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Mad Paul Mason

he's actually suggesting they get into bed with the tory enablers tbf

a shift from supporting a manifesto with a proposed 25 year carbon emission solution to a 10 year one may help offset some potential guilt they had in their election choice. although with that lot I doubt it.
He's on tyskysour one evening this week if you want to watch him vigorously argue for whatever it is that particular day...
No chance. He’s published his 21 demands that the leadership candidate who wants his support must meet.

Seriously. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I haven’t got a clue what tyskysour is but the last thing you’ll hear from the ‘public intellectual’ is any recognition of how wide of the mark he was. It’ll be a doubling down of his shit.
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That was not Corbyn's fault. The Cold War right-wingers who smeared and slandered Labour as they quit the party, urging votes for the Tories; the neoliberals who defected to the Libdems; the hand-wringing liberal media who could not bring themselves to vote Labour even in the face of the right wing threat - all share responsibility. But we have to face facts.

Faced with an alliance of the right and the far right, the only effective response is a temporary alliance of the centre and the left.
This part is really mad. At least many of the other contradictions are spread over 2+ pages, here you've not even got two paragraphs separating it.
No chance. He’s published his 21 demands that the leadership candidate who wants his support must meet.

View attachment 193291
Seriously. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I haven’t got a clue what tyskysour is but the last thing you’ll hear from the ‘public intellectual’ is any recognition of how wide of the mark he was. It’ll be a doubling down of his shit.

That list is fucking bonkers and especially coming from someone who demanded they vote against Brexit and refuse to accept the referendum result.

21 is MENTAL. Can you imagine the fake approval rating polls people would make up? Or the media fanfare if there was any sign of dropping towards -30%?

Mason has made me angrier than anyone else in the last few days. He is a mega entitled stone cold scum bag.
This part is really mad. At least many of the other contradictions are spread over 2+ pages, here you've not even got two paragraphs separating it.

Popular frontism pure and simple. Embarrassing both because this is not Germany in the 1930's and because of how poorly that worked out at the time.
26: will resign within 45 minutes of any of their u75 posts not receiving at least 6 likes
27: owns or has access to a pipe that can be used as a prop in propaganda
28: has useful business contacts in the pop-up beret store realm
29: a handshake that would make Ayn Rand shake
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31 must commit to a policy of bringing the price of space raiders back down to 10p

A leader would only be able to get that through conference if it was tagged onto a much more important issue, one that was critical to the lives of millions of the Proletariat - namely the banning of fake milk bottles, and ensuring that the only ones sold were the Bassett ones, the ones with the floury-milk powder type stuff on them.

Onward we march Comrades...
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