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London Anarchist Bookfair 2022

Well, having carped at them, I think that's a fair enough statement from the Bookfair lot and a reasonable reason for denying a stall - I don't think her cosying up with Spiked is comparable to Pickman's model taking a Saturday job at one of the many nefarious bad capitalist employers, different dynamic with Lisa finding an outlet for her writing IMO.
I also think Carl Steele made some fairly reasonable points about the Stalinists ending capitalism but only after a fashion, so we could go round that one again if everyone's not lost the will to live.
I think you must have difficulty with comparisons, what you mean is you don't think they're equivalent - of equal value - which is rather different. How much worse is working for a small new rw telly station with very few viewers than working for a big bank with many many years collaborating with apartheid south Africa? I don't know. But I do know they can be compared.
I think you must have difficulty with comparisons, what you mean is you don't think they're equivalent - of equal value - which is rather different. How much worse is working for a small new rw telly station with very few viewers than working for a big bank with many many years collaborating with apartheid south Africa? I don't know. But I do know they can be compared.
We've all got to work for a living but Lisa is already a well paid academic. No need for her to take the Right's blood money.
I think you must have difficulty with comparisons, what you mean is you don't think they're equivalent - of equal value - which is rather different. How much worse is working for a small new rw telly station with very few viewers than working for a big bank with many many years collaborating with apartheid south Africa? I don't know. But I do know they can be compared.
It's a sad thing when your dedication to pedantry renders you unable to comprehend a simple English sentence. The word has long had a sense, indeed I'd hazard its primary sense is, that of comparable and equivalent.
Was going to add a line about where the difference lies, but see Red Sky has made my point.
We've all got to work for a living but Lisa is already a well paid academic. No need for her to take the Right's blood money.
I'd say it's not even about being in need of the money, but the level of control and ideological content of the work - I can't speak for anyone else, but if Mckenzie wanted to make a bit of money on the side and got a job processing expense claims for GBNews or working as a receptionist at RT I'd have no problem with it. I dunno what Pickman's did at that bank, but I imagine he probably wasn't the person in charge of deciding whether to invest in South Africa or not, it was probably a fairly routine job following instructions, not one where he was expressing his ideas as part of the bank's work?
Genuinely I think lefties showing up on right-wing outlets can be done very well and make a positive difference, if pitching a solid perspective. I do think being a regular pundit is a different sort of beast, as it ties both your income to their pockets and their brand to your reputation. Big difference between confronting a dickhead about whether concrete grows on trees and cosy chats where you smile and nod along to the words of dickheads while you wait your turn to speak.
Does she have a running gig at a right-wing outlet? She does the circuit a bit but not as a regular hire afaik. Her main thing's still Novara.
We've all got to work for a living but Lisa is already a well paid academic. No need for her to take the Right's blood money.
That's one pov of course, but for me I think it's refreshing someone's going out and putting anarchist arguments out there. I've seen her and other comrades going into tr demos and arguing with the people there who otherwise don't have their views so challenged and for me it's a worthwhile exercise.
I'd say it's not even about being in need of the money, but the level of control and ideological content of the work - I can't speak for anyone else, but if Mckenzie wanted to make a bit of money on the side and got a job processing expense claims for GBNews or working as a receptionist at RT I'd have no problem with it. I dunno what Pickman's did at that bank, but I imagine he probably wasn't the person in charge of deciding whether to invest in South Africa or not, it was probably a fairly routine job following instructions, not one where he was expressing his ideas as part of the bank's work?
To be honest I did my best to throw a spanner in their works
If a right wing organisation liked Spiked have given you a column on their website then why? It's not like a panel show where you need a range of views to be credible. What agenda do Spiked want you to pursue for them? That's the difference surely.

I didn’t know she had a spiked column and haven’t read it. However, if she remains true to her politics then where’s the criticism? As Pickman’s says surely it’s beneficial to put Anarchist arguments to a wider audience? Presumably Spiked reaches more folk than the book fair does?
...and ftr I don't think writing for Spiked, or appearing on GBNews/RT etc. is the "right thing to do". I think it's a mistake, personally and politically. that only leads to bad places. It shouldn't - on its own - lead to becoming a persona non grata in the broad anarchist movement though.

That said, judging by the ongoing beef between Lisa and the AFed on Twitter, it looks very much like it is - of course - the "Trans issue" (sic) lying behind all of this.
I guess both she and Spiked are trying to use the other to further their respective, and opposed, agendas. Where the net gain lies is up for debate, but, then, criticism of her becomes about tactics rather than her beliefs/good faith. In those circumstances, you'd have thought the bookfair is a broad enough church not to exclude her. Unless the Spiked thing isn't the real reason.
McKenzies agenda isn’t ‘opposed’ to that of Spiked, there’s a massive overlap. Which is why she’s there.
...and ftr I don't think writing for Spiked, or appearing on GBNews/RT etc. is the "right thing to do". I think it's a mistake, personally and politically. that only leads to bad places. It shouldn't - on its own - lead to becoming a persona non grata in the broad anarchist movement though.

That said, judging by the ongoing beef between Lisa and the AFed on Twitter, it looks very much like it is - of course - the "Trans issue" (sic) lying behind all of this.
Yep, first para sums it up for me. Don't doubt second para but not seen that due to no Twitter.
I didn’t know she had a spiked column and haven’t read it. However, if she remains true to her politics then where’s the criticism? As Pickman’s says surely it’s beneficial to put Anarchist arguments to a wider audience? Presumably Spiked reaches more folk than the book fair does?

Who reads Spiked other than a bunch of right wing grifters and culture war obsessives, it's not like The Sun. And are you putting anarchist arguments to a wider audience, or have you been brought in to expose a wider audience to Spiked's ideas?
it looks very much like it is - of course - the "Trans issue" (sic) lying behind all of this.
Again, assumptions aren't terribly useful here. Lisa's annoyed plenty of people entirely independently of any views she might have on trans rights, and the 2017 fight is not the defining element of decisions made by a collective formed in 2020.
Again, assumptions aren't terribly useful here. Lisa's annoyed plenty of people entirely independently of any views she might have on trans rights, and the 2017 fight is not the defining element of decisions made by a collective formed in 2020.
Fair enough.

I'm just a saddened spectator.
Surprised that Ash Sarkar doesn’t cop much flak for it then.

Grace Blakeley copped quite a bit of flack for signing up as a regular panellist for GB News recently FWIW.

As others have said, I think the terms of employment and the ideological composition of the outlet is relevant.

The BBC is not RT or Spiked, or even GB news. (Although over representation on the BBC of Spiked/ex-RCP types is a thing. )

And appearing occasionally on Newsnight or wherever is not the same as being a regular contributor.
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