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Lambeth Council Watch - news and updates about the 'co-operative' council

The only Labour councillor I would vote for in Lambeth was Rachel Heywood, who had the audacity to go around wilfully representing the views of her constituency. Lambeth Labour quickly did their best to bully, cajole and pressure her into giving up, like the bunch of pathetic twats they are. So, no I won't be voting for Lambeth Labour because the same bunch of shitehawks are still in power. The notion of some sort of Corbyn-esque takeover from within seems pretty unlikely at present.

I will, however, be voting for Rachel if she stands as an independent.
Be quite good to get her back as an independent. Though I would like a guarantee she stayed independent!
I don’t remember that but it’s a good line to sum up socialism. Corbyn is no Blair. New labour fought tooth and nail to stop the left taking the leadership as you know, and he has consistently been on the right side of history. I have no doubt a left wing Labour Party Government will be a better deal for me than a Tory one and that’s the choice. Him and Mcdonnell are good guys and a million miles from Blair. The party’s massive and therefore a coalition of ideas and even of ideologies, but the blarites are well and truely marginalised, and for once In my lifetime there is a fighting chance of getting a socialist Prime Minister into No10. Surely it’s worth a try even if you are cynical

I agree with you on this. Im not a Labour party member myself but am on a couple of local community groups who meet Lambeth Cllrs / officers.

The mainstay of these groups are retired people. A couple of whom I know have rejoined Labour party due to Corybn. It's not him but what he represents. My experience of New Labour Cllrs is that they have nothing in common with a lot of local people. I've sat at meeting where, as someone else at the meeting said to me after one,these New Labour Cllrs don't treat old Labour community minded people with respect.

It's no exaggeration to say the Lambeth Coop Council is right wing. I think Coops are good idea. But the New Labour version is keeping the existing power structure intact, no challenge to them, and expecting hard pressed locals to run services. Even then if you try you are met with obstruction by officers, as in case of Grove Adventure playground.

This of course doesn't apply to New Labour pet projects like Pop. Pop sums up what the New Labour/ Progress Cllrs see as radical social policy.

I saw today Corybn getting stick for criticising the City. As Times headline said he wants to make London a Soviet city. He's being smeared with bring pro communist ( Czech spy). Corybn is no revolutionary. His , in reality, mild reforms at being met with outrage by the establishment. He should be supported imo.

He's brought back Class and Socialism back to the mainstream.This has resonated with a lot of people despite the ongoing persistent smears he has had to endure. And John McDonnell as well.
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I was reading Inside Croydon. Points out that it's not just New Labour/ right wing Cllrs that are the problem. Down in Croydon ex officer from Lambeth, a favourite with New Labour Lambeth, and now Chief executive is behaving as she did here in Lambeth.

The article mentions Sue Foster OBE and Sharpe. Both highly paid council officers who owe there whole careers in local government to New Labour.

It's not just a problem of the New Labour Cllrs but an entrenched highly paid bureaucracy , a small number, but who have great influence in policy.

Lambeth is showing the way with destruction of five estates

This I read today on Negrini. Now Chief executive in Croydon.. Some here might remember her as Brixton Town Centre manager. Read this and thought she is behaving in just the same aggressive way as she did when in Lambeth. Council leadership loved it as she got the job done. This is how one gets highly paid job in local government.

Councillors accuse Negrini of gagging them over The Godfather

Good report.

Does anyone know what the Council means by this?

Lambeth Council then admits that the Right to Return policy being put in place by Homes for Lambeth will lead to higher rents:

“The new rents will be still be target rents, although these will be higher than the previous rents because the properties will have a higher notional value feeding into the formula.”


Sounds like we the Council are bringing your homes up to decent standard so we are going to charge you more.

Council have already diverted money from the HRA to prop up there pet scheme "your" town hall.

The Council squirming over Mayor Khan ballot proposal is interesting on two levels.

The Progress led Council can't accuse Khan of being a paid up Corbynite supporter. Khan has rather cleverly positioned himself as not Nu Labour but not Corynite either.

Which rather leaves our New Labour dictatorship in a quandary.

Ballot on estate regeneration comes across as perfectly reasonable from Khan. This isn't some far left move.

The utter bollox Lambeth are now coming out with now. So it's a Co-op Council. But it's not if "wider" concerns can only be decided by Lambeth Cabinet. Why can't the Council drop the Coop Council concept? It's meaningless.Its rightly held up for ridicule.
The Council squirming over Mayor Khan ballot proposal is interesting on two levels.

The Progress led Council can't accuse Khan of being a paid up Corbynite supporter. Khan has rather cleverly positioned himself as not Nu Labour but not Corynite either.

Which rather leaves our New Labour dictatorship in a quandary.

Ballot on estate regeneration comes across as perfectly reasonable from Khan. This isn't some far left move.

The utter bollox Lambeth are now coming out with now. So it's a Co-op Council. But it's not if "wider" concerns can only be decided by Lambeth Cabinet. Why can't the Council drop the Coop Council concep? It's meaningless.Its rightly held up for ridicule.
It's a a new kind of co-op where the council makes the decisions for you!
Good report.

Does anyone know what the Council means by this?


Sounds like we the Council are bringing your homes up to decent standard so we are going to charge you more.

Council have already diverted money from the HRA to prop up there pet scheme "your" town hall.

The rents are going to be exactly what Cressingham residents said they would be 3 years ago, exactly what Lambeth Council have been claiming they won't be, for the last 3 years.
Complaints predicted to be down on last year, and 90% answered within timescales. That’s good performance. On occasions when I’ve had need to complain I have to say my complaint has been dealt wit effectively. Being one of the tens of thousands of tenants who’ve benefited from new bathroom and kitchen and improved communal areas, I’m looking forward to voting Labour again. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate the residents of the estates scheduled for rebuilding would feel very differently. That is the point with local elections - people tend to vote on the issues that affect them directly. I’ve worked for 2 Tory boroughs and know I’m better off under Labour. I remember what our estates were like under the Tory/liberals, as do do swathes of my neighbours which is why they always turn out In numbers to vote Labour. I choose to join the 1000’s of local party members battling the blairittes within Lambeth Labour as that is the best way to change Council course than hoping for anything other than a huge Labour majority again.
Complaints predicted to be down on last year, and 90% answered within timescales. That’s good performance. On occasions when I’ve had need to complain I have to say my complaint has been dealt wit effectively. Being one of the tens of thousands of tenants who’ve benefited from new bathroom and kitchen and improved communal areas, I’m looking forward to voting Labour again.
We had to wait 12 YEARS for our new bathroom. But of course, people on the estates like the Cressingham won't be offered that choice seeing as Labour are hell bent on demolishing their homes without their consent.
We had to wait 12 YEARS for our new bathroom. But of course, people on the estates like the Cressingham won't be offered that choice seeing as Labour are hell bent on demolishing their homes without their consent.
Cressingham estate demolition without resident consensus is terrible. It’s to prevent situations like this that nationally the party will be introducing estate ballots. But as I said people vote on local issues. A lot of residents in Waterloo, Vauxhall etc will be voting based on their own experiences, and many of us have had a very positive experience in terms of tenancy. If you regularly go canvassing in the borough for any party 2 points come up. One is that Hoey is incredibly popular on the estates because of her hard constituency work, and the same applies for ward councillors where the day to day case work comes into play at election time and provides the solid base of voters that ensure strong majorities for many of them despite the hard graft of the little parties.
Cressingham estate demolition without resident consensus is terrible. It’s to prevent situations like this that nationally the party will be introducing estate ballots. But as I said people vote on local issues. A lot of residents in Waterloo, Vauxhall etc will be voting based on their own experiences, and many of us have had a very positive experience in terms of tenancy. If you regularly go canvassing in the borough for any party 2 points come up. One is that Hoey is incredibly popular on the estates because of her hard constituency work, and the same applies for ward councillors where the day to day case work comes into play at election time and provides the solid base of voters that ensure strong majorities for many of them despite the hard graft of the little parties.
I want to vote Labour but I loathe the Blairite bunch of entrepreneur-worshipping careerists that make up Lambeth Labour.
I want to vote Labour but I loathe the Blairite bunch of entrepreneur-worshipping careerists that make up Lambeth Labour.
I totally get it, but I honestly believe the best way to replace them with an administraton that will be less ideologically blairitte, is to bolster the socialists fighting within the party and then replace them as selections come up over time. It’s working in other local Party’s, and we’re weakening their hold in Lambeth, but the blairittes still has the numbers to hold on to most councillor selections this time round. The local party is massive which is another reason why it’s highly unlikely any party can seriously challenge them in elections. The more right-minded people that join, then the sooner we can bring Vauxhall and streatham in line with other constituencies following Corbyn leadership
Cressingham estate demolition without resident consensus is terrible. It’s to prevent situations like this that nationally the party will be introducing estate ballots.

Unfortunately, Lambeth Labour in conjunction with Khan have now pretty much fucked over the promise to give residents ballots over their estates by signing off their demolition anyway without the need of a ballot.
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