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Laurence Fox. The twat.

You are not only giving him the oxygen of publicity though, but encouraging him to rile you and others like us. I'd suggest you leave him to preach to his few fellow idiots. The more attention he gets, the better he's pleased. And you are a bit obsessed with the idiot. 🤷‍♀️
You are not only giving him the oxygen of publicity though, but encouraging him to rile you and others like us. I'd suggest you leave him to preach to his few fellow idiots. The more attention he gets, the better he's pleased. And you are a bit obsessed with the idiot. 🤷‍♀️
Put the thread on ignore then. He's a public figure regardless, he's not going to think "LeytonCatLady doesn't reply to me any more so I'll give up being a twat." As for me being obsessed with him, I don't follow him on Twitter and it's not my fault Musk indiscriminately drops his stuff into my timeline and those of others like him. If that happens, I've got every right to comment. I didn't start this thread either and am far from the only participant, so why pick on me? If it doesn't interest you, you're welcome not to read this thread. But fuck off with your condescending lectures because I'm not here for it.
Put the thread on ignore then. He's a public figure regardless, he's not going to think "LeytonCatLady doesn't reply to me any more so I'll give up being a twat." As for me being obsessed with him, I don't follow him on Twitter and it's not my fault Musk indiscriminately drops his stuff into my timeline and those of others like him. If that happens, I've got every right to comment. I didn't start this thread either and am far from the only participant, so why pick on me? If it doesn't interest you, you're welcome not to read this thread. But fuck off with your condescending lectures because I'm not here for it.
You are not only giving him the oxygen of publicity though, but encouraging him to rile you and others like us. I'd suggest you leave him to preach to his few fellow idiots. The more attention he gets, the better he's pleased. And you are a bit obsessed with the idiot. 🤷‍♀️


LeytonCatLady has made this into one of the most entertaining threads on here.
Put the thread on ignore then. He's a public figure regardless, he's not going to think "LeytonCatLady doesn't reply to me any more so I'll give up being a twat." As for me being obsessed with him, I don't follow him on Twitter and it's not my fault Musk indiscriminately drops his stuff into my timeline and those of others like him. If that happens, I've got every right to comment. I didn't start this thread either and am far from the only participant, so why pick on me? If it doesn't interest you, you're welcome not to read this thread. But fuck off with your condescending lectures because I'm not here for it.

I honestly don't understand your anger. He seems to post daily and you respond daily. That can't be healthy, surely 🤷‍♀️ . I don't follow this post particularly, but each new post and so inevitably it's one I read anyway. Why hasn't he blocked you? Do you not think he might be getting what he wants?

Obviously he's a prat, but a cartoon one. :)
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I honestly don't understand your anger. He seems to post daily and you respond daily. That can't be healthy, surely 🤷‍♀️ . I don't follow this post particularly, but each new post and so inevitably it's one I read anyway. Why hasn't he blocked you? Do you not think he might be getting what he wants?
He won’t be reading those responses. They’re more for our entertainment. And who are you to shit on that?
I honestly don't understand your anger. He seems to post daily and you respond daily. That can't be healthy, surely 🤷‍♀️ . I don't follow this post particularly, but each new post and so inevitably it's one I read anyway. Why hasn't he blocked you? Do you not think he might be getting what he wants?

Obviously he's a prat, but a cartoon one. :)
I'm not angry, I just found your post a wee bit patronising and said so. Healthy is also debatable - it makes me and others laugh, and laughter is a form of medicine. I don't know why he hasn't blocked me. Why don't you ask him?
I'm not angry, I just found your post a wee bit patronising and said so. Healthy is also debatable - it makes me and others laugh, and laughter is a form of medicine. I don't know why he hasn't blocked me. Why don't you ask him?

As long as it makes you laugh, that's good. You see patronising, when all I meant to point out was whether this was good for you? And at the same time whether you were feeding the troll.
Matt Le Tissier is a case in point. The more conspiracy theorists praise him and tell him how right he is, and how he's speaking for people who don't have a voice, the deeper he gets. Only time he talks about football seems to be to shit-talk Gareth Southgate and the England team because they're too woke to win trophies or something. Maybe he should try managing them but he won't because it takes effort, and why do that when you can just go on podcasts talking about secret Communist plots?

In other news, it's really fucking depressing to see Narinder Kaur defending Sargon of Akkad because he was polite to her and saying she felt safe around him. You'd think what Fox did would make her realise anti-woke far right men can't be trusted, and yet.
Saw the post on X , would question why Sargon of Akkad was keen to drive and pick Narinder up for the interview, to catch a glimpse? hmmmm. Certainly seems the type with the previous crap he has posted about females
You are not only giving him the oxygen of publicity though, but encouraging him to rile you and others like us. I'd suggest you leave him to preach to his few fellow idiots. The more attention he gets, the better he's pleased. And you are a bit obsessed with the idiot. 🤷‍♀️
In the past it has occurred to me that the best thing to do with people like ‘Lozza’ is to ignore them as they thrive on publicity.

However, LeytonCatLady has been providing me and many others on this thread with a lot of laughs at ‘Lozza’s expense, and as I don’t have a Twitter/X account any more, she quite often replies to him in ways I might have liked to do - but her tweets are succint, to the point and frequently very witty.

I’m sure she has lots of other things going on in her life so I doubt very much she is ‘obsessed’ with the entitled foppish twat.

And as she’s an adult it’s entirely up to her whether she engages with him or not. Plenty of us here are glad she does so - more power to your elbow LCL!
In the past it has occurred to me that the best thing to do with people like ‘Lozza’ is to ignore them as they thrive on publicity.

However, LeytonCatLady has been providing me and many others on this thread with a lot of laughs at ‘Lozza’s expense, and as I don’t have a Twitter/X account any more, she quite often replies to him in ways I might have liked to do - but her tweets are succint, to the point and frequently very witty.

I’m sure she has lots of other things going on in her life so I doubt very much she is ‘obsessed’ with the entitled foppish twat.

And as she’s an adult it’s entirely up to her whether she engages with him or not. Plenty of us here are glad she does so - more power to your elbow LCL!
Yes, I agree with that.
I've no idea if LCL engages with this intent, but when I was on twitter taunting RW free-speech twats, I always regarded it as a test of whether or not they or their SM people really did subscribe to free-speech. I remember being blocked by quite a few people who liked to call others snowflakes.
Much as I like to chuckle at her replies, I also regard LCL's work as an exercise in finding the limits of Loozer's commitment to freeze-peach! :D
Yes, I agree with that.
I've no idea if LCL engages with this intent, but when I was on twitter taunting RW free-speech twats, I always regarded it as a test of whether or not they or their SM people really did subscribe to free-speech. I remember being blocked by quite a few people who liked to call others snowflakes.
Much as I like to chuckle at her replies, I also regard LCL's work as an exercise in finding the limits of Loozer's commitment to freeze-peach! :D
LOL at freeze peach!
Yes, I agree with that.
I've no idea if LCL engages with this intent, but when I was on twitter taunting RW free-speech twats, I always regarded it as a test of whether or not they or their SM people really did subscribe to free-speech. I remember being blocked by quite a few people who liked to call others snowflakes.
Much as I like to chuckle at her replies, I also regard LCL's work as an exercise in finding the limits of Loozer's commitment to freeze-peach! :D
Was one of them Andrew Doyle?
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