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Meat eaters are destroying the planet, warns WWF report

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What a world where letting them out into the wild is prohibited but gassing/foaming to a long drawn out miserable death or making their organs pop is alright.

This is it for me. It was working on intensive dairy farms as a kid made me turn vegetarian, the whole enterprise reeks of wrongness and a sick way of living. No surprise that suffocating unwanted poultry is deemed acceptable at a pinch. It's capitalism with barely any shred of pretence at caring about values beyond profit.
This is it for me. It was working on intensive dairy farms as a kid made me turn vegetarian, the whole enterprise reeks of wrongness and a sick way of living. No surprise that suffocating unwanted poultry is deemed acceptable at a pinch. It's capitalism with barely any shred of pretence at caring about values beyond profit.
And most of the meat eaters here seem to be barely troubled by such cruelty and waste of life.
If I was a chicken farmer I'd just let them go. I mean they'll probably get eaten by something or other, get run over or starve or whatever, but they're gonna die in a very horrible way anyway so give them a chance and leave your conscience a bit cleaner. Killing for food is one thing, killing cos you don't want to pay for the feed is something else and must weigh heavy on them, it would on me. What harm can a few chickens on the run do anyway, maybe eat some corn or something.

You never know, they might thrive in the wild, like those horses in blackwood or wherever it is. Roam free little chickens.
But isn’t that a bit like abandoning your dog on the side of the road because you can’t look after it? I don’t see how that would give you a clearer conscience. It’s just out of sight, out of mind, not my problem any more.
But isn’t that a bit like abandoning your dog on the side of the road because you can’t look after it? I don’t see how that would give you a clearer conscience. It’s just out of sight, out of mind, not my problem any more.

In this scenario it's a choice between abandoning your dog or gassing it tho
I read that and felt the same as the Editor and t
Interesting fact: Elvis grew up in poverty and his family used to eat squirrels that they caught.
They were a popular food for centuries, Queen Victoria was a fan apparantly. They were still in American cookbooks till the mid 20th century and apparantly their has been a small revival amongst some UK posh cooks.
I read that and felt the same as the Editor and t

They were a popular food for centuries, Queen Victoria was a fan apparantly. They were still in American cookbooks till the mid 20th century and apparantly their has been a small revival amongst some UK posh cooks.

I met a bloke in the woods who was shooting squirrels for restaurants in Truro (I checked and yes they appear on the menu as "squirrel"). He said he felt bad because someone had a real go at him because they're sweet fluffy things and it was cruel and he shouldn't be doing it. I didn't really think fast enough but they're grey squirrels for fucks sake, don't feel guilty about it.
And most of the meat eaters here seem to be barely troubled by such cruelty and waste of life.

Interesting that you bring up this waste of life point. Is this an example of that so-called "speciesism" that vegigan activists always talk about? In the sense that you declare yourself, a human, judge over which animals do or do not deserve to exist, and conclude that chickens in particular do not deserve to exist because they may have a bad experience for a couple of minutes at the end of their lives as they suffocate to death, and it would have been a "waste of life." Seems similar to arguments about human eugenics that, say, autistic people should not exist because it'd be "cruel" and a "waste of life" since they'd have some bad experiences. And, assuming that you're not arguing for those results for humans, it would then be "speciesism" for you to do so regarding other animals such as chickens. Have I got that about right?

Either way, as a meat eater I have to say I'm barely troubled by the knowledge that these chickens died from suffocation (plenty of people do too, btw) since I believe that's not sufficient reason for them not to deserve to have existed in the first place (I believe the same about those humans who end up dying from suffocation, btw). Why are you so bothered that these chickens have existed anyway?
Interesting that you bring up this waste of life point. Is this an example of that so-called "speciesism" that vegigan activists always talk about?
I've no idea because I'm not a 'vegigan activist,' whatever the fuck that is, and I've never talked about "speciesism" either, whatever the fuck that is.
I've no idea because I'm not a 'vegigan activist,' whatever the fuck that is,

Someone whose "activism" consists, at least in part, in getting others to adopt a vegigan diet.

and I've never talked about "speciesism" either, whatever the fuck that is.

Apparently it's some sort of idea in "ethical" vegiganism where animals are supposedly "oppressed" by humans or something. Good for you that you haven't encountered it yet, it's a load of bollocks.

You didn't answer the more pertinent question though, why are you so bothered that these chickens have existed, merely because they ended up suffocating to death? Surely that is no basis for positing that they shouldn't have existed, as would be the result if the "meat eaters" you've directed your comment at would stop eating meat?
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You didn't answer the more pertinent question though, why are you so bothered that these chickens have existed, merely because they ended up suffocating to death? Surely that is no basis for positing that they shouldn't have existed, as would be the result if the "meat eaters" you've directed your comment at would stop eating meat?
Your whole premise appears arse backwards and based on Christ knows what set of assumptions or nugatory comprehension concerning the meaning of life. What's pertinent about hypothetical non-existence? Why should that be linked to how a life is lived should it come about?
Cruelty is based on relationships and processes; the commodification of a life leads to all sorts of undesirable outcomes between humans even with our notional rights in place, how much more so when the life commodified is held in even more scant regard. Had that life never been in the first place those relations of exploitation of course never arise. Unless you subscribe to some pseudo religious twaddle about eternal souls.
Someone whose "activism" consists, at least in part, in getting others to adopt a vegigan diet.

Apparently it's some sort of idea in "ethical" vegiganism where animals are supposedly "oppressed" by humans or something. Good for you that you haven't encountered it yet, it's a load of bollocks.

You didn't answer the more pertinent question though, why are you so bothered that these chickens have existed, merely because they ended up suffocating to death? Surely that is no basis for positing that they shouldn't have existed, as would be the result if the "meat eaters" you've directed your comment at would stop eating meat?
It's encouraging that someone out there isn't letting being stuck in stop them getting stupidly fucked on a Friday night.
Well in fairness we've got someone hit-and-run posting, trying to guilt trip meat eaters for the mass deaths of chickens.

Intensive farming is cruel. Who knew??? :rolleyes:
I met a bloke in the woods who was shooting squirrels for restaurants in Truro (I checked and yes they appear on the menu as "squirrel"). He said he felt bad because someone had a real go at him because they're sweet fluffy things and it was cruel and he shouldn't be doing it. I didn't really think fast enough but they're grey squirrels for fucks sake, don't feel guilty about it.
What woods? Up Tehidy they're so tame they'd walk into the pot for a peanut.
Your whole premise appears arse backwards and based on Christ knows what set of assumptions or nugatory comprehension concerning the meaning of life. What's pertinent about hypothetical non-existence? Why should that be linked to how a life is lived should it come about?

What is pertinent about hypothetical non-existence is that this hypothetical non-existence is posited as the desired alternative to those animals having had a bad experience for the last couple of minutes of their life.

Cruelty is based on relationships and processes; the commodification of a life leads to all sorts of undesirable outcomes between humans even with our notional rights in place, how much more so when the life commodified is held in even more scant regard. Had that life never been in the first place those relations of exploitation of course never arise. Unless you subscribe to some pseudo religious twaddle about eternal souls.

Well yes I know how eugenicist reasoning works, for example disabled people are exploited so if they had never existed in the first place those relations of exploitation would never have arisen. Every eugenicist has claimed that they were doing the life they wanted not to exist a favour by stopping them from existing.
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