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Liz Truss’s time is up

I doubt the tories will implode. They are likely to take a massive pounding at the next election, but they'll regroup. There aren't any alternative political movements that could take their place, and the UK's fptp electoral system favours inertia wrt political parties.
Probably. If most of the new tory MPs get binned off next election the party will probably regroup more easily. Might lose some of the headbangers to the Reform party or whichever and get back some of those it purged whilst busy trying to neutralise UKIP by impersonating it. Boring.
Gotta hand it to the brassnecked grandee's of the 22 committee. Keeping the Tory membership as far away as possible from the decision of who will succeed Truss is a stroke of genius probably ensuring that a market compliant 'safe' pair of hands 'come through'. This is vile anti democratic Casino politics, taking any panic measures to avoid a G Election. But Tory troubles are not going away, and their continuing electoral dissolution looks assured. The problem remains that effective working class representation is being denied by Labour's leaders (and the TUC) who are sitting on their hands, only paying hopeless lip service instead of acting.

Failing to properly confront this government of spivs and billionaires when they are on the ropes can only result in more austerity, longer queues for the NHS, accelerating poverty and homelessness as the repossessions begin. Looks like another chance for a serious change in direction is being squandered. very frustrating. :mad:
You're right about the first bit. It depends who wants to be/they want to, throw under a bus. At best they are looking at getting thrashed in May 2024 and probably ending their political career. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sunak. God knows how much free coke they'll have to offer Johnson not to stand.
You're optimistic. More like December 2024.
Fingers crossed for a 1993 Canadian style collapse. I'd personally rather it be a 1989 Romanian style one, but what happened to the Canadian Tories suddenly seems possible, so I'd be happy with that.

Not really possible imo, in Canada in 1993 there were other parties to take up the slack, but I can’t see the LibDems or SNP hoovering up Tory votes.
i've just read this tweet a few times and still don't get it.
Screenshot 2022-10-20 at 18.31.48.png

If he hasn't done a typo, he's saying that they reckon that the membership (who love Johnson and just voted Truss in) will be like 'oh i'd better choose the one that the majority of MPs went for, because doing otherwise would be inherently unstable and unworkable obvs'. That is completely mad
Not really possible imo, in Canada in 1993 there were other parties to take up the slack, but I can’t see the LibDems or SNP hoovering up Tory votes.
There are many Conservative seats that seem like a much better fit for the Lib Dems than what the Tories have become, especially in the south. I can't see the Tories keeping a single seat in Scotland, and probably Wales too. If Westminster goes Labour as it already has in local terms, and Kensington returns to Labour, then there are only really two or three other seats in Greater London the Cons would hold. At that point, you can see a path opening up to seriously finish them off in their current format. However, you may be sadly right that we'll never be rid of them.
Anyway it all makes it more likely to be Mourdant next doesn't it, if the MPs have to pick someone who the members don't actively hate.
Anyway it all makes it more likely to be Mourdant next doesn't it, if the MPs know they have to choose someone who the members don't actively hate.

Don't know much about her. But at least she seems to be able to string a coherent sentence together. Which is more than the former PM could manage. That's the bar that's been set.
Anyway it all makes it more likely to be Mourdant next doesn't it, if the MPs have to pick someone who the members don't actively hate.
Unless something very unexpected happens between now and Monday, there's only Sunak, Morduant and Wallace who have a chance of reaching the threshold. But I think there's also a good chance of only Sunak managing a hundred in the first round, in which case he's in without a vote
i've just read this tweet a few times and still don't get it.
View attachment 348010

If he hasn't done a typo, he's saying that they reckon that the membership (who love Johnson and just voted Truss in) will be like 'oh i'd better choose the one that the majority of MPs went for, because doing otherwise would be inherently unstable and unworkable obvs'. That is completely mad

It's not that mad, as a Tory member I know said, the membership should never have a vote for the leader, at least whilst they are actually in government, there's only about 180k members, whereas millions voted for Tory MPs to represent them in parliament, and therefore should select their leader.
Even the DM comments section half of it is people / bots saying GENeRAL ELEctIOn Now. The idea that we live in a reasonably functional democracy feels like it's being exposed as a sham in a way that i've never seen before. Maybe thats good.
It's not that mad, as a Tory member I know said, the membership should never have a vote for the leader, at least whilst they are actually in government, there's only about 180k members, whereas millions voted for Tory MPs to represent them in parliament, and therefore should select their leader.
The mad bit is the idea that the membership will get in line & choose whoever the MPs chose, instead of who they themselves like more. The idea that they'd do so in order to ensure that the PM can actually govern, that's the mad bit, why would they expect the membership to think like that.
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