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Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 vanishes without trace

Would a hijacker have known whereabouts that point is? Seems unlikely.

Depends on the degree of training.
We can handle hijackers and accidental crashes because we can take action to prevent stuff like that, wayward pilot though, that's pretty terrifying.

There have been several examples recently (pilot suicide, pilot 'hijacking' own plane).
is it any coincidence that aleister crowley's book about tarot was called 777? [/jazzz]
The tube bombings were on 7/7 2005. If you add all the numbers of the year together (2+0+0+5) you get your third 7.

and here's another massive coincidence. It's 37 years since the 1977 crash, and what's more, this one was on the 7th of the 3rd and...

(Nonsense I read somewhere :D)
Reuters reporting that a 'source' has stated that "satellites picked up electronic ping from MH370 after it lost contact".

Reading between the lines of an expanded version of that report it sounds like ELINT assets picked up the engine management ACARS traffic that (since the plane had no SATCOM option fitted, apparently) would have been transmitted on VHF. So yes, technically Boeing/RR/MAS would be perfectly correct in stating that they received no data subsequent to the last reported (ADS-B) position. Wouldn't be surprised if other signals, eg carrier of SHF in-flight phone system(*), were noted as well.

e2a: * looks like it would have been Inmarsat based and not Iridium so potentially less useful for narrowing down a search area.
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Yeah, it'd have to be vanishingly unlikely to have happened. OTOH, more unlikely than that the plane was nabbed and landed safely in some jungle airstrip?

I imagine that we'll eventually find out that it DID crash somewhere, but - as that WSJ graphic demonstrates - there's a lot of places to look, and we just haven't found it yet.

Although it's a totally unrelated kind of incident, and almost certainly nothing to do with this flight, I do keep remembering the plane that crashed into the sea following a hijack because the hijackers simply didn't believe the captain when he said he didn't have enough fuel to get to where they said they wanted to go...

This one:

The pilot had been in two hijackings before, and still continued to fly after that one!.
"Communications satellites picked up faint electronic pulses from Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 after it went missing on Saturday, but the signals gave no indication about where the stray jet was heading nor its technical condition, a source close to the investigation said on Thursday.

The “pings” equated to an indication that the aircraft’s maintenance troubleshooting systems were ready to communicate with satellites if needed, but no links were opened because Malaysia Airlines and others had not subscribed to the full troubleshooting service, the source said."
I saw a little bit of debate about how long the plane could have flown today and how far. Surely that could be pinned down, they should know how much fuel it had and its consumption.
After boarding but before take off, a passenger texted a relative to say that the cabin crew had all been taken off the plane and replaced by another team, who all seemed very inexperienced. There could have been a genuine operational reason for this or it could have been a precursor to foul play?
Sorry if I'm going over old ground here, (been away from internet all day), but are the yanks still sticking by this 4 hours of data line?

Yes. Keep alive was given as every 30 minutes so between 4 and 5 hours run time. What detail there is if any though, ie to what degree they can profile the flight and constrain it, is another question. Likewise the details of the signal type and infrastructure it normally uses would influence the degree to which the transmissions could be located.
Twitter tells me (so it's def. true) that the White House are briefing right now to say that they believe it did carry on flying for 4 hours.

The White House.

This is gonna be a film one day, right?
After boarding but before take off, a passenger texted a relative to say that the cabin crew had all been taken off the plane and replaced by another team, who all seemed very inexperienced. There could have been a genuine operational reason for this or it could have been a precursor to foul play?
After boarding but before take off, a passenger texted a relative to say that the cabin crew had all been taken off the plane and replaced by another team, who all seemed very inexperienced. There could have been a genuine operational reason for this or it could have been a precursor to foul play?

Not seen this bit of info before. Surely not hard to confirm, if true.
After boarding but before take off, a passenger texted a relative to say that the cabin crew had all been taken off the plane and replaced by another team, who all seemed very inexperienced. There could have been a genuine operational reason for this or it could have been a precursor to foul play?
Can't find *any* mentions about this anywhere on Google, so I am calling bullshit on this one.

Can't find *any* mentions about this anywhere on Google, so I am calling bullshit on this one.


I had a look as well. Couldn't find any mention whatsoever

Maybe someone just making up stories to get attention, like that girl did who said her mother was on the plane when she wasn't.
WSJ (and others, which seems to amount to multiple sources) now reporting that the data the USG has includes location and altitude. It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that this wasn't part of the actual data but was derived. One separate USAF source is reported as describing the aircraft as changing altitude erratically towards the end of the flight before settling back to 35kft.

US deploying P-8A Poseidon (737-800 based successor to P-3 Orion) to search the Indian Ocean/Andaman Sea.
It's also got it at 40k feet and not moving...

I'm not certain we should be trusting an iphone app.

The app info comes from Flightware's website. Flightaware gets its data from the FAA's central computer (excluding military and VFR flights). Take a look at Flightaware's own website for the data. HERE

Scroll down to 17:49. All other data either side of it is listed as estimated, those 4 entries are supposedly not. Im not saying it's correct im just surprised it's not been mentioned in all the "theories" about what has gone on. Oh and it is moving.

Additionally i worked the following out to see if the latitude and longitude match up with the distance travelled at the 777's cruising speed. It would appear that although the data might well not be reliable in terms of it being the flight itself, the figures do tally fairly well (given a few basic assumptions).


I've messaged Flightaware asking for an explanation, as im sure there is one as nobody could be stupid enough to miss this. :)
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