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He does have some understanding and has lived in China for a long time. His older videos were quite informative, politically neutral stories about everyday life in China which generally had a positive spin - however as the political environment changed, anything short of gushing praise became unacceptable and he was increasingly harassed and threatened by nationalists online and in real life, and eventually fled the country because he was tipped off that some officials were gunning for him. After that his videos become more political and all the frustrations he couldn't express before came out in a flood.
Most of what he says is in good faith, however he does definitely have an axe to grind so does go a bit overboard sometimes too. He certainly has more integrity that any of the white monkey China YouTubers doing propaganda for beer money though, but that isn't hard.
I've followed Winston aka SerpentZA and his collaborator Laowhy86 for years, since they lived in China in fact. Their videos are always really informative and insightful and I've learned a lot about China, and more recently how fucked up things are there.
They clearly have a lot of love for the country and the people - they've travelled all over the country - way more than most Chinese have - they both speak Chinese and have Chinese wives etc. And they always stress that their disdain is always towards the CCP and not 'China'. I've a lot of time for them.