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March for Palestine 14th & 28th October 2023

They have UK hostages, coud have demanded the UK government do something directly about them. The demands were varied but mostly seemed to forget the people that were tortured, murdered, raped or kidnapped last week by Hamas.

If the implication being made is that those who support Palestinian rights have no regard for Hamas hostage taking see this from the PSC statement prior to last Saturdays march.

International law must be the framework within which all actions should be judged. International law makes it clear that the deliberate killing of civilians, hostage-taking and collective punishment are war crimes. Such crimes must be condemned no matter who perpetrates them. International law also enshrines the right of a people to resist oppression and military occupation.
I did think that but hard to prove who it was
I'm sure they have a list of drivers on that route at around that time, or someone on the train complains and this is then evidence.

It is possible nothing will come of it and I'm just especially grumpy today.

But still think people need to think more before posting stuff like this online. How shit would it be if this plays a part in fucking up this guys life. Just not worth the risk.

Edit - and not having a go at you for sharing it here, that doesn't matter it is the original upload to twitter (or whatever it is now) I don't like.
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I'm sure they have a list of drivers on that route at around that time, or someone on the train complains and this is then evidence.

It is possible nothimg will come of it and I'm just especially grumpy today.

But still think people need to think more before posting stuff like this online. How shit would it be if this plays a part in fucking up this guys life. Just not worth the risk.

Edit - and not having a go at you for sharing it here, that doesn't matter it is the original upload to twitter (or whatever it s now) I don't like.
I agree with you.... It came to my mind too.. Fingers crossed for them

There's got to be about 80 drivers on at any one time
And now it is all over social media he will probably get sacked.

Although chances of some cunt willing to grass also travelling on that train are pretty high.

But still think people need to think more before posting stuff like this online. How shit would it be if this plays a part in fucking up this guys life. Just not worth the risk.

have just picked up somewhere else that the daily mail (no i'm not going to provide a link) is already reporting 'outrage' about this, and british transport police are investigating...
On a related note, just seen this BBC story (last week's news, clicked thinking it might be from today):

Some protesters set off green or red flares, with police warning "action will be taken" if they are identified
Is that just the caption writer messing up, or are the cops seriously threatening to prosecute people for letting off flares now?
I remember travelling with afa down to the 92 I think bnp agm in Westminster, if our tube driver that day had been vocally anti-fascist I'm sure some nf or bnper would have been found to speak out as this lamentable woman has
I think I was protesting the same event, and a cop pushed me off the tube train.
Although chances of some cunt willing to grass also travelling on that train are pretty high.
Can you grass on someone who made a public announcement to a thousand or so people? It's not something that could have been kept a secret and the driver in question would have known of any potential consequences before saying what they said .
Can you grass on someone who made a public announcement to a thousand or so people? It's not something that could have been kept a secret and the driver in question would have known of any potential consequences before saying what they said .
On company premises as an employee you can be accused of bringing the company into disrepute. And the person doing the grassing would simply confirm train times which would lead to the culprit. You don't get that info from a twitter video necessarily.
On company premises as an employee you can be accused of bringing the company into disrepute. And the person doing the grassing would simply confirm train times which would lead to the culprit. You don't get that info from a twitter video necessarily.

I know that and the driver would have known that. Sometimes you have to have the courage of your convictions and accept the consequential fall out , if there is any. And in what way is the driver a "culprit"?
I know that and the driver would have known that. Sometimes you have to have the courage of your convictions and accept the consequential fall out , if there is any. And in what way is the driver a "culprit"?
Would you like me to google the meaning for you?
You can if it would make you happy. Personally, I don't see what crime the driver could have committed, and I wouldn't regard what they did as a misdeed.
Well that’s great. But maybe the company’s opinion might differ from yours which is why I used the word.
What good will it do though?

Bit too cynical. I've been on many useless marches but.

This one, taken along with other massive ones that are going on, are the best we can do to show support and keep on record there is massive opposition to what Israel is doing. So in these days of tinternet social media blah blah it's both psychologically and historically important.

It's not going to change things in Gaza, politically, directly. But. It's definitely better than nothing.
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