Democracy, Lambeth style Lambeth Council Leader Cllr Peck resists move for Labour party members to democratically elect her
Wonder what people make of the Lambeth Pension Fund annual report?
https://moderngov.lambeth.gov.uk/documents/s96370/2.1 Appendix One LBL Pension Fund Annual Report 2017-18_DRAFT_19-06-2018 to Auditors.pdf
As one who will be relying on the state old age pension without the assistance of rate-payer financed additions I can only say I'm a bit jealous - especially as the trustees seem to have achieved a 2.4% pa increase for the retired Lambeth council workers/bureaucrats/chief executives as opposed to such pleasures as the 75p state pension increase awarded by Gordon Brown in 1999!
you mean do I have emails, payslips etc?? No. I know about it because I was told about it by someone who in addition to redundancy & pension lump sum also trowsered an extra three months salary when they left, having agreed the leaving date well in advance, but not receiving the actual letter until two to three days before going off into the sunset. I was told this is not unusual, I suspect that if your role is well down the food chain it doesn't happen though.Do you have any detail on that?
What I wondered was exactly how many people are benefiting from these pension investments. Presumably those elite officers on £150,000 p.a. will be most concerned.Here is a useful little 'fiddle' that Lambeth officers get up to, not sure how far down the chain it goes, I've known a couple of people on £50k+ that have had it applied to them.
If you manage to negotiate voluntary redundancy and are subject to three months notice you would assume that you get given your notice, work for three months and off you go.
What actually happens is that you negotiate an unofficial date to go, however far ahead it is, possibly several months but you don't get given your notice until the day before the agreed departure date, result, three months extra salary, that'll do nicely thank you!!
Not if you have an a leaving date agreed four months in advance when your notice period is three months and you only get your notice a day or so before you leave.Oh wait, this is voluntary early release. Redundancy plus notice period is normal and is not only for senior staff.
If they were made redundant and the letter said "as of x date", would you not normally get the normal paid notice period on top or is redundancy pay supposed to cover that as well? Did they say this was an under the table agreement or that the agreement date was formal?
I'm only asking as this is third hand source reporting and could be mixed redundancy and gardening leave based on what you've said, or that they were tipped off about future redundancies. I guess it hangs off how formal the leaving date agreement was. If you take that bit out of the story, redundancy pay plus three months salary for a short notice termination wouldn't seem unfair.
Not sure what the pension lump sum has to do with it though; is that not a separate matter for them and their pension provider?
Not if you have an a leaving date agreed four months in advance when your notice period is three months and you only get your notice a day or so before you leave.
Indeed. a case of Lambeth officers doing some self-inflating. I'm aware of two instances a couple of years ago & I'm told it was normal. Those I know of would have cost them (Lambeth) itr of £30k.Spam is right wing troll. Not worth bothering with.
It is - but these motions for debate at the end of council meetings have always been a bit of posturing like an tacky imitation of the Oxford Union debates. Particularly as by the time the motions are debated there is nobody there to notice.
Lambeth REALLY don't give a shit about their residents
Lambeth Council refuses to allow a ballot for estate regeneration residents as Labour group votes down Green party Motion
“The Leader of the Labour Party, The Mayor of London and local Labour groups have all declared support for ballots. So, this really should not be controversial, and I hope will garner cross party support from Lambeth’s newly elected Cooperative council.
Looks like Cold Harbour will be having a by election, with the sad passing of one of the councillors over the weekend. I wonder if Rachel will run?
I wish she would.Looks like Cold Harbour will be having a by election, with the sad passing of one of the councillors over the weekend. I wonder if Rachel will run?
I very much doubt it. I think she has had enough.
Plus she got on with Parr and Donatus. Im guessing but don't think she would want to stand to try to take his place.
An apology to the Lambeth Labour Chief Whip from Ferndale Cllr Irfan Mohammed after a Facebook post appeared to suggest that Jewish people were behind 9/11.