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London Anarchist bookfair 2020

OK, apologies all...not been following the thread properly, (so please ignore if you think I'm being a lazy bastard), but a quick question...why might anyone organising the book fair think that the ACG are dodgy wrt trans?
They couldn't reasonably, especially if they've read the ACG's statements on trans issues. But I suspect it comes down to the fact that the ACG was formed when a group broke away from the Anarchist Federation over political differences which came to a head in arguments over the latter's response to events at the 2017 bookfair.
They couldn't reasonably, especially if they've read the ACG's statements on trans issues. But I suspect it comes down to the fact that the ACG was formed when a group broke away from the Anarchist Federation over political differences which came to a head in arguments over the latter's response to events at the 2017 bookfair.
Thanks for that reminder of the (probable) context; that (kind of) makes sense.
From Bookfair Covid Safety post:"The bookfair will be scaled down and we will restrict the event to mostly London based groups to limit unnecessary travel and exposure. There might be exceptions to this, but this year's bookfair will not be on the same scale as previous bookfairs." and yet: Berkshire Antifa, East Anglia Anarchist Federations, Suffolk and Essex Hunt Sabs ( not that I am objecting ) . Similarly Communist Workers Organisation) again, not that I am objecting) but no ACG. And no reason given for exclusion, despite multiple requests to answer the question.
The Carabao Cup is split into a separate North and South Round. Could be that kind of thing.

Or as Comrade Manilow put it, 'Bermuda Triangle, it isn't my angle'.
I had to do a search. It’s videos of people playing computer games!
Twitch is one of those things that definitively makes me feel proper old. I spent loads of time watching other people play computer games as a kid, but that was only cos I was waiting for my big sister to get off the computer and let me have a go. Can never get the appeal of doing it recreationally.
Twitch is one of those things that definitively makes me feel proper old. I spent loads of time watching other people play computer games as a kid, but that was only cos I was waiting for my big sister to get off the computer and let me have a go. Can never get the appeal of doing it recreationally.

TBH I've only heard of it, assumed it was some like youth Youtube. But it's videos of people playing computer games?! WTAF, the world is mental.
Twitch is one of those things that definitively makes me feel proper old. I spent loads of time watching other people play computer games as a kid, but that was only cos I was waiting for my big sister to get off the computer and let me have a go. Can never get the appeal of doing it recreationally.
I watch a couple on YouTube. I really enjoy it as they normally build a narrative in some games like CK3 and also made me a bit better at the game. Helps they are pretty amusing too. I was kind of tempted to try it myself!

Did have to give myself a break after 30+ episodes of this though.

TBH I've only heard of it, assumed it was some like youth Youtube. But it's videos of people playing computer games?! WTAF, the world is mental.
I think the appeal is that there are people playing computer games and talking over it? Again, I stress that I do not understand the draw of any of this stuff myself. I guess you must have missed the controversy over Twitch having to remove the pogchamp face guy when he turned out to be a big antivaxxer and hardcore Trumpist?
Rhyddical In terms of “Come meet me and the rest of the Bookfair crew, have some fucking human interaction and realise that shit on the internet isn't always what it seems.”

I emailed the organising group about attending their meeting when the initial invites went out way back when. Never heard back…

Which is fine. I’m not a well respected national anarchist org.

But you do seem to have an engagement issue.

Well that itself isn't great. I wonder what happened there, perhaps you went to spam, or it got scene but then the person handling inquiries didn't see coz it wasn't new.

You have my genuine apologies for that.
For what it's worth, hopefully Covid-19 stops being a thing and next year we can run public organising meetings again and then no one will fall through the loop and any greivences can long be sorted out over cups of tea and chit chat.
Should organised anarchist communism be on it? I think I know someone who once played snake.

It's a bit shit to be honest, that we'd have to utilise corporate shit for Anarchist bookfair but last year it was seen as the best utility. This year we're working with Kolektiva to also stream the workshops but it's all still new and is essentially a test of the system. Hopefully by ABL 2020 we'll have discarded Twitch and similar platforms and only use those put together by comrades.
Well that itself isn't great. I wonder what happened there, perhaps you went to spam, or it got scene but then the person handling inquiries didn't see coz it wasn't new.

You have my genuine apologies for that.
You see responding to Fozzie like this but still not responding to the ACGers does seem a bit of a wind up.

And I'm all for winding them up but then I'm not organising an anarchist bookfair.
It's a bit shit to be honest, that we'd have to utilise corporate shit for Anarchist bookfair but last year it was seen as the best utility. This year we're working with Kolektiva to also stream the workshops but it's all still new and is essentially a test of the system. Hopefully by ABL 2020 we'll have discarded Twitch and similar platforms and only use those put together by comrades.
I thought LynnDoyleCooper was just joking with me about being old. But the events are on Twitch? I’m out. I’ve had enough new video platforms in the last 18 months for a lifetime. My old laptop is bristling with downloaded video platforms that I used once. I seriously can’t take any more.
Well that itself isn't great. I wonder what happened there, perhaps you went to spam, or it got scene but then the person handling inquiries didn't see coz it wasn't new.

You have my genuine apologies for that.
I'm not quite sure if you are saying that you've checked and no email was received or that you haven't but think that that might be the case? Either way, if you are saying you personally haven't seen the request from the ACG, I'm more than happy to accept that. What I am curious about is that charlie mowbray raised the non-reply 10 days ago on this thread and you were tagged about it that the same day (#1890). In fact the last 10 pages have been variations on 'why haven't you replied to the ACG email... have you rejected the ACG because you think they are transphobic'. You've posted up over the weekend and in the post below mention that you've read pages 60 onwards. So, the thing I'm confused about is why you only mention tonight the possibility the email may not have been received. I'd have thought all of those 'why haven't you replied to our email' messages might have lead to you saying something along the lines of 'oh, shit, have we missed something. Sorry, I'll get right back to you'.

Reading pages 60 plus and comparing them to pages 1-60 is quite educational.

Honestly I'm suprised the discussion their year hasn't been about our masks policy. Is U75 the only place the tinfoil hat wankstains haven't infected with their ersatz libertarian anti-mask knobbery?

tho someone did mention the policy and someone else said Covidfest. It's a difficult one and frankly the thing we've debated most these past few months.

Attached, artist impression of our door security.

View attachment 285943
I'm not quite sure if you are saying that you've checked and no email was received or that you haven't but think that that might be the case? Either way, if you are saying you personally haven't seen the request from the ACG, I'm more than happy to accept that. What I am curious about is that charlie mowbray raised the non-reply 10 days ago on this thread and you were tagged about it that the same day (#1890). In fact the last 10 pages have been variations on 'why haven't you replied to the ACG email... have you rejected the ACG because you think they are transphobic'. You've posted up over the weekend and in the post below mention that you've read pages 60 onwards. So, the thing I'm confused about is why you only mention tonight the possibility the email may not have been received. I'd have thought all of those 'why haven't you replied to our email' messages might have lead to you saying something along the lines of 'oh, shit, have we missed something. Sorry, I'll get right back to you'.
It’s Fozzie Bear ’s email Rhyddical is talking about there. Our emails have still not been mentioned.

And while Fozzie definitely deserves that type of customer care, the difference between the speed of reply Fozzie’s query got and the continuing non reply about ours is really an answer in itself.
It’s Fozzie Bear ’s email Rhyddical is talking about there. Our emails have still not been mentioned.

And while Fozzie definitely deserves that type of customer care, the difference between the speed of reply Fozzie’s query got and the continuing non reply about ours is really an answer in itself.
Dammit, I thought I was being all forensic and everything! :oops: But, yeah.
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