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Liz Truss’s time is up

My nearest little town has a tory club, big decrepit victorian building in the middle of the high street. Would love to pop in there this rainy dark eve, just half a pint and see what the vibe is. Did enquire and you need to be invited though, by a member.
I wouldn't bother buying a half, just say you are using it as a warm space
She can claim up to £115,000 in expenses annually "to meet the actual cost of continuing to fulfill public duties". It's not a salary for life.

Show me the claim form. I bet you don't need receipts and it's easier to claim than most people's work expenses.

In fact you can probably add as an expense paying someone to do it on your behalf.
So, this 100 nominations thing: almost certainly means that no more than 2 candidates reach that number. Equally, there has to be pressure to stop the likes of Badenoch standing as she might stop a more likely loon standard bearer getting to the final shoot out with sunak. Maybe there also has to be a decision amongst their respective supporters for only Johnson or Mordaunt to stand. The whole thing is probably set up for Sunak to win, partly because he'll get more MP votes, but even more so because it stops it going to the members. No idea how the members would vote after the Truss debacle, but yesterday's polls suggested they might still go for Johnson.
That doesn't sound very generous or positive at all. I'd say it is definitely Scotland and Northern Ireland that are being held back in a failing Britain. I think it's sadly true that England will never fully examine itself until it's forced to, until it's left alone with itself, to finally realise how it got there.
So not "England and Wales" then? Why should Wales have to stay?
So not "England and Wales" then? Why should Wales have to stay?

The premise is faulty anyway. Why is this to do with nationality. Am I somehow supposed to go into some period of intraspection on the naughty step cos I happened to have been born and live here.

Anyway, all those tedious debates, about what is Englishness of the last few years, No one needs that crap again.
It's striking how the LibDems have gained zero in the polls. In fact, compared to the summer, they've gone down a couple of points.
Yeah, I've wondered about that. If you take these polls as a 'conversation' or opportunity to blow off steam, rather than a direct expression of party choice, you'd still expect the Libdems to benefit as a 'protest vote'. Given how hollowed out Labour is, I'm not sure why they are getting all of the benefit, maybe it's something to do with the financial pressure people are under. In a way, it might also be the 'success' of the Starmer strategy in stripping away anything the media might attack Labour over, the flag shagging, the content free attacks they are making on the government. Labour are not exactly offering hope and they don't have a political identity, but that works for the moment. However the dynamic will be very different in an election.

It would be bonkers to bet against Labour at the moment and I'm not going to do. But you do wonder what the size of the 'real' lead is and what it will look like when we get back to a nominally functional government. Even the cost of living horrors won't necessarily play out as simple and direct Labour advantage.

The premise is faulty anyway. Why is this to do with nationality. Am I somehow supposed to go into some period of intraspection on the naughty step cos I happened to have been born and live here.

Anyway, all those tedious debates, about what is Englishness of the last few years, No one needs that crap again.
I'm responding to the premise Tanya1982 set up in which Britain is failing so should breakup, but somehow Wales, which has never voted Tory, gets to be part of rump "England and Wales" without a second's consideration.

I'm English btw, although I live in Wales. It is about nationality if you're discussing national self determination.

The premise is faulty anyway. Why is this to do with nationality. Am I somehow supposed to go into some period of intraspection on the naughty step cos I happened to have been born and live here.

Anyway, all those tedious debates, about what is Englishness of the last few years, No one needs that crap again.
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