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Manchester City 22/23

how about Barney?

Same-typical two-faced public school liberal with his paper's barely hidden animosity towards successful Arabs, and all designed to get clicks, primarily from the online fanboys of certain entitled clubs and those who follow them while pretending to be supporters of 'lesser' clubs who dominate online discussion and constantly drag it down to their own level.

In any case, their war is over bar the shouting. The old elite now have to compete with better operators.
Here's some more, err, Twitter trolls:

Man City's potential treble would be the crowning glory to the UAE's sports washing project.​

Manchester City steamrolled the defending European Champions on Wednesday night, thrashing Carlo Ancelotti's Real Madrid side 4-0 at the Etihad.

Sports media was awash in the aftermath of the game with the eulogisation of Jack Grealish's down-to-earth persona, or rapturous praise for Pep Guardiola's tactical masterclass.

However, none of that matters. Regardless of the heights this oil-backed club scales, they must always be remembered for what they are - a sports washing project being utilised as a political prop.

The Abu Dhabi United Group took over at City back in 2008, and since that faithful day in which the Citizens sold their soul to the highest bidder, football too took on a new form.

No longer a game for the working class, that takeover was one of the principal catalysts in the creation of the financially doped and morally corrupt game which now confronts us.

The Impact of Alleged Financial Fair Play Breaches and State-Sponsored Ownership​

As City faces over 100 charges of allegedly breaching Premier League financial fair play rules, the question arises: Does this make fans feel less indifferent towards them?

While the world has drastically changed since Manchester City were purchased by the Abu Dhabi United Group in 2008, the recent spotlight on issues like sportswashing raises questions about the future of football. If Newcastle begins to win titles, hostility towards this type of ownership model could intensify.

Sports washing and Manchester city

Manchester City was successfully acquired by Abu Dhabi United Group Investment and Development Limited on September 1, 2008. The sale, reportedly worth £200 million. Since the takeover in 2008, Sheikh Mansour, the owner, has invested about $1.8 billion (£1.36 billion), and Forbes values the club at $4 billion.

Same-typical two-faced public school liberal with his paper's barely hidden animosity towards successful Arabs, and all designed to get clicks, primarily from the online fanboys of certain entitled clubs and those who follow them while pretending to be supporters of 'lesser' clubs who dominate online discussion and constantly drag it down to their own level.

In any case, their war is over bar the shouting. The old elite now have to compete with better operators.
'succesful arabs'?? Who the fuck is trolling now?
A few awards from within a self-serving profession doesn't mean that he isn't a jumped-up Twitter troll. So may of them are. Compare the standard of sports journalism now to that of a few decades ago. It's all designed primarily to get clicks and a reaction.

Isn't the Independent primarily owned by the Saudis, or is it still the Russian oligarch?

Surely a Russian is a great source for you!
Everyone is just a twitter troll if they decry sports washing and feudal states.
The 'feudal state' created from the colonialism that helped pay for Ronay's posh school, which the entire British establishment falls over itself to gain investment from while regularly feting its leaders, and has been in strategic partnership with since its inception. In advocating for the domestic political status quo (and hence no break in British foreign policy), the likes of the Guardian only show their hypocrisy on the matter. (And as we know, the world has a long history of feudal states transforming themselves into 'democracies' overnight. Especially after pressure from minor western journalists trying to whip up online mobs of social inadequates.)

As far as I'm aware, nobody in the Abu Dhabi population is asking for help from the likes of Delaney and Ronay, and if they were to go there they, like anybody posting on these boards, wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do about the situation they purport to be in angusih about. After all, none of you even have the slightest dea what to do about the situation we have here.
The 'feudal state' created from the colonialism that helped pay for Ronay's posh school, which the entire British establishment falls over itself to gain investment from while regularly feting its leaders, and has been in strategic partnership with since its inception. In advocating for the domestic political status quo (and hence no break in British foreign policy), the likes of the Guardian only show their hypocrisy on the matter. (And as we know, the world has a long history of feudal states transforming themselves into 'democracies' overnight. Especially after pressure from minor western journalists trying to whip up online mobs of social inadequates.)

As far as I'm aware, nobody in the Abu Dhabi population is asking for help from the likes of Delaney and Ronay, and if they were to go there they, like anybody posting on these boards, wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do about the situation they purport to be in angusih about. After all, none of you even have the slightest dea what to do about the situation we have here.
you're gonna need to see a chiropractor to sort your body out after all the contortions you're putting yourself through.
I don't care, but Miggy would surely be careful about who he is employed by if he genuine dislikes dubious regimes and political operators.

You mean the way Pep is careful by asking them if they did anything wrong and believing them when they say no.
oh, and I guess you aren't including the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers your favourite feudal state (no need for scare quotes) requires when you talk of its population. Because they are really fucking keen on having the abuses exposed.
oh, and I guess you aren't including the hundreds of thousands of migrant workers your favourite feudal state (no need for scare quotes) requires when you talk of its population. Because they are really fucking keen on having the abuses exposed.
When did you go and speak to them?
It doesn't matter. As I said, the war is over bar the shouting.

By the war, and we know you are a war enthusiast, you mean that Man City are now established members of the elite.

I thought that financial fair play was a bad thing because it prevented people from reaching the highest level, so how can "the war" be over and you think that is a good thing?
are you denying the reality? Cunt.
Where did I deny the reality? I acknowledge that the regime over there is responsible for similar crimes as our own ruling class. Just not as many, as our own has had longer to practice.

Not that City are owned by the regime.

But when was it that you went over there to help organise the migrant workers?
Where did I deny the reality? I acknowledge that the regime over there is responsible for similar crimes as our own ruling class. Just not as many, as our own has had longer to practice.

Not that City are owned by the regime.

But when was it that you went over there to help organise the migrant workers?

You probably think you are twisting and turning like Jack Grealish.

When in fact you are dribbling like a baby.
says the eejit with a hardon for Strong Men. Are you Galloways even dumber little brother?
Show me where I display evidence of a hard-on for strong men. I thought you were wiser than the liberals on here who equate opposition to an avoidable war and an attempt to explain the current regime in Russia, whatever the shortcomings of such expanation, with support for either.
You probably think you are twisting and turning like Jack Grealish.

When in fact you are dribbling like a baby.
Why do you care/ You think you know what's happening. Why not sit back and enjoy the ride?

(I think I know why the likes of you and the rest who've jumped in here can't do that, you just won't admit it.)
Why do you care/ You think you know what's happening. Why not sit back and enjoy the ride?

(I think I know why the likes of you and the rest who've jumped in here can't do that, you just won't admit it.)

Haven't loads of teams had success they enjoyed without breaking the rules, which is why the titles will be stripped.

Still you can still enjoy supporting Russia committing various war crimes.
I'm not even sure if anybody, in their haste to prove what good eggs they are, has considered how self-serving and bogus the recently-conceived idea of 'sportwashing' is. As evidenced by Miguel Delaney's lack of appropriate choosiness about who employs him. It seems that he is only choosy about in whose direction to throw his righteous indignation (and the clue here might be connected to those whose employment he has taken. Or it might not...)

If 'sportwashing' was a real thing, then it has obviously failed miserably, as never before has Abu Dhabi and others received such righteous condemnation in the media (and hence the population, at least among those who imagine that they 'personally' are losing out...) At the same time, few have been bothered about long-time Middle-Eastern sponsorhip of major British and international sporting tournaments. Nor about financial input into football clubs from Middle Eastern and other regions to be condemned in unsuccessful or yet to be succcessful clubs. Except, perhaps, for Newcastle, who, like City, have the potential to keep one of the self-entitled clubs away from where the big money is.

If City's current owners had botched the project and the club was languishing in mid-table, you would need a super-duper hearing aid (as advertised in the Express) to hear the squeaks of indignation
fuck off troll
I can never understand why Belboid is so clearly upset by what he (perhaps under the influence of some middle-class oddballs, ravged middle-aged drunks and bedsit masturbators on a certain football forum, who, it appears collectively help inform his opinions) perceives as City doing a certain PL club out of what they imagine is rightfully theirs, when he purports to be a long-time supporter of some Fourth Division club.
I can never understand why Belboid is so clearly upset by what he (perhaps under the influence of some middle-class oddballs, ravged middle-aged drunks and bedsit masturbators on a certain football forum, who, it appears collectively help inform his opinions) perceives as City doing a certain PL club out of what they imagine is rightfully theirs, when he purports to be a long-time supporter of some Fourth Division club.

You hang out on the blue moon forums.

Let me know how many times you challenged the references to hillsborough.
I can never understand why Belboid is so clearly upset by what he (perhaps under the influence of some middle-class oddballs, ravged middle-aged drunks and bedsit masturbators on a certain football forum, who, it appears collectively help inform his opinions) perceives as City doing a certain PL club out of what they imagine is rightfully theirs, when he purports to be a long-time supporter of some Fourth Division club.
thats probably because you're just a shit troll who enjoys playing games from their bedsit. Anyone who gives a shit about sport should care about sports washing and the total domination of capital over sport. Even if it is their team.

And anyone who praises feudal states as simply being 'successful Arabs' is a reactionary piece of shit. Pretty simple really.
thats probably because you're just a shit troll who enjoys playing games from their bedsit. Anyone who gives a shit about sport should care about sports washing and the total domination of capital over sport. Even if it is their team.

And anyone who praises feudal states as simply being 'successful Arabs' is a reactionary piece of shit. Pretty simple really.
But, as I said, if sportwashing was more than a concept coined by de-facto client journalists of clubs who thought they were guaranteed a place in the money-spinning elite for ever more, than it has had the opposite effect to the one said to be intended. Hasn't it? In any case, when did you become the one who decides what everybody ought to do? Who appointed you?

So you can't have a feudal state, or any other kind of state said to be objectionable, run by people who are successful at what they do? And which feudal state have I praised, and how did I word it?

Anyway, it would be interesting to read why you so obviously have an such an axe to grind for Liverpool, complete with the obligatory assumed moral high ground and persecution complex, when you've spent years banging on about Tranmere Rovers. Because last time I looked, most LFC fans had either forgotten Tranmere or treated them, at best, condescendingly. Have you been condescended to?
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