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London Mayoral Election 2024

Exactly that in terms of getting paid twice (your normal pay for you r job + the poll clerk fee). I did it twice around 1983. It was because I was on a rotation as a trainee and ended up working in the elections unit in Rochdale for a few weeks. As part of that I had to go out with one of the senior council bods and visit the polling stations to see everything was working. All a bit difficult as I was heavily involved in the local Labour Party and kept getting greeted warmly at each stop! The other was simply working as a poll clerk. A nice little earner - apart from the fact you don't get meal breaks and have to dash to the loo in between voters.
And check ID.
Just had to explain Binface's slogan of Make Earth Great Again to a colleague who soon came round to the opinion that the slogan was indeed mega.
I'm glad I only just heard that that was his slogan, I would have been keenly tempted to vote for him.
Labour apparently worried that Khan could lose based on the urban vote not turning out because people are pissed about Gaza.

It's probably convenient for Starmer to argue that it's Gaza, but the low turnouts in the Labour boroughs is probably more complex than that with a proportion of LP voters not comfortable with Starmer's lurches to the right. That, added to the vermin whipping up of anti-ULEZ sentiment in the low-information voter outer areas might well make the outcome closer than polling suggested.
It's probably convenient for Starmer to argue that it's Gaza, but the low turnouts in the Labour boroughs is probably more complex than that with a proportion of LP voters not comfortable with Starmer's lurches to the right. That, added to the vermin whipping up of anti-ULEZ sentiment in the low-information voter outer areas might well make the outcome closer than polling suggested.
What is a low-information voter?
Low information voter - Wikipedia

In my understanding, folk who tend not to be very engaged/interested with politics who tend to vote based on personalities or single issues that matter to them with little information. I suppose, therefore, more susceptible to false consciousness or 'voting wrong'.

Surprised to see you using such a term, TBH. From the link

Linguist George Lakoff has written that the term is a pejorative mainly used by American liberals to refer to people who vote conservative against what liberals assume to be their own interests and assumes they do it because they lack sufficient information. Liberals, he said, attribute the problem in part to deliberate Republican efforts at misinforming voters
Surprised to see you using such a term

never heard of it before, but first thoughts were that it does come across very very sneery.

edit - low information voter.
Yeah, that's fair; I can see that. Perhaps it's best that I stop using the term.

That said, I know full well from my own fam that there are folk who vote against their own interests without knowing or ever having access to information/knowledge that would help them question that; they exist.

Perhaps there is another, less sneery, term that might describe people who vote against their own interests because they lack information or are swayed by single issues like ULEZ?
I didn't get to vote. ☹️ I hadn't managed to send in my postal vote, so went in in person (had to take my daughter anyway) and they said I couldn't change to an in-person vote because it was after 5pm. None of the govt websites mentioned that. Still, at least it's better than last time when they claimed I had to go to the town hall to do it.

If Khan loses by one vote, I'll know who to blame!
Info was here
Yeah, that's fair; I can see that. Perhaps it's best that I stop using the term.

That said, I know full well from my own fam that there are folk who vote against their own interests without knowing or ever having access to information/knowledge that would help them question that; they exist.

Perhaps there is another, less sneery, term that might describe people who vote against their own interests because they lack information or are swayed by single issues like ULEZ?
The problem here is that no-one would see their very personal reasons why they cast a certain vote as 'single issue' or 'badly informed' or shallow, so pigeon holing 'these people' is by nature very muddy.
Yeah, that's fair; I can see that. Perhaps it's best that I stop using the term.

That said, I know full well from my own fam that there are folk who vote against their own interests without knowing or ever having access to information/knowledge that would help them question that; they exist.

Perhaps there is another, less sneery, term that might describe people who vote against their own interests because they lack information or are swayed by single issues like ULEZ?

The problem I have with this whole approach, whatever we call it, is that it implicitly assumes that we the observers know better than the people we're dismissing what their real interests are.

And it's generally an approach favoured by "progressive" liberals to explain why stupid working class people don't vote the way the "progressive" liberals think they should.

Ultimately, IMO, almost all people are going against their own interests by even voting at all, so almost everyone can be dismissed as having false consciousness, or whatever expression you want to use.
The problem I have with this whole approach, whatever we call it, is that it implicitly assumes that we the observers know better than the people we're dismissing what their real interests are.

And it's generally an approach favoured by "progressive" liberals to explain why stupid working class people don't vote the way the "progressive" liberals think they should.

Ultimately, IMO, almost all people are going against their own interests by even voting at all, so almost everyone can be dismissed as having false consciousness, or whatever expression you want to use.
tbh I'd question a 'well informed' and 'politically active' tory voter's motivations a lot more than a 'single issue anti ULEZ' voter's.
Ultimately, IMO, almost all people are going against their own interests by even voting at all, so almost everyone can be dismissed as having false consciousness, or whatever expression you want to use.
Key point.

However, any of us who do espouse an ideological/political preference are kind of/implicitly saying that we do believe that we know what is in people's best interests. Even a belief that they'd be better off not voting.
Apols for thread derail (while we wait for the result). Maybe my clumsy term deserves its own thread discussion?
tbh I'd question a 'well informed' and 'politically active' tory voter's motivations a lot more than a 'single issue anti ULEZ' voter's.
Yes, but the wealthy voting for wealth defence is regarded as voting in their own interests, no?
Low information voter - Wikipedia

In my understanding, folk who tend not to be very engaged/interested with politics who tend to vote based on personalities or single issues that matter to them with little information. I suppose, therefore, more susceptible to false consciousness or 'voting wrong'.

Liberal horseshit. In the London Mayoral election I voted for the main candidate whose personality I found least offensive, and who I hope will prove to be least incompetent. I've always voted for those who claim to support issues that matter to me. Why would anyone vote for a candidate whose policies they despise?
In all seriousness, this is exactly the sort of thing that was (still is) directed by liberal Remainers at all the ignorant Leave voters who were all conned by an advert on the side of a bus
I saw a Persil advert on a bus recently. The house is full of it now.
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