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Laurence Fox. The twat.

Sometimes wonder if he truly believes this wacky warped world that he's constructed around him... where he is the lone voice of reason, who will eventually lead his people to victory against woke. Has he doubled down so much that he can never return from it? Is he so vain and sensitive that he can't admit he took a wrong turn which took over his life and sanity?

Guess he'd love to have the kind of following and "success" that Trump has, but it seems failure is his lot in life.

Predict an overdose or something similar eventually.
Sometimes wonder if he truly believes this wacky warped world that he's constructed around him...
Loons are very good at convincing each others that they are speaking the truth and that they have chosen the righteous path. They also like extreme views....even if they might not fully believe certain things themselves they are more than happy for others to question things or raise an issue (eg flat earth or lizzardism).
Plus algorithm echo chambers, vanity, scape goating and martyrism or believing one is the real victim....

Yes, i think he genuinely believes in his loonery and that he is one of the good guys.
Loser stages his annual 'trans(a)gressive' performance. Yawn.

Loser x-tweets ''Fuck Pride'' and a video of burning a pride flag. Again.''Fuck Pride'' and a video of burning a pride flag. Again.
Jews generally don't have it done on the NHS, a mohel does it. Dunno about Muslims though.
Not sure that that's any better/more acceptable, tbh. Babies have died or contracted incurable disease herpes through that practise, albeit here's some reported cases in New York.

Again, if a procedure isn't medically necessary, I believe it's child abuse/genital mutilation to subject a child to such a procedure. I don't make a distinction between FGM and circumcision. In fact, I suspect that if circumcision was only carried out by Muslims and not Jews as well, I think it would already have been outlawed. I cannot see a distinction between the two.

Herpes cases among babies linked to ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual

New York health department alerts doctors to infections linked to ancient ritual in which circumcision wound is cleaned by mouth

Baby Dies of Herpes in Ritual Circumcision By Orthodox Jews​

Two infants have died in the last decade among ultra-Orthodox Jews in NYC.
A couple of reddit comments on Fox and the flag

I know actors who told me all about him. Was expelled from Harrow for bullying, was a couple years below Benedict Cumberbatch and apparently envies the fuck out of him. Went to RADA and was a snob and homophobe and going on about his dad and uncle. People refused to work for him, early doors in theatre for his conduct. Made everyone listen to his bad guitar music, like Leonard Cohen done by a 12 year old. Love bombed Billie Piper then spent her money. And oh, is a massive drunk.
This is the most attention he ever had in his life. All that privilege and still a mess.
[Q: what am I supposed to notice?]
I thought it was that nobody is celebrating his birthday with him, the loneliness of it all.
Kathy Burke said he looked like a freshly wanked cock.

Not sure that that's any better/more acceptable, tbh. Babies have died or contracted incurable disease herpes through that practise, albeit here's some reported cases in New York.

Again, if a procedure isn't medically necessary, I believe it's child abuse/genital mutilation to subject a child to such a procedure. I don't make a distinction between FGM and circumcision. In fact, I suspect that if circumcision was only carried out by Muslims and not Jews as well, I think it would already have been outlawed. I cannot see a distinction between the two.

Herpes cases among babies linked to ultra-Orthodox Jewish circumcision ritual

New York health department alerts doctors to infections linked to ancient ritual in which circumcision wound is cleaned by mouth

Baby Dies of Herpes in Ritual Circumcision By Orthodox Jews​

Two infants have died in the last decade among ultra-Orthodox Jews in NYC.
Not saying it is better. I'm anti-circ and I'm glad I don't have kids because I'd be expected to circumcise my son if I had one. Just saying they don't do it on the NHS.
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Loons are very good at convincing each others that they are speaking the truth and that they have chosen the righteous path. They also like extreme views....even if they might not fully believe certain things themselves they are more than happy for others to question things or raise an issue (eg flat earth or lizzardism).
Plus algorithm echo chambers, vanity, scape goating and martyrism or believing one is the real victim....

Yes, i think he genuinely believes in his loonery and that he is one of the good guys.
Matt Le Tissier is a case in point. The more conspiracy theorists praise him and tell him how right he is, and how he's speaking for people who don't have a voice, the deeper he gets. Only time he talks about football seems to be to shit-talk Gareth Southgate and the England team because they're too woke to win trophies or something. Maybe he should try managing them but he won't because it takes effort, and why do that when you can just go on podcasts talking about secret Communist plots?

In other news, it's really fucking depressing to see Narinder Kaur defending Sargon of Akkad because he was polite to her and saying she felt safe around him. You'd think what Fox did would make her realise anti-woke far right men can't be trusted, and yet.

Also, I thought drugs were bad? Didn't Lozza have a go at Billie and accuse her of being a cokehead?

(On the subject of weird dreams, I had one last night where Mauricio Pochettino was my anaesthetist and I kept waking up)
I need to stop reading this thread. I had a fucking dream about him last night. :mad:
I haven’t had a dream about it yet, but even though the twat is only succeeding in making himself look more of a cunt with every inflammatory post he makes, and gets ripped to pieces by the relentless efforts of our very own LeytonCatLady and plenty others online, the very fact that he’s allowed to publish poison like that pisses me off, even if only for a few minutes.

Vile scumbags like him is one of the reasons I quit watching the news and have almost zero social media activity. I am better off by not knowing what offensive filth colossal cunts who ultimately have little influence or policy-making in this country have come up with every morning. My OH, who does neither social media nor message boards, is blissfully unaware of the daily rantings of racist nonentities like Fox and all the better for it, and that’s the way I want to go.

So I think I will put this thread on ignore. LeytonCatLady , carry on the good work and assume a like from me for every one of your continuing and magnificent put down Twitter replies to that oxygen thief :thumbs:
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