As far as can be ascertained from BBC reports the people seem cheerful enough , despite being bombed , resilient and fervently loyal to the Brother leader who they love . As I do also .
All being well this messing about will be over in a month or 2 . France in particular doesnt seem too keen on the masses of refugess pouring in , much less Italy at not being able to get rid of them . Theyd also better hope Ghadaffi doesnt have any revengeful infiltrators among them . Or that the salafists theyre supporting dont take this burqa banning business too seriously .
A recipe for disaster all round , time wiser heads prevailed .
One issue that needs comprehensively cleared up - the supposed grounds for intervention in the first place - is the issue of whether or not Ghdaffi actually bombed his own people . We were told he was committing genocide in Tripoli from the sea and from the air. I'll just refresh peoples memory as to the justification for the no fly zone .
These were the eyewitness reports that were taken as gospel by the western media and Al Jazeera , and then in turn used by the western powers as justification for a no fly zone .
Adel Mohamed Saleh, who called himself a political activist in Tripoli, said the aerial bombing had initially targeted a funeral procession.
"What we are witnessing today is unimaginable. Warplanes and helicopters are indiscriminately bombing one area after another. There are many, many dead," Saleh told al Jazeera television in a live broadcast.
"Our people are dying. It is the policy of scorched earth." he said. "Every 20 minutes they are bombing."
Asked if the attacks were still happening he said: "It is continuing, it is continuing. Anyone who moves, even if they are in their car they will hit you."
another London based rebel activist claimed
We have just heard that the military ships are bombing an area in Tripoli and many people have been killed although we don't know how many at the moment because people have just called to tell us it is happening.
Gnan said the navy appeared to be bombing a residential area outside the city centre as part of a desperate crackdown by Gaddafi's troops.
He is even turning the ships on his people now. His plan is to use absolutely everything he can to stop what is happening.
If any of this had happened , scorched earth and genocide fromland , sa and air on a heavily populated capital city we might expect it to be filmed by someone . But that never happened . We might expect numerous witnesses to it . But that never happened . But if all else failed at the very least we might expect that western satellite imagery could point to it happening . Afterall the city was being obliterated . But not a word of that either . Perhaps western satellites dont regard that part of the world as in any manner interesting , who knows . The UN under Ban Ki Moon though seemingly didnt think such investigation in any manner necessary before authorising force and these dubious reports were accepted as gospel instead from rebel sources
Russia though was pointing out that its satellite intel , which certainly does keep a close eye on that part of the world observed no such activity in Tripoli . Bear in mind these satellites can easily pick out individuals , much less a city being bombarded into submission by an apparent genocidal madman .
In short it never happened . There is absolutely no justification for this no fly zone which means bomb anything that moves in Libya including houses . Its a dirty western lie , and a dirty western mess that will only get worse as it proceeds and a massive crime against Libya . Anyone thinking that th Libyan people will welcome western troops with open arms are just as deluded as they were listening to hoax reports of Ghadaffis vengeance on Tripli , hoax reports about him being finished and relying on mercenaries , hoax reports of him fleeing to Venezuela , planting bodies and all the rest .
This will end in disaster if its not called off ASAP .