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Liz Truss’s time is up

Now the the new Mini Budget on October 31 is up in the air as Downing Street said it is up to the PM weather it goes ahead or not?
Do you think what has just happened was a coup? I dont think anywhere to the degree you make out: i think it was mainly weak and incompetent leadership with little support in the party and crucially even less support in the country <no one voted for her and polls swung drastically against her sharpish to wipe out levels which is what really set panic amongst Tory MPs. You need support to get things done in politics. Her power was a house of cards and it was less a coup and more of a collapse.

Do you think the reported near collapse of pension funds was artificially manipulated to bring her down, or do you think it was a to be expected outcome (others predicted similiar if Truss went ahead with her plans). ?

Also what do you think Brexit has got to do with this? "much of the ruling class never supported it and will try any trick in the book (and a few outside it) to reverse it." How is a supposed coup against Truss going to "reverse Brexit"? Other than maybe some tribalisms Brexit itself has nothing to do with any of this, other than in the minds of Brexit campists.

Also I dont understand this objection " And of course the media/opposition are again calling for a General Election: yet to have one would only underline our gradual drift to a Presidential (not Party) system of government." <as LBJ spells out above, the system is meant to be you have a party with a manifesto and that is voted for. Truss threw away the manifesto and made up her own shit and tried to ram it through with the majority she inherited from Johnson. Its was a massive abuse of the little democracy we have in the UK, and I cant see why anyone would object to an election.
I did not use the word coup
I certainly dont think therefore that the market collapse was manuipulated
That Remainers want to reverse Brexit is undoubted
An election might bring Starmer to power: as useless as the Tories
In any event I wrote the article not out of sympathy for Truss but concern for the precedents set
I certainly do not like our system of government but at least foregrounding parties allows radical change via election. I dislike intensely the personalisation of politics a Presidential system epitomises
Edited to add: I have now amended the article to take account of/answer your criticisms
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Boris is very close to the 100 threshold apparently. At which point he'll be in a race from an electorate of white older men who were furious when he was ousted

Can't quite believe this :D :facepalm:

'Hasta la vista baby'
Boris is very close to the 100 threshold apparently. At which point he'll be in a race from an electorate of white older men who were furious when he was ousted

Can't quite believe this :D :facepalm:

'Hasta la vista baby'
isn't it 100% sure that rishi sunak is going to get in though, like you said 12 or so hours ago?
isn't it 100% sure that rishi sunak is going to get in though?

Well it was until BoJo decided to get off his lounger in the Caribbean to come and save the day.

Still, at least if he does get in we should have a Labour govt next time. I don't know if we would if Sunak had won.
I guess there is no chance of boris johnson getting in even if he is nominated tho, as the tory membership has learnt its lesson for sure.

No if he gets into the dance-off I think theres a very good chance the idiots will vote for him. He was forced out by the parliamentary party, not tory members. If I recall correctly, when his name was hypothetically thrown into the leadership race last time he would have won :D
Seems to me they've panicked themselves into a fairly unpredictable process, all of a piece with the panics of the last few weeks. Essentially, they've shifted from a kind of alternative vote process to first past the post, in the blink of an eye. It's certainly FPTP if only one gets 100+.
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