards, I'll do that.

I work in a school where most of the kids have ASD. They're not allowed to have phones with them so the tutor rooms have a box of everyone's phones shut away in a drawer somewhere. At some point we're probably gonna get ten phones going off at once in every classroom, and probably panic and meltdowns all over the place. Joy of joys.
Unlikely. Iodine is an element and elements don't go off.

I have pure KI powder at work. What's the recommended dose? Two, three spoonfuls?

Oh, and iodine solution (which is actually solid iodine dissolved in a saturated solution of potassium iodide) very much does go off. Lasts six months at best.
I have pure KI powder at work. What's the recommended dose? Two, three spoonfuls?

Oh, and iodine solution (which is actually solid iodine dissolved in a saturated solution of potassium iodide) very much does go off. Lasts six months at best.
What's it go off to? :facepalm:
I work in a school where most of the kids have ASD. They're not allowed to have phones with them so the tutor rooms have a box of everyone's phones shut away in a drawer somewhere. At some point we're probably gonna get ten phones going off at once in every classroom, and probably panic and meltdowns all over the place. Joy of joys.
Is your school opened on a Sunday?
This test is scheduled for 23rd April in the evening….
There’s a really loud warning siren going off near the park where I am at the moment, I know some of the old chemical works around here had sirens like this to warn of leaks etc. but pretty sure they’ve all shut down. Nobody seems arsed though, so probably a weekly test or something. I’ll let the kids carry on digging in the sandpit, if this is Armageddon then so be it.
There’s a really loud warning siren going off near the park where I am at the moment, I know some of the old chemical works around here had sirens like this to warn of leaks etc. but pretty sure they’ve all shut down. Nobody seems arsed though, so probably a weekly test or something. I’ll let the kids carry on digging in the sandpit, if this is Armageddon then so be it.
You posted this 20 mins ago so i guess i don't need to "duck and cover" :hmm:
There’s a really loud warning siren going off near the park where I am at the moment, I know some of the old chemical works around here had sirens like this to warn of leaks etc. but pretty sure they’ve all shut down. Nobody seems arsed though, so probably a weekly test or something. I’ll let the kids carry on digging in the sandpit, if this is Armageddon then so be it.
So it not the end of the world then
There’s a really loud warning siren going off near the park where I am at the moment, I know some of the old chemical works around here had sirens like this to warn of leaks etc. but pretty sure they’ve all shut down. Nobody seems arsed though, so probably a weekly test or something. I’ll let the kids carry on digging in the sandpit, if this is Armageddon then so be it.

There's still a WWII air raid siren somewhere near me and a few years ago the council decided to test it out. Did NOT go down well with the local oldies, refugees, and well, anyone really.
There's still a WWII air raid siren somewhere near me and a few years ago the council decided to test it out. Did NOT go down well with the local oldies, refugees, and well, anyone really.
Some one during 2020 covid lockdown decided to sound an air raid siren while we clapped for the NHS
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