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Leaving cooked food out of the fridge.

Eating placenta is well documented as being a very bad idea as it spends 9 months filtering out and possibly accumulating nasty stuff ...
That's the spirit, now put it on the scales...
As a broader question, there might be some issues around the specific ownership of the placenta: is it the mother's, or the baby's?

Depending on the particular hospital, it may actually belong to a high-end cosmetics company!

This was something NHS Scotland clamped down on a few years back (don't know about England and Wales) - it seems that hospitals were entering into exclusive contracts which involved the companies placing freezers in the hospitals and as soon as a placenta was put in it, it became the sole property of the cosmetics company. Every so-often, the freezer was collected and replaced and a sometimes very substantial payment to the hospital followed.

It was only FOIs from new mothers whose requests to take their placentas away were refused that brought this trade to light - because once in the freezers, they no longer belonged to the hospital or the parent and beyond the decision by the individual hospital ethical boards to participate or not, there was little if any ongoing regulation/oversight on how the trade was conducted.

I think the trade was eventually allowed to continue but with much better control/oversight and a requirement to return the placentas to the mothers if requested but by then, most Scottish hospitals hat disengaged from it to avoid the bad publicity.
Seems the trade does continue in England and Wales but the EU later banned the sale of human-derived cosmetic products but still allow their use in cosmetic "research" - and consent forms are now required, which has had the effect of reducing the trade considerably. Sigma-Aldrich are still big players though.
The fridge has encouraged me to buy frozen peas once a week - though I added them the same day.

I think this is day 5 of my stew - I also added mushrooms and red pepper.

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