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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

The trend seems to be to not claim responsibility. Creates more doubt and confusion.
Hmm.... well I have no clue the thought processes of terrorists ..

I suppose the search must be underway again, it is about 07:45 in Malaysia
Yeah but I'm struggling to think of an itinerary that would require you to fly from Malaysia to somewhere via Beijing, especially as going to Beijing would be on a carrier that only flies from Beijing back to KL; mixing airlines would be stupidly expensive. The 72 hour transit thing is not meant to be a stand-in for a visa, if your intention is to visit China you need a visa. For this reason airlines are well lairy of accepting passengers with no visa (as it's the airline who gets fined).

Whatever is the situation, iffy to do it with stolen passports.

Looks like they had onward tickets to Amsterdam on a KLM flight which would have departed yesterday, so no need for them to have had visas. I got this info from the Guardian live update.
Looks pretty clear it was hijacked and brought down. Fuckwits. No doubt some fucking religion was involved.
Planes have been brought down in the past with no claims of responsibility.

I think we all know who is behind this one.
Seriously? I assume the name of the prophet was heard was heard by all as it went into the South China Sea.
Well, it's not impossible but what exactly is the point of a terrorist act if no-one takes responsibility for it? Who has been terrorised? Similar assumptions were made about AF447 but it turned out to be pilot error.

I wonder how many false passports there are on an average flight anyway?
Let's be realistic shall we? The cockpit was hijacked by fuckwits looking forward to their dozens of virgins in a few hours.

What a wonderful religion. I hate all religions, but Islam certainly wins this race. Idiots.
Looks like they had onward tickets to Amsterdam on a KLM flight which would have departed yesterday, so no need for them to have had visas. I got this info from the Guardian live update.

China Southern codeshare with Malaysia Airlines, so you can have a CZ flight number all the way through from KL to Europe. Hell of a detour, so guess that must be a decent cost saving.
Prejudice? Seriously?

I'm not a fucking rocket scientist but I have travelled extensively in Muslim countries, and spent a lot of time in both KL and China, where I currently live. This is absolutely, certainly the work of an Islamic group. Usually with these cases they manage to take out other 'believers' too, besides the innocents they have also taken into the sea.

Fucked up. Backward. End of. No idea what separates Muslims and Christians from scientologists. They're all barking. Guess what guys traveling on those nicked passports? There are no virgins. You're dead.
Let's be realistic shall we? The cockpit was hijacked by fuckwits looking forward to their dozens of virgins in a few hours.

What a wonderful religion. I hate all religions, but Islam certainly wins this race. Idiots.

There are two suspect passengers not four, most cockpits have 3 crew, would that be enough to overpower the crew? Or if that wasn't the plan why would you need two people to set a bomb off?

Both passengers not only had tickets on from Beijing to Amsterdam (which would have been necessary to land at Beijing without a visa) but also had tickets on to third destinations. What would be the point of buying the third stop? No point covering your tracks if you're planning to die in mid-air.

No group has taken responsibility for the incident. What's the point of losing two lives/money/weapons or bomb making equipment in an incident like this if no-one is subsequently terrorised.

It's certainly not impossible or even implausible but insisting that it must be the case with so little evidence just proves that you're a reactionary idiot.
There are two suspect passengers not four, most cockpits have 3 crew, would that be enough to overpower the crew? Or if that wasn't the plan why would you need two people to set a bomb off?

There are three now who may have been travelling on fake / stolen passports, it was reported that:
Chinese state media reports a Chinese person whose passport number is among those listed for passengers did not in fact board the plane. AFP


Both passengers not only had tickets on from Beijing to Amsterdam (which would have been necessary to land at Beijing without a visa) but also had tickets on to third destinations. What would be the point of buying the third stop? No point covering your tracks if you're planning to die in mid-air.

No group has taken responsibility for the incident. What's the point of losing two lives/money/weapons or bomb making equipment in an incident like this if no-one is subsequently terrorised.

As was mentioned in the thread, no one plausibly claimed responsibility for the Pan Am / Lockerbie bomb.

It's certainly not impossible or even implausible but insisting that it must be the case with so little evidence just proves that you're a reactionary idiot.
There are three now who may have been travelling on fake / stolen passports, it was reported that:

As was mentioned in the thread, no one plausibly claimed responsibility for the Pan Am / Lockerbie bomb.

I wasn't denying the possibility I was attacking gabi's high degree of certainty which as it clearly isn't based on evidence can only be based on foolishness and prejudice.
I wonder, do Uyghur seperatists count as muslim terrorists just because their region is majority muslim (tomUS actually posted that they were on the train station knife attack thread). That would make the UVF, IRA, Angry brigdae etc all christian groups wouldn't it?
I wonder, do Uyghur seperatists count as muslim terrorists just because their region is majority muslim (tomUS actually posted that they were on the train station knife attack thread). That would make the UVF, IRA, Angry brigdae etc all christian groups wouldn't it?
The Chinese government and media is very keen to have the Uyghurs labelled as Islamic terrorists for obvious reasons.
Vietnamese navy ships which reached two oil slicks spotted earlier in the South China Sea found no signs of wreckage.

Malaysia's Transport Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, initially said at least four names on
the passenger list were "suspect" but later told the BBC there were in fact only two suspect names.
The BBC has confirmed that a man falsely using an Italian passport and a man falsely using an Austrian passport purchased tickets at the same time, and were both booked on the same onward flight from Beijing to Europe on Saturday.

Both had purchased their tickets from China Southern Airlines, which shared the flight with Malaysia Airlines, and they had consecutive ticket numbers.

The real owners reportedly had their passports stolen in Thailand in recent years.

FlightRadar depends on the degree of local coverage.

Which in the immediate vicinity is apparently only above 30kft according to FR24:
Here is a #MH370 situation update from Flightradar24 because of the many questions we get.

The ADS-B transponder of an aircraft is transmitting data twice per second. FR24 saves data every 10-60 second depending on altitude. On cruising altitude data is normally saved once per 60 seconds. By analyzing all our databases and logs we have managed to recover about 2 signals per minute for the last 10minutes.

The last location tracked by Flightradar24 is
Time UTC: 17:21:03
Lat: 6.97
Lon: 103.63
Alt: 35000
Speed: 471 knots
Heading: 40

Between 17:19 and 17:20 the aircraft was changing heading from 25 to 40 degrees, which is probably completely according to flight plan as MH370 on both 4 March and 8 March did the same at the same position. Last 2 signals are both showing that the aircraft is heading in direction 40 degrees.

Today there are reports in media that MH370 may have turned around. FR24 have not tracked this. This could have happened if the aircraft suddenly lost altitude as FR24 coverage in that area is limited to about 30000 feet.

FR24 have not tracked any emergency squawk alerts for flight MH370 before we lost coverage of the aircraft. Playback for flight MH370 is available on

The turnaround they refer to is attributed to a quote from the Malaysian military that their primary radar returns suggest the aircraft started to turn around back towards Malaysia. Vietnamese naval radar (primary) originally claimed they had seen it come down. Later they changed this statement and just talked about the location it disappeared.

One can't help but wonder if the regional military authorities might know more (or less) than they let on simply as a result of the desire to obscure their capabilities from each other (compounded further by various additional layers of politics and bureaucracy).

e2a: one wonders if any ACARS data will come to light.
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