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Liz Truss’s time is up

Funny to think that if Truss had pulled out of the leadership campaign or been beaten into third, she could have merrily carried on her underserved career at the top table of politics without being publicly outed as completely incompetent and thick as mince. I mean, nerds like us would have known it but the man on the omnibus always seemed to like her.
I think it's sadly true that England will never fully examine itself until it's forced to, until it's left alone with itself, to finally realise how it got there.
Ignoring the fact that it would in fact be left with Wales and not "alone" ... what does this even mean? What does a country "examining itself" actually mean? How does a country "realise" something - what form woud that take?
Leaving aside the vomiting inducing idea of MPs as some sort of guardians of democracy - I don't get how this is consistent with the politics you claim you want.

CS favours this sort of 'parliamentary sovereignty' because it aligns with their liberal politics, it serves to block any Corbyn type candidate. Sensible Starmer vs sensible Sunk. But don't you want some sort of socialist/social democratic party? Raising MPs as experts who's decisions are sovereign leads to the sort of crap that Italy saw with the imposition of technocratic PMs.

And as for the mandate argument, how is that supposed to work with PR which you also want? PR will naturally tend to lead to coalition governments where parties are required to drop parts of their manifesto.
Indeed how does it work with MPs as the gatekeepers - if (in this case) tory MPs have lost their mandate by supporting a set of policies that was not in their last manifesto, why are they to be the arbiters of who should lead the party?

(Nevermind that mandate argument is not credible, people have never voted based solely on manifesto's)
Not sure what position you think you're arguing with. The set-up as it stands is one in which MPs wear rosettes to demonstrate their allegiances and are elected to parliament as delegates representing constituencies. That is the case whatever I want and whether or not I think it's a good system of democracy (I don't, but that's beside the point). It is what we have. And it is my opinion that events of the last few months have trampled all over the logic of accountability on which the system is based.
Funny to think that if Truss had pulled out of the leadership campaign or been beaten into third, she could have merrily carried on her underserved career at the top table of politics without being publicly outed as completely incompetent and thick as mince. I mean, nerds like us would have known it but the man on the omnibus always seemed to like her.

A truly great example of the Peter Principle in action.
Funny to think that if Truss had pulled out of the leadership campaign or been beaten into third, she could have merrily carried on her underserved career at the top table of politics without being publicly outed as completely incompetent and thick as mince. I mean, nerds like us would have known it but the man on the omnibus always seemed to like her.
But now she gets 115 grand a year on top of her MP salary (assuming she doesn't resign from politics entirely and go to a lobby group or think tank) for her failure. That's for life. Failing upward has never been so egregious
But now she gets 115 grand a year on top of her MP salary (assuming she doesn't resign from politics entirely and go to a lobby group or think tank) for her failure. That's for life. Failing upward has never been so egregious

She can claim up to £115,000 in expenses annually "to meet the actual cost of continuing to fulfill public duties". It's not a salary for life.

But now she gets 115 grand a year on top of her MP salary (assuming she doesn't resign from politics entirely and go to a lobby group or think tank) for her failure. That's for life. Failing upward has never been so egregious

She doesn't. She can set up an office for public duties and claim up to £115k of administrative expenses for that, but it's not automatic, plus she doesn't get it personally.
Ok, well that's something at least. But it's not as if she's in the gutter is it. Until she has to face the proles she's still an MP
If Boris did get the job again... Would he get a second payout when he's turfed out? Or is it one per invididual?
If we're going down this road, I wonder if there's ever been a case of a PM resigning as leader of their party (as distinct from losing a GE), and then regaining the leadership and the Premiership.

I would be surprised if it has actually happened, TBH

But now she gets 115 grand a year on top of her MP salary (assuming she doesn't resign from politics entirely and go to a lobby group or think tank) for her failure. That's for life. Failing upward has never been so egregious

There's absolutely no way any lobbying agency would put her on the books. And given how thick she is I suspect a think tank would also be out of the question.

She'll probably even lose her seat.
If we're going down this road, I wonder if there's ever been a case of a PM resigning as leader of their party (as distinct from losing a GE), and then regaining the leadership and the Premiership.

I would be surprised if it has actually happened, TBH
I wouldn't. Gladstone resigned after losing a ge and came back
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