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Liz Truss’s time is up

Ironically, if Johnson stands, he probably guarantees sunak wins it.
How does that work?
Best thing for Sunak would be for a couple of loons like braverman / badenoch / whoever to announce themselves and get some of the supporters that would otherwise add up to 100 for BJ. I think. But maybe trying to apply logic to this shitshow is missing the point entirely.
Would have thought Sunak wanted to have his stall out by now. Must be struggling with signatures.
I'm wondering whether he even wants to stand. It would seem pretty clear to most 'credible' candidates now that the whole situation now is so toxic, it's a complete poisoned chalice to take over as leader. Maybe the sensible ones are thinking they'll wait a couple of years until after the next general election.
Boris is very close to the 100 threshold apparently. At which point he'll be in a race from an electorate of white older men who were furious when he was ousted

Can't quite believe this :D :facepalm:

'Hasta la vista baby'
Is this more inside info from someone you work with?

And weren't you claiming less than 24 hours ago than Sunak was 100% certain to walk it?

I wonder who your next fantasy guaranteed winner will be, presumably based on a hot tip from your coke dealer...
How does that work?
Best thing for Sunak would be for a couple of loons like braverman / badenoch / whoever to announce themselves and get some of the supporters that would otherwise add up to 100 for BJ. I think. But maybe trying to apply logic to this shitshow is missing the point entirely.
Well, I was thinking if Johnson and Mordaunt both stand, neither get to 100.
In the future, there'll be debates as to whether Truss was ever canon.
30 years from now she'll be a question on a TV game shows and in pub quizs :-

"Who was the Shortest Serving British Prime Minister a) Pitt The Younger, b) Liz Truss or c) Freddie Mercury"

A few years ago during the monthly Thurday quiz at the local one of the questions was "Who is The Leader of the Lib Dems" and I was the only one who knew it was Vince Cable helping my team to secure victory and the grand prize of £20 plus a bottle of the cheap vino that the landlord had finally realised no-one was daft enough to actually pay for.
So even Vince Cable achieved at least one good thing in his stint as leader.
30 years from now she'll be a question on a TV game shows and in pub quizs :-

"Who was the Shortest Serving British Prime Minister a) Pitt The Younger, b) Liz Truss or c) Freddie Mercury"

A few years ago during the monthly Thurday quiz at the local one of the questions was "Who is The Leader of the Lib Dems" and I was the only one who knew it was Vince Cable helping my team to secure victory and the grand prize of £20 plus a bottle of the cheap vino that the landlord had finally realised no-one was daft enough to actually pay for.
So even Vince Cable achieved at least one good thing in his stint as leader.
My first cousin, ten(ish) times removed was the previous shortest serving prime minister. I'm furious that that extremely minor claim to fame and obscure bit of trivia has now been robbed from me.
Not sure what position you think you're arguing with. The set-up as it stands is one in which MPs wear rosettes to demonstrate their allegiances and are elected to parliament as delegates representing constituencies. That is the case whatever I want and whether or not I think it's a good system of democracy (I don't, but that's beside the point). It is what we have. And it is my opinion that events of the last few months have trampled all over the logic of accountability on which the system is based.
If this view is accepted then how can you argue that a GE is required. If once elected MPs are part of sovereign body then they are completely free to change their views on any manifesto pledges. You are contradicting yourself - you can't have MPs as both some sort of standard wavers for a mandate and at the same time insist they that democracy is solely the preserve of the HoC.
If it is democratic for MPs to select a party leader by sidelining members, then it is also democratic for them to decide they wish to back a new leader (potentially with different politics).

EIDT: Regardless of which there is no requirement for socialists to play by the bullshit rules created by liberals. Despite being elected at representative the IWCA councillors choose to at as delegates.
If you see the purpose of the LP as parliamentary arm of the labour movement (hardly a radical view) then it is perfectly consistent to see MPs as the servants of the movement.
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I'm wondering whether he even wants to stand. It would seem pretty clear to most 'credible' candidates now that the whole situation now is so toxic, it's a complete poisoned chalice to take over as leader. Maybe the sensible ones are thinking they'll wait a couple of years until after the next general election.
I'm pretty sure some of them at least are so overconfident in their own 'abilities' that they reckon they can sort things out. Because they're so smart and all that. :rolleyes:
They'd look pretty silly if they announced it then didn't get the 100 nominations. There's a spreadsheet of who's supporting who on Guido Fawkes' site and there appear to be three people campaigning.

A big pinch of salt needed with that sheet. For example they have Wallace as willing to nominate Johnson, whereas he merely said he was leaning in his direction depending on the standards inquiry etc, let alone going to vote for him, and let alone actually going to sign the nomination paper.
My nearest little town has a tory club, big decrepit victorian building in the middle of the high street. Would love to pop in there this rainy dark eve, just half a pint and see what the vibe is. Did enquire and you need to be invited though, by a member.

I wouldn't bother buying a half, just say you are using it as a warm space

would be warmer still if you set fire to it

this of course may be illegal, and i should point out this is a theoretical observation
All cunts. Every one of them . Cunts
My wife got upset with me last night for saying that most of the audience of Question Time were cunts.

"That's not a very nice thing to say about a large room full of people you've never met"
"Well actually darling I don't need to meet them to know they are cunts because Fiona has seen to it that most of the audience are Tories, therefore I deduct that most of the audience are cunts."
"You can't call people cunts just because they're Tories"
"How long have we been married?"
"How about that friend of yours from the internet, he's a Tory"
"Yes darling, we call him Cunty, discussion over"
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