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London Anarchist Bookfair 2022

I'd rather not see any fascists pretending to be anarchists selling their books at an anarchist bookfair.

I don't think anyone can claim that out-TERFs are anything but fascists, right?

So, is Lisa a fascist? Is that the direction you're not a fan of?
Everyone I disagree with is a FASCIST!!!
As in the role of the bookfair isn't to advance the cause of the working class , its there to advance the cause of the anarchists sort of entirely reasonable?

Not sure this is a very fruitful or relevant line of discussion to go down, but since it's a question to me...

There's a whole tradition/perspective in anarchist and anti-State/ultra left communism that's highly critical of unions, so depending on the remit of an anarchist event, then yes I think it could be entirely fair (justifiable and logical) to exclude unions. (The idea that my union (GMB) is doing anything to advance to cause of liberatory politics I find quite funny having had some engagement with them recently btw.)

And that's without even looking too much into your vague 'advance the cause of the working class'. I mean any number of small Leninist groups, and also the Labour Party, would say that's their politics too, but I don't think it would be a shock for them not to get a stall at any anarchist bookfair either.

Don't think this is too useful though thb. Do think a stall or talk rejection should be explained. Also think the dynamic between what a person does, and how much that reflects and should impact any wider collective project they're involved in can be tricky as well.

Has anyone on here who is in an organisation successfully applied or know someone who has?

I'll let you know next week!

Maybe we could club together and buy the bookfair 2 ink stamps to help with all this? One that says 'NOT ANARCHIST' and one that says 'NOT OUR KIND OF ANARCHIST'. It would make all the rejections much clearer.
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Tbh if it was me organising it I'd bringing in everyone I could think of from JSO to the RMT via Acorn and the hunt sabs.

Liven it up a bit.
Is JSO something to do with Jewish Socialists? Did a quick google and first result was:
I definitely agree they should be brought into the organising group, would definitely liven things up a bit then.
Tbh if it was me organising it I'd bringing in everyone I could think of from JSO to the RMT via Acorn and the hunt sabs.

Liven it up a bit.

I think it did used to be a bit more like that (RMT excepted), maybe no coincidence it did used to be a bit more lively then maybe? Reflection on the closing down/withdrawing of lots of politics into smaller, more specialised and less connected scenes a bit more?
I'm also wondering whether Mick Lynch would even get a stall but I digress.
An anarchist comrade of mine who is a member of the RMT told me that the RMT was founded during the syndicalist wave of the early part of the 20th century, so though not necessarily anarchist there does appear to be a possible link with anarchism. He was also telling me how the RMT is more based around the rank and file/ordinary workers compared to some other unions, wether this is really the case though who knows.
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An anarchist comrade of mine who is a member of the RMT told me that the RMT was founded during the syndicalist wave of the early part of the 20th century, so though not strictly anarchist there does appear to be a possible link with anarchism. He was also telling me how the RMT is more based around the rank and file/ordinary workers compared to some other unions, wether this is really the case though who knows.
Best of luck in him applying for a bookstall then. Wrong sort of anarchist
Best of luck in him applying for a bookstall then. Wrong sort of anarchist
I think you're misunderstanding my post, possibly deliberately, not that I for one second actually expect the likes of Mick Lynch to be at what passes for the london anarchist bookfair any time soon.
Some of this stuff is why I'd struggle to call myself an anarchist without a fuck tonne of qualification, and why I generally have nothing to do with much of that weird scene.
If you don't understand the anarchist movement then maybe you shouldn't be commenting so eagerly on a thread about the london 'anarchist' bookfair. Unfortuately certain people are only posting on this thread to knock anarchism.
If you don't understand the anarchist movement then maybe you shouldn't be commenting so eagerly on a thread about the london 'anarchist' bookfair. Unfortuately certain people are only posting on this thread to knock anarchism.

Terribly sorry, if you'd like to send me some recommendations to help me understand the anarchist movement I'd be very grateful. And lol at 'knock anarchism', criticising other branches of anarchism is the specialist subject of plenty of anarchists, from the early years of the movement onwards. And rightly so, political back and forth is important, even though it might seem just like slagging things off I think it can be useful to help figure things out.

Anyway, haven't you spent a bit of time criticising the anarchists behind this event anyway, the same as lots of us?
I think that people should have to fill in an application form before they can post on this thread:
"I am applying to post on the London Anarchist Bookfair thread because I wish to (tick all that apply):
  • have a go at anarchists in general
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers
  • have a go at anarchists who have been denied a stall at the bookfair
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers and at the people who've been denied stalls, but for different reasons
  • other, please expand..."
I think that people should have to fill in an application form before they can post on this thread:
"I am applying to post on the London Anarchist Bookfair thread because I wish to (tick all that apply):
  • have a go at anarchists in general
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers
  • have a go at anarchists who have been denied a stall at the bookfair
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers and at the people who've been denied stalls, but for different reasons
  • other, please expand..."
  • watch people squabble over stuff I know nothing about
I think that people should have to fill in an application form before they can post on this thread:
"I am applying to post on the London Anarchist Bookfair thread because I wish to (tick all that apply):
  • have a go at anarchists in general
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers
  • have a go at anarchists who have been denied a stall at the bookfair
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers and at the people who've been denied stalls, but for different reasons
  • other, please expand..."
  • have a go
I think that people should have to fill in an application form before they can post on this thread:
"I am applying to post on the London Anarchist Bookfair thread because I wish to (tick all that apply):
  • have a go at anarchists in general
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers
  • have a go at anarchists who have been denied a stall at the bookfair
  • have a go at the bookfair organisers and at the people who've been denied stalls, but for different reasons
  • other, please expand..."

Have a go at the easy-going people who are happy with a broad church and accept all applications based on comradely good faith and solidarity. The forgiving bastards.
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