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Looming Le Pen - French Election 2022

They've passed a threshold beyond which they get lots of seats, but the second round of this election showed that voters for other parties are still refusing to switch to NR. Best she can hope for is that they abstain, but that's much less likely in a presidential election. That's her problem.
That is true, but it is also true (despite the claims to the contrary above) that liberals are are also not really willing to give their vote to Melenchon/LFI.

Five years is some time off and plenty can happy but it is not totally crazy to think of a scenario where with Macron unable run in 2027 the liberal candidate does not inspire and you have a Melenchon vs Le Pen run off.
Like I say plenty of time for other things to develop but RN has again widened and deepened its support this cycle
France’s Revived Left Can Stop Emmanuel Macron in His Tracks
Jacobin 07.01.2022
An interview with Manon Aubry

We could say the night started better than it ended. But the result is still historic for the Left. Over the last five years, there were a total of sixty-four MPs across all left-wing parties, with seventeen for France Insoumise. But it increased its number four times over, and the whole Left was two and a half times bigger. It’s an important demonstration that the Left is alive in France — a Left that is proud of its values despite the lies, slander, and invective from Macron’s party.

The president’s camp has demonized us and, in so doing, has normalized the far right. Indeed, this election was also a historic breakthrough for Le Pen’s party, with eighty-nine MPs elected. This has never happened in our history, especially as this electoral system is generally unfavorable to them. And this is the direct result of the attitude of Macron’s government. First, because it constantly avoided any real debate for these elections. Second, because it demonized us, making us out as public enemy number one. Third, as a consequence, in the runoffs between NUPES and Rassemblement National, Macron’s party didn’t issue a call for how to vote; but by constantly making out that we are “anti-republican,” it brought the far right back into the republican camp.
"The president’s camp has demonized us and, in so doing, has normalized the far right."

So Macron’s party bears heavy responsibility both for the far right’s breakthrough and the historic setback for the president’s majority. Never in our history has a newly elected president had such low numbers. Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy, and François Hollande all had more than three hundred MPs. And here Macron has less than 250 representatives on his side.
What next for Le Pen’s party? An informal alliance with the other party of the Republic?
Good post mortem here

Interesting read . I think the author’s identification of the class and segmentation elements behind the three parties was good . However I got the feeling whilst this was a good table top analysis , disappointingly it didn’t seem to have a hands on/ voice from the actors or participants that would have brought it to life a bit more . Having said that it’s an excellent starting point .
French parliamentary deputies behaved so disgracefully during recent alcohol-fuelled debates on pension reform that the National Assembly has undertaken a comparative study of alcohol consumption in the present and previous legislatures.

"Until their scheme was discovered, far-right deputies from Marine Le Pen’s National Rally for several weeks put drinks on the tab of the far-left France Unbowed"

Having watched some of those debates, some of the behaviour makes more sense now.
Judging by the traffic cop shows I've been watching, the French seem to have problems with booze -but are the hardest in Europe on other substances..
I find Maigret difficult to listen to sometimes - though he isn't the only boozing and smoking detective ...
Good thing that Macron was voted in to stop the fascists.
A key part of the bill was that some social security benefits for foreigners should be conditional on having spent five years in France, or 30 months for those with jobs. The left-wing opposition said this amounted to Macron copying the controversial central manifesto pledge of decades of far-right politics under Jean-Marie Le Pen and his daughter Marine Le Pen: the notion of “national preference” in which benefits and housing should be “for the French first”.
So a vile bill passed and a huge boost to the RN. A great example of the flaw of liberal/state 'anti-fascism', it helps build the hard-right.
Le Pen lost the second round 59/41%. Sure it was a significant improvement on the previous election but still some way off. And that was when Macron was polling well ahead and was always likely to win.

I'm not going to say a Le Pen victory won't happen but the French system makes is very hard for RN. A lot will depend on where Macron/En Marche voters go.
Le Pen might not be the RN candidate. I've seen an awful lot more of Jordan Bardella recently, so maybe they'll try without the Le Pen (père ou fille) brand.

He'll only be 31 at the next election though, so maybe the one after that.
Suspect some of the party aren't quite ready just yet for someone so young with a foreign name from the banlieue. I'm sure his time will come though. :(
Suspect some of the party aren't quite ready just yet for someone so young with a foreign name from the banlieue. I'm sure his time will come though. :(
He's of Italian heritage, and they have a far right government, so that ought to buy him some support.

Melenchon surely won't get to the final run-off.
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I don’t think it would even matter who they were up against if the election was now. The way they’ve repositioned themselves, the unpopularity of Macron and various events in recent news mean they’d probably be the no.1 party. But a long time to go fortunately…
It's also brought out gobby bellend buffoons like you. Wind it in or fuck off.

Have you posted here before under a different name YES/NO?
Re-reading this and all the other offensive bullshit you and your mods posted two years ago, not to mention paranoid delusions about my identity, has reminded me of what a twat you are and why I stopped coming here. I only returned because someone else posted a link to this heap of shit of a site elsewhere re the banning of that Russian stooge Veronika. So curiosity got the better of me and much to my surprise I found my account was still live.

I am unlikely to stop thinking you are a cunt and a twat, so the biggest favour you can do yourself is to ban me or delete my account and be done with it. Either way I have no plans to come back after my full stop.
Macron "rejects left-wing government", but is open to talks with Le Pen.
The president rejected left-wing claims to govern after talks Monday with far-right politician Marine Le Pen and other political leaders. Since Friday, he has invited party leaders to talks in the hopes of finding a consensus candidate who would not immediately be ousted in a no-confidence vote.

“My responsibility is that the country is not blocked nor weakened,” Macron said in a statement.

The July election left the 577-seat National Assembly divided between the left-wing New Popular Front (NFP) alliance with over 190 seats, followed by Macron’s centrist alliance at around 160 and Le Pen’s National Rally at 140.

Meanwhile, the Torygraph crows.
Marine Le Pen has warned Emmanuel Macron she will topple any Left-wing prime minister installed to end the current period of political deadlock.
France entered its eighth week without a prime minister and government on Monday after the president called snap legislative elections last month.

It seems to me that there's a possible constitutional crisis just around the corner.
Macron "rejects left-wing government", but is open to talks with Le Pen.

Meanwhile, the Torygraph crows.

It seems to me that there's a possible constitutional crisis just around the corner.
There may well be. Macron is basically refusing to admit that his lot lost.

The RN will 'refuse to work with' the left-wing PM? Oh dear. They must be distraught. The RN will topple the government with fewer than one quarter of the seats? Good trick. Le Pen failing to admit that her lot also lost.
Re-reading this and all the other offensive bullshit you and your mods posted two years ago, not to mention paranoid delusions about my identity, has reminded me of what a twat you are and why I stopped coming here. I only returned because someone else posted a link to this heap of shit of a site elsewhere re the banning of that Russian stooge Veronika. So curiosity got the better of me and much to my surprise I found my account was still live.

I am unlikely to stop thinking you are a cunt and a twat, so the biggest favour you can do yourself is to ban me or delete my account and be done with it. Either way I have no plans to come back after my full stop.
Imagine having such a giant ego that you can't just leave a site you don't like, but have to keep returning to throw low grade insults around. What a sad little man.
Imagine having such a giant ego that you can't just leave a site you don't like, but have to keep returning to throw low grade insults around. What a sad little man.
Twat. You know nothing about me re my mental health problems re anxiety and depression and frequent suicidal thoughts, nor my Parkinsons Disease which is making all this worse because I have never chosen to share it with hostile people before.

In response I expect mockery and piss taking rather than anything remotely resembling compassion. So just ban me and be done with it.
Twat. You know nothing about me re my mental health problems re anxiety and depression and frequent suicidal thoughts, nor my Parkinsons Disease which is making all this worse because I have never chosen to share it with hostile people before.

In response I expect mockery and piss taking rather than anything remotely resembling compassion. So just ban me and be done with it.
I think this pic fits right in here.....a forum full of tits flushed with their own sense of relevance but belonging in the past
<image removed >
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