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LGBT in schools vs religious parents

Yes. Probably. But it's again a question of degree and as you said above, seperating fact from morality issues. The world is not flat and that's scientifically provable. Whether or not homosexuality, sex before marriage, abortion, etc, are right or wrong is a whole different ball game.

I don't think schools have to teach that certain things are right or wrong. They just have to explain the facts, and make the point that some people disapprove.
I think the law is a reasonable guide in this case. Holding bigoted views isn't illegal. Violence, or inciting violence, is.
Late on this, CBA posting from phone yesterday.

As parents have the right to raise their children how they see fit. No matter what abhorrent views they might inculcate in them. Schools on behalf of the state, a proxy for society , has IMO a duty to teach the common values society is predicated on. Schools more than other institutions are central to this. Having an ideology in the home doesn't shield you from exposure to competing idiologies.

And I must admit, I get the hump with whining religious types who want to have the right to basically indoctrinate their charges, pleading special cases for not having to hold to societal rules.
As for the detail. I'm talking teaching young kids about the existence and the normalness of different adult relationships. hetro, homo, adopted, single parents whatever.
LGBT is not an ‘ideology’ ffs, it’s people.
I get what you're saying, but is it really that simple? Saying it's just people for me sort of sweeps the history of the LGBT movements away and makes out as if they've always been there just like they are today.
I get what you're saying, but is it really that simple? Saying it's just people for me sort of sweeps the history of the LGBT movements away and makes out as if they've always been there just like they are today.

True, but it's a diverse set of movements moreso than anything you can call an ideology imo.
what is this 'mask' slipping meant to mean?

That some of your more dubious beliefs that you're trying to hide beneath your anti-anarchist mission keep slipping out into full view.

Anarchists really should have no say about schooling at all, since they claim to reject the state.
But they don't really, because anarchism is not really anti state, it just pretends to be. home schooling is a difficult process.

Schools are less and less directed/controlled by the State these days.
Agreed. But some religious type telling their non-gay child that homosexuality is wrong is not abuse.
Just catching up with this so apologies if the point's been made, but a gay child is unlikely to come out to a homophobic religious parent who thinks homosexuality is wrong. So the parent will not know their child is gay. In fact, they're likely to assume that their child cannot possibly be gay, no?
Just catching up with this so apologies if the point's been made, but a gay child is unlikely to come out to a homophobic religious parent who thinks homosexuality is wrong. So the parent will not know their child is gay. In fact, they're likely to assume that their child cannot possibly be gay, no?
You’re right. Point already made. ;)
I get what you're saying, but is it really that simple? Saying it's just people for me sort of sweeps the history of the LGBT movements away and makes out as if they've always been there just like they are today.

Is disability an ideology?
Is black an ideology?

I mean if holding ideas that ascert your right to exist and be equal in the eyes of the law, free from percecution etc, is what counts as an ideology, i'ts a pretty meaningless term to throw in to this debate. I don't tbelieve the OP is arguning in good faith anyway and is snidely suggesting something more by his use of the word.
I don't think schools have to teach that certain things are right or wrong. They just have to explain the facts, and make the point that some people disapprove.
That's not what they're doing according to the link in the OP though is it?
Shah, whose daughter has now returned to the school, which is rated as outstanding by Ofsted, has revealed that she will continue to fight against the teaching of No Outsiders. She added: “Children are being told it’s OK to be gay, yet 98% of children at this school are Muslim. It’s a Muslim community. He said all parents are on board with it, but the reality is, no parents are on board with it.”

Shah claimed her children were becoming “confused” about homosexuality and that the local community’s concerns were not being taken on board. She said: “We have nothing against Mr Moffat – we are as British as they come. We respect the British values … but the problem is, he is not respecting our ethos as a community.

“We don’t send our children to school to learn about LGBT. We send them to school to learn maths, science and English.”
School defends LGBT lessons after religious parents complain

That's difficult to argue with when the school is in a muslim community and 98% of the kids are muslim.

6 year old kids - sexual relationships (of any sort)?
Regardless of any thoughts either way about LGBT, I'm unsure it's reasonable to discuss very much with kids that young - I suppose it depends on the content of his lessons so I'd need to see the curriculum before I could comment further.
From the titles of the lessons/books, it sounds more like they're just teaching them that some people have two dads or two mums, and it doesn't make the kid any more or less weird than having the 'usual' compliment of one parent of each sex or one parent. IMHO this is pretty much the full extent that 'sex' education lessons should go to for 6-year-olds, or at least that and what to do if someone touches you somewhere private and it makes you feel uncomfortable). Maybe if the lessons were called something other than "sex" education. "gender education" maybe, or "health and gender studies"?

By the time kids are 9 they already have to split the boys and girls up so that they can teach the girls about periods. Lots of girls start their periods age 9-10 thees days, and I can imagine that a lot of households struggle to broach the topic with their children. My step-sister met a Chinese post-grad when she was studying towards her masters degree who free-bled and spent several days a month curled up in bed crying because she thought something was wring with her. Her very conservative and busy parents had never broached the subject, so she thought there was something terrible wrong with her. This was a woman in her 20s, and her parents weren't even religious - just very busy with work and too embarassed to bring the subject up with their only daughter.

I can imagine that there are many circumstances, from single dads through to neglect that could also lead to a situation where school was the only source of information on why some kids have two mummies, what periods are, and lots of more basic stuff - all before even touching on actual sex and personal sexuality.
That's not what they're doing according to the link in the OP though is it?

School defends LGBT lessons after religious parents complain

That's difficult to argue with when the school is in a muslim community and 98% of the kids are muslim.

A bit further down:

"Moffat, who is also a personal social health education teacher at the 770-pupil school, introduced the programme around four years ago. It includes the welcoming of people of any race, colour or religion and those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

He said: “I’m just teaching children from an early age that there are different families out there and, let’s not forget, that in some schools there are children with two mums, so I see it that they’re not being taught anything. All they’re seeing is their family is being accepted."
A bit further down:

"Moffat, who is also a personal social health education teacher at the 770-pupil school, introduced the programme around four years ago. It includes the welcoming of people of any race, colour or religion and those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

He said: “I’m just teaching children from an early age that there are different families out there and, let’s not forget, that in some schools there are children with two mums, so I see it that they’re not being taught anything. All they’re seeing is their family is being accepted."
The parents seem to disagree though and he's had to resign from another (predominantly muslim) school for his views before. If it is the case how reasonable is it in an entirely muslim school anyway?
The parents seem to disagree though and he's had to resign from another (predominantly muslim) school for his views before. If it is the case how reasonable is it in an entirely muslim school anyway?

Maybe a "homophobe-approved" stamp and set of teaching practises for a subset of schools?

How granular are we going to get?
Vegan anti-vaxx flat-earther alt-right 4chan-atheist only schools?
Maybe a "homophobe-approved" stamp and set of teaching practises for a subset of schools?

How granular are we going to get?
Vegan anti-vaxx flat-earther alt-right 4chan-atheist only schools?
How about just leave sex education to parents?
Maybe a "homophobe-approved" stamp and set of teaching practises for a subset of schools?

How granular are we going to get?
Vegan anti-vaxx flat-earther alt-right 4chan-atheist only schools?
let's take things on a case by case basis for the time being
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