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One follows the other. The council is not going to live in your flat, another tenant will.

If you think I'm twisting your words I'll put it another way. You have a problem with giving something back to a council that has provided you with something that a lot of people have to pay a lot more for.
Strange that you like to shift the blame on the tenants. Why isn't your concern more about the council not delivering on promises made over a decade ago? Why aren't you bothered with people having to use substandard bathrooms?

And I've given all I need to give back to the council by paying my rent and taxes promptly every week. Do you give your landlord bonus payments then?
Strange that you like to shift the blame on the tenants. Why isn't your concern more about the council not delivering on promises made over a decade ago? Why aren't you bothered with people having to use substandard bathrooms?

And I've given all I need to give back to the council by paying my rent and taxes promptly every week. Do you give your landlord bonus payments then?

I have said that is a concern. I have said that I do not agree with Lambeth's woefully bad budgeting. I do not work for the council and the way I voted last week (which, by the way, was neither Tory nor Blairite Labour) regrettably has had no impact. Nowhere have I said that I blame tenants for anything.

As for whether I give my landlord bonus payments, I'll repeat what I said last week:

[...] But everyone contributes to a community in their own way, be that through performing those essential jobs, raising children, volunteering to plant trees and tidy neighbourhoods, or paying taxes.

The difference between those contributions is that some are voluntary and others are not. If I could volunteer to pay less tax, would I? No, because I am lucky enough to have enough money to live in relative comfort and I believe that I have an obligation to ensure that the community in which I live, whether at a local, national or international level, is the best that it can be. I do not sit there and complain that I have paid enough to fund the maintenance of the roads only on which I cycle, or the collection of my wheelie bins alone, or the single visit that the police have paid to my house when it was burgled. I recognise that I must pay more, because I can, to ensure that our world is a better place in which everyone can live in comfort, health and happiness, even if there is no direct benefit to me. Should I stop donating to schools, universities or medial research on a regular basis because they have already received funding from me through taxes? No, because sometimes more is needed than what is provided by funding, regardless of whether that funding is (objectively) correctly or incorrectly allocated.

I have said that is a concern. I have said that I do not agree with Lambeth's woefully bad budgeting. I do not work for the council and the way I voted last week (which, by the way, was neither Tory nor Blairite Labour) regrettably has had no impact. Nowhere have I said that I blame tenants for anything.

As for whether I give my landlord bonus payments, I'll repeat what I said last week:
Seeing as you're so fond about lecturing people about you think they should do for the community perhaps you could tell us all here what your contribution is?
Seeing as you're so fond about lecturing people about you think they should do for the community perhaps you could tell us all here what your contribution is?

Above and beyond the fact that, as I said, I contribute tax in an amount greater than the direct benefits I receive and I give regularly to schools, universities and medical research, I help pay for facilities in the local park no longer covered by Lambeth, I give my time for free to coach sport and I have volunteered weekly at Citizens Advice centres for a number of years. Could I do more? Yes, probably. I love the community in which I live and I would like to do more to help. But when any attempt to challenge anything that is ever said is met with derision and dismissed out of hand as being filthy, priceless and Tory without any attempt at rational, mature debate, I am not sure that it wouldn't do more harm than good.

Well deflected, by the way.
Above and beyond the fact that, as I said, I contribute tax in an amount greater than the direct benefits I receive and I give regularly to schools, universities and medical research, I help pay for facilities in the local park no longer covered by Lambeth, I give my time for free to coach sport and I have volunteered weekly at Citizens Advice centres for a number of years. Could I do more? Yes, probably. I love the community in which I live and I would like to do more to help. But when any attempt to challenge anything that is ever said is met with derision and dismissed out of hand as being filthy, priceless and Tory without any attempt at rational, mature debate, I am not sure that it wouldn't do more harm than good.

Well deflected, by the way.
Deflected from what? You're the one pompously suggesting that council residents should either pay for their own, long-overdue bathroom renovations or fuck off to some place out of town where other poor people live.

Are you a Tory by they way? What you've posted here certainly suggest you're one.
As opposed to the old Tory "I won't pay to renovate my own bathroom just in case someone else in need might be able to benefit from it in the future" argument, you mean?

Lambeth Council received £480 million to refurbish their entire stock under the "Decent Homes" initiative. Rather than doing so, they invented their own - spurious - "Lambeth Homes Standard" and proceeded to overpay for basic upgrades to decades-old kitchens, bathrooms and heating systems. This isn't a case of someone feeling entitled to something, it's a case of being entitled, but not receiving your entitlement because your local authority is run by a bunch of corrupt red Tories.
Deflected from what? You're the one pompously suggesting that council residents should either pay for their own, long-overdue bathroom renovations or fuck off to some place out of town where other poor people live.

Are you a Tory by they way? What you've posted here certainly suggest you're one.

Deflected from the original point, but that was perhaps unjust because it is relevant. I apologise.

At the risk of repeating myself, I agree that the council should have done the renovations. I agree that council tenants shouldn't have to pay for the renovations. I do not want "poor people" to have to "fuck off" anywhere. I have already made my views on these points clear and your constant reversion to a polarised all or nothing view shows that there is no point going over the arguments I have already made because they are in shades of grey and shades of grey apparently do not matter. I imagine also that everyone else is bored of reading our fight and the fact that nobody appears to have agreed with anything I have said suggests this forum probably isn't the place to voice any of my opinions.

I am pretty sure that everybody, be they a council tenant, private tenant or homeowner, would like some improvement to be made to their accommodation. On each of these categories, assuming the essential prerequisite (common to all three categories) to have available funds, I would imagine that: (a) Private tenants have the least incentive to fund any sort of home improvements, given that they are paying rent at market rate to a private individual operating (presumably) solely for profit; (b) Council tenants may feel that they have enough money to fund renovations and are happy to do so on the basis that they will derive benefit from it and recognise that we rarely in life get back directly exactly what we put in. My issue, as I have repeatedly said, is with a council tenant (with available spare funds) who complains about renovations not being done by the council (which is a perfectly valid complaint given the council's broken promises, fiscal mismanagement and, as just mentioned, its spurious Lambeth Homes Standard) and refuses to do something on the basis that they have already given exactly enough to the council and should not contribute a penny more; and (c) Homeowners speak for themselves.

I have never voted Tory (either locally or nationally) and cannot see myself doing so any time soon. If I looked hard there is probably a Tory policy that I agree with to a greater degree than a comparably policy offered by Labour or another party, but by the same token there are myriad other policies offered by parties other than Tories with which I identify more closely. I therefore do not identify with any of the mainstream parties. There are some aspects of fiscal conservatism that I agree with, but a lot with which I disagree given that I would claim to be socially liberal.
Seeing as you're so fond about lecturing people about you think they should do for the community perhaps you could tell us all here what your contribution is?

Ed I think mjd is trolling the boards. I checked the profile only a few posts on this thread since joining.

Mjd is deliberately winding you up.

Mjd isn't worth engaging with. I tried. Mjd just wants to have a go at you.
Does trolling now extend to offering any opinion that doesn’t conform to the established leftist nature of the board?

I have used these boards as a source of local information for a long time. It is true that I post rarely, but for some reason the comments made on this thread and the out of hand dismissal of any alternate view as wholly wrong really got to me.

I have sought to answer each and every argument as well as I am able. If editor feels as though I have picked on him, perhaps I have. But I disagreed with him and didn’t see why I shouldn’t stand my ground.

As I said, it is clear that anyone with my views or a desire to engage in debate with those that may disagree with them is unwelcome on this board. I shall leave you all to your saintly ways and genuinely hope that editor gets his new bathroom.
Does trolling now extend to offering any opinion that doesn’t conform to the established leftist nature of the board?
Trolling can be deliberately misquoting and misrepresenting a poster's view, just like you've done with me.
And every time someone else has quoted me it has been 100% accurate and without unwarranted generalisation or twisting?
And every time someone else has quoted me it has been 100% accurate and without unwarranted generalisation or twisting?
You piled into this community board and immediately went on the offensive, insisting that council tenants like me should either pay out of personal savings to have long-overdue, long-promised bathroom renovations or "make a choice to rent a privately-owned property that is further out of the city centre."

What gave you the right to start telling people what to do with their hard-earned savings or tell them they should move out of town to make way for richer people?
As I said, clearly debate and difference of opinion are not valued here.
You made it personal from the start, so this 'hard done by' whining isn't really going to cut it. If you wanted a polite discussion, you should have tried showing some respect to the community you've just turned up at.
Does trolling now extend to offering any opinion that doesn’t conform to the established leftist nature of the board?

I have used these boards as a source of local information for a long time. It is true that I post rarely, but for some reason the comments made on this thread and the out of hand dismissal of any alternate view as wholly wrong really got to me.

I have sought to answer each and every argument as well as I am able. If editor feels as though I have picked on him, perhaps I have. But I disagreed with him and didn’t see why I shouldn’t stand my ground.

As I said, it is clear that anyone with my views or a desire to engage in debate with those that may disagree with them is unwelcome on this board. I shall leave you all to your saintly ways and genuinely hope that editor gets his new bathroom.

Local authorities have a regulatory obligation as well as a statutory duty, with regard to the upkeep of their properties. This includes a duty to renew bathroom and kitchen furniture at 25-30 yr intervals; to decorate 1 room per year of tenants over 65, over a 5 yr cycle; to renew windows and doors at a 25-30 yr interval, etc etc.

Personally, I don't object to different views, only to ill-informed ones. A majority of council tenants are aware of these rights, as well as being aware of the fact that their local authorities often abrogate those rights due to financial pressures. Central govt's "Decent Homes Standard" initiative was an acknowledgment of this.
And what a beauty it looks now :facepalm:


Ivor House luxury apartments open up as part of Lambeth’s Nu Town Hall project
Looks like it is Cllr Jacqui Dyer and Cllr Ed Davie - Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care: job share.

Good luck with one half of that partnership...

I see Jack Hopkins is back with deputy leadership post. His blog has been dormant recently. I wonder if he will know restart it. One of his gems from his blog
Regeneration is often seen through the eyes of cynics who are quick to criticise ‘gentrification’ but ignore the benefits. If ‘gentrification’ means cleaner streets and safer estates then I’m all for it.

Whose future is it anyway? Get involved or lose out….
Regeneration is often seen through the eyes of cynics who are quick to criticise ‘gentrification’ but ignore the benefits. If ‘gentrification’ means cleaner streets and safer estates then I’m all for it.

But, there is a deafening silence from those who stand to benefit most; people in need of affordable housing, access to jobs and business opportunities, safer public spaces and more culture and leisure
Because there's been so much truly affordable housing being built in Brixton and all that spin about the thousand council homes they were building turned out to be a whole load of bullshit and lies....
Has anyone tried the Lambeth data protection wanky update?

When you have answered all their questions it then demands you select your postcode from an approved Lambeth list. Seems like you are not allowed to over or undershoot. As my postcode is SW9 8SE I am actually almost at the end of a list of about 1000 postcodes which is a mega pain.

When all is completed to Lambeth's satisfaction you are then offered the possibility of signing up for an infinite variety of other boroughs - plus The Insolvency Service - more to the point with Lib Peck and pals in charge of the council!
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